May Creator help me protect the children

in ungrip •  6 years ago  (edited)

My friend @cecicastor informed me that yesterday men with guns shot into a crowd of children during a festival in the capital of Nicaragua.  The government is reporting that 5 or 6 children were killed and I don't know how many were injured.  The local hospital and health care facilities have now been closed to the public.  The situation in Nicaragua continues to deteriorate as there is speculation that the president is very ill or perhaps even passed away.  

I also read yesterday that Israel solders shot into protesting crowds yesterday killing 60.  It is heart breaking to witness all the killing.  The morale of those who empathize and work for peace is tough to maintain when we realize that these reports are not unique.  The killing is happening all over the world every single day!

What can I do about it?  At times I feel powerless to do anything about it.  What can a single man or woman do?  How does my belief that 'I AM responsible' for everything in my life help stop the murders and violence, no matter whether they are state sanctioned or not?  

Let me express clearly that one individual CAN make a difference and when millions of those individuals take action, we apply the greatest influence on those who choose violence.  I've dedicated my life for peace and my wife & I have taken actions that many would consider extreme and crazy.  What is crazy and extreme is paying taxes and participating in the war machine that does the killing, enslaving and thieving.  What is extreme is saying nothing and yet we sit in our arm chairs screaming at the TV and shaking our heads.  There is no way that I will give my energy to anybody that engages in violence, murder and theft.  I refuse to participate with that level of evil behaviour.  We engage in peaceful non-compliance to ensure that we are not a party to violence of any kind, but especially to children.

But just sitting here in our earthship is not enough.  Rebuking those that engage in violent behaviour is also necessary.  My silence means that I consent to what is unfolding around me, so I make sure that I am not silent.  People probably get tired of hearing me talk about violence but that will not stop until the violence stops.  I will continue to rebuke all those who participate in the slaughter.  That goes right from the guys with the guns, pulling the triggers, to those who give the orders, to those who made the weapons, to those who fund it all - Mr. & Mrs Joe Q Citizen!  That includes those who engage in the overt violence that we see on our screens each day and those that try to hide their covert violence in the bedrooms as well.  

But speaking up is not enough either.  Some of those people who engage in violence really do want to change and find peace within themselves.  It is our duty and responsibility to help them heal and find that peace.  That requires a lot of work, effort and training to help facilitate that healing process.  While we cannot force this step upon them, we must stand and be vigilant, ready to take action when ever they approach us of their own free will, asking for help to heal.  If we fail to fulfill that healing process, their violent ways will continue to unfold and we have failed our brothers and sisters.  When we help them heal and find peace, love, forgiveness and acceptance within, we have another brother or sister joining our ranks to help pass on the healing to others.  

Life is not a spectator sport.  Life requires action, participation, dedication and commitment to the ideals that we all desire but seem unable to obtain.  Those ideals are indeed obtainable and we do make a difference when we fully participate in life.  This is not for the privileged as this work is painful, difficult and most rewarding.  I dragged myself out of the mud of despair over 17 years ago when I healed from my depression, suicide attempts and violent abusive behaviours.  Now I crawl right back into the muck to help others do the same.  If your privilege demands that you remain clean, then your contempt is culpable. 

This is a dirty, dark and difficult aspect of life.  But if we are not willing to do what it takes to teach peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love, then we will continue to be a witness to children being mowed down on our TV screens each night.  What is their life worth?  Is it worth making sacrifices ourselves to help prevent that shit from happening?  

A little check box on a piece of paper every 4 years does NOT stop the wars.  Getting off the couch, withdrawing from the war machine and getting to work is what is required.  I know of a team of volunteers who work hard to help teach peace, freedom and healing.  I will be joining them this weekend to help people heal and find peace, non-violence, love, acceptance, forgiveness and joy.  We are taking action in our little corner of this planet we all call home.  

I have no doubt that others are doing the same all over this beautiful world.  I have faith that in time we will manifest a rise in consciousness never seen on this planet in thousands of years.  We will change the world and it will look nothing like it does now.  We are the harbingers of peaceful change and it will disrupt the entire machine.  The process will be chaotic for those who depend on the fictional constructs that are in place at this moment.  

To find peace requires that we all return to mother earth and provide for our own needs as the system that nearly everyone currently depends on cannot survive the coming changes.  Violence is no longer tolerated on this planet of peace.  I don't care if it is legal or not.

I'm angry and hurting.  I will use that pain to move forward with the ideals that I've been sharing for well over a decade upon those to scared to confront themselves and make the changes.  I will stand for all the lives that have been taken as a result of violence, abuse, war and greed.  I love you.  I forgive you.  I will do what I can to help you.  However, just as I AM 100% responsible for my own life, you are 100% responsible for yours.  

I rebuke all forms of violence, justified, legalized or authorized.  I have made great sacrifices in the past for peace.  That sacrifice has not changed and will continued to be paid as I walk this path of peace.  I do so for the next seven generations!

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I was just scrolling though my feed and found lots of ... not necessarily trivia, but pretty close. I mean some of it were genuine "shares" regarding people's lives. I was kind of questioning the value of Steemit. Then came across @foxyspirit 's post ... kind of a cry for help and then yours. Brought me back to "reality" such as it is. So I'll rethink what I'm doing here and in life and see what I can realistically do. I think you know I've fostered 4 boys from terrible homes. Perhaps of all the things I've done in life, that was one of the most important. And I still play an important role in their lives. One of the things I was questioning of myself is that I sit here for hours, usually, each day trying to build a presence and future. And for me that is very important, but I want what I do to be of value to others too. Hmnn... kind of at a crossroads here. Well, just rambling now, but thats part of the process too.

Much respect for your efforts to bring peace to the world. Blessings.

I have great respect for you my friend. It is rare to find somebody who can look inwards and question what he sees with such objective sight. That shows wisdom and courage. Thank you for being so vulnerable and honest with your writings. I think you asked some very pointed and important questions that we all need to reflect upon.

Why are we here on Steemit?

I know for me, it was the openness of the platform. My message gets blocked on other platforms, so this allowed me to voice my views without censorship. It is not about the currency, but instead about the relationships that I can form with others like yourself. To influence the direction that our relationships are heading towards is important. Do we want to just go with the flow? I think that flow is speeding up due to the gigantic cliff. We could swim against the flow, but that takes a tremendous amount of energy. The experts say to swim with the flow while angling oneself towards the shore. It takes time, but it ensures that our chances are much higher. I look forward to the day when I can stand on the shore and start throwing life lines to help others get out of the water.

That is what I'm doing here. I have a life purpose and that is what I work hard to do ... even though I piss off a lot of people. This activity is not great for profits and popularity. If I was in it for the money I would have abandoned my principles long ago for the cash. But I did not do that. I'm glad that you are asking yourself the tough questions. Peace to you.

I have to tell you that if we come through the coming darkness I fully expect the ones who will rise up and push forward within a new paradigm of peace and self-responsibility, along with community and a sense of communion with the earth, will be people just like you. i've thought quite a bit about humanities future and I think if we are to survive it will require transformation. Some few will be like Moses, leading others to the promised land. If things progress as I think they might, then I'll see you there on the shores of a new era, staff in hand, ready to part the waves of ignorance.

I think we have a while yet before we get to that point. Lots of work to do in the mean time. I don't see myself in the same crowd as Moses. Instead, I will do what I can, lead by example and help the best way I can. While I do have a staff, I agree that I will do my best to part the waves of ignorance! I am humbled by your words my friend. The weight is heavy on my heart.

Keep the staff handy!

Though my tears I type. Teach your children well. I have influence with two of my Grand children They are interested in my thoughts and point of view. I speak with them about a peaceful path in life. They ask many questions. One evening the ten year old entered the room I was in reading one of your posts.@wwf He was reading it also, he asked me what a narcissist is. We looked up the meaning together. He spoke of a few individuals who exhibit this behavior. He has an understanding of the word. After reading your post he said that guy is smart. Your words have influence across generations. This is the post apparently I was so involved in our conversation I forgot to up vote it. May Creator Grant me the wisdom and courage to protect the Children of the world.

The situation in Israel right now literally brings me to tears, and makes me want to scream in frustration all at once. I see so much enthusiasm about the embassy move and so much apathy about the violence and humanitarian crisis less than 40 miles away. By my moral code, it is never okay to kill other people under any circumstances, unless strictly in self defense (and I mean like, this person is literally coming up to you or your loved one with a life threatening weapon, individually). There is absolutely no reason that soldiers should be firing into an unarmed crowd. But what is even sadder is that this is not an isolated incident at all. This is happening everywhere. These cycles in history repeat themselves, and you're right, a little check mark next to a box once every four years does not fix it. Apathy does not fix it.

Beautiful post. Very thought provoking.

Words escape me, but your post has made me question what I can personally do to bring the message to my circle. If each person who reads these types of posts, or watches videos with these messages or gets an email about these atrocities just shares it with 10 people. We can reach the world.

I heard Larken Rose @larkenrose say that if each person who knows these truths can bring a change of mindset to at least three people each year, and each of those do the same, we can reach the whole world in a very short time. The quicker we do it, the sooner it happens. Peace to the world.

Life is not a spectator sport. Life requires action, participation, dedication and commitment to the ideals that we all desire but seem unable to obtain. Those ideals are indeed obtainable and we do make a difference when we fully participate in life. This is not for the privileged as this work is painful, difficult and most rewarding.

This momma bear stands beside you. I could not agree more.
My heart hurts, i get so frustrated, and angry. I weep. I often wish i could do more. All i feel ican do, is hold the light. Hold space. Continue a peaceful journey with creator and mother earth. Connect with like hearteds. Have hope that it will ripple through and touch others.
Thank you for sharing your heart.

People aren't dying in your country? At least the Palestinian deaths get reported but hopefully we can stop murders, drug overdoses and suicides around the world.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

People do die here. I said:

The killing is happening all over the world every single day!

That is why I do everything I can to not participate in it, rebuke those who do and I step up to help people who want to heal and change their ways. My entire blog is dedicated to ending violence, healing and living a peaceful, non-violent life.

And to be clear, a 'country' is a fictional construct that functions using feudalistic properties founded on violence and coercion. So I no longer participate in that construct as a result.

Been getting a slew of new channel subscribers since posting my original post, many who appear to be... um... questionable so Pardon the edit but removing my vids untill I create a channel that isin't for family memories to share our healing project.

Best wishes and much love always

Some of those people who engage in violence really do want to change and find peace within themselves. It is our duty and responsibility to help them heal and find that peace.

There are a few in positions here that have stated they want peace. The military here has now backed down and said they will not support the president or this government in any more violence. Our problem now is the para-military forces that have been brought into the country and are working directly for them. These people ooze hatred and violence. Violence begets more violence. Hopefully, more people will want to stop the violence and heal, but until then everyone is hurting.

I understand how you feel @wwf. The world is is becoming unpalatable to live in as we get unpleasant headlines almost every day. Here in Nigeria, Boko haram terrorists are killing people in North-East while fulani killer herdsmen are going about destroying people's lives and properties. I do wonder if these people have conscience at all. No one has the right to take someone else's life irrespective of the offense or belief system. I also stand against inter-ethnic demonstrations. I am an advocate for peace.

It's heartbreaking how man's inhumanity to man keeps manifesting in this way so many seem to think that "their way" can only exist by eliminating anyone — or anything — that represents "not their way."

We go forth and claim we value (as a species) the sanctity of life, and yet our actions often demonstrate that we do nothing of the sort. There are no easy answers, of course... but we CAN choose to life our own lives through a path of right action and being the example, and we can choose to shine the light on "bad actors" and not sit in judgment, but simply shine the light and ask others "Are you OK with this?"

Simple awareness — getting people to remove heir collective heads from the sand — can be an important step towards better days.

Bright Blessings!

Hey @wwf love your message sir, we can take action by withdrawing our support of the system and showing others a different way to live. If you support the liberty growth of crypto's I'd ask you to check out If you hold EOS you can help them become a block producer and steer EOS development in a positive direction.

My whole blog is about withdrawing from the system and connecting with Mother Earth and each other. Crypto's are a tool to help with that transition. I won't be clicking on your link. Sorry. I also don't hold EOS either. I'm here as this is a platform that is decentralized, distributed and NOT censored. So my platform can be shared without big brother interference. The currency actually has a minimal concern for me. That is why I started the Stewards of Terra Mater. I delegate most of my steem to other people as I don't need it myself. All in an attempt to encourage and support others who are living off grid, homesteading or working on their spiritual growth. Peace to you.

Hey no worries..... that's awesome brother! Peace to you as well, really love your mission and message.

oh, no!!!!!!!!
my almighty GOD please help us..
save all children......

If you are asking GOD to help, what actions are you taking that require help? Care to share the initiatives that you are involved in to end violence, heal, bring forgiveness and manifest peace?

oh yes,,,
I will try my best...
thank you.

Stop this crime.
A children like a flower.........

What are you doing to 'stop this crime'. Care to share with the group the actions you have taken to not participate in the violence, rebuke those who engage in violence and help heal people?

what a creativity!! lol

I don't think you comprehended anything I just wrote about. How about you put some effort into your work, read and add value to the conversation instead! This is no laughing matter.


I'm sorry, but I don't comprehend the meaning of your post. Can you explain it please and how it relates to the subject matter of the post I wrote?

thats really great information

For this crime problems queue all over the country, we should all stop crime