My 'Exit' Stratagy

in ungrip •  7 years ago 

All relationships within this physical realm will end at one point in time or another.  This reality hit me hard when I was learning this lesson during my recover.  It is profound as it helped me to take risks when it comes to entering into new relationships, knowing that there will be pain no matter what happens.  So now I explore the benefits of those relationships knowing full well that it comes with feelings that hurt as well.  It helped me put it all into perspective.

Some of my paternal grandfathers brothers and sisters.  circa 1940's

People die, move away, have differences of opinion or even drift apart, such as what happened with my 4 great aunts and uncles in this picture.  Makes no difference how it happens, but when it does, we are faced with the pain and mourning process.  I accept this process and embrace it now where in the past I avoided it at all costs.  I'm no longer afraid of the pain of loss.  

There are two relationships that I want to cover in this post, my relationship with the state and with my vessel as these two relationships seems to be the hardest to deal with. The strategies for ending my relationship with each are very different.

Ending my relationship with the state

The vast majority of my blog is dedicated to this relationship and if you want to learn more or put this post into context, then you have a lot of catching up to do.  :)  Before I could end my relationship with the state, I had to recognize that I was completely dependent on it.  So the first step was to move off grid and become as independent as possible.  That meant growing my own food, building shelter, collecting water, treating waste and all the other things that I've written about in regards to off-grid living.  

I've witness many people working at removing themselves from the state but failing to take this first basic step.  Then they struggle or even starve because they are not capable of taking care of themselves without the state or its corporate minions.  This is a basic first step for freedom and it is not something that can be ignored or worked on later.  Only when one is capable of looking after their vessel can they then move onto the next step.

Saying good bye to the state is a monumental process and involves ceremony as it is the day we become an adult.  At that point we must declare the law form that we are going to govern ourselves under, otherwise we default to the default law form ... the state.  But most importantly, it is critical that we declare peace and be peaceful in all our relationships from this point forward.  The state is at war and will go to war against anybody who chooses violence or other hostile acts.  But when we declare peace, we step outside of their mandate.  By putting them on notice that we will no longer provide feudal service the state revokes all tenures and we are free go govern ourselves and provide for our needs.  That is why living off grid is such an important step.

It is up to us to refuse all benefits and privileges from the state once we make this choice.  The moment we accept a benefit or privilege, we have sworn an oath of fealty to them and we are sucked right back into their feudal jurisdiction.  I went as far as to close out my bank accounts as well.  I receive no mail as there are no more accounts setup under the persons name.  I sent all the documents back to the state as well.  I am not in possession of a birth certificate, drivers license, health care card, social insurance number, passport, etc.  I sent it all back as it was not mine to begin with.  All those documents are the property of the state and as such, I returned their property to them.  Give unto Caesar what is Caesars!  Any correspondence I got from the state is then sent back, a process I'll write about in a future post.  

My law form is to love my neighbour as my self and to love Creator with all my heart, soul and mind.  That requires that I love myself, declare peace and be peaceful!  That is the foundation for my life ever since I made my declaration in April 2008.  The thing about this relationship is that I am ending it of my own free will.  I said goodbye because it is abusive and not healthy in more ways than I can count.  This is a huge contract with my relationship with my vessel as it is now very healthy, respectful and desired completely!

Planning for the day I say goodbye to my vessel

Now that I'm no longer working for the state, I can focus all my energy into providing for my family.  I know that one day my vessel will return to Mother Earth and I will move on to my next adventure.  So my outlook on life has changed significantly.  For me, it makes absolutely no sense that my two sons have to get jobs, apply for mortgages to get a home, go into debt and enslave themselves just to follow the 'dream'.  This utopian vision that the government sold us all is nothing more than a nightmare of slavery and servitude.  

My wife and I dedicated our lives to building a domain that is available to the family no matter what happens.  We will not sell the domain in order to retire as it is not ours to sell.  In fact, we are working on having the title and land patents dissolved so that the land returns to Creator so that we can be proper stewards of this land.  No bank can take it away.  That way our boys can build upon what we built so that their lives are easier as they don't have to start over.  Every generation starts over and it is no wonder that we don't seem to get a head.  This is a lesson we can all learn from the uber rich.  They don't make their kids start over.  Their kids inherit an empire and continue the family benefits.  

For my family, if anything goes wrong, they always have a sanctuary to return to.  My youngest is out there exploring the world and working hard.  But he has a safety net far more valuable than what the state provides.  So now he can take some risks and he seems to have found his footing now as he explore the outside world.  

Over the last 11 years, my wife and I have worked hard to build the infrastructure we needed in order to provide for our basic needs.  Now I must focus on simplifying the process to ensure she or anybody else can take over in the event that my vessel dies.  I don't want anybody to be dependent upon me and so it is my responsibility to ensure that everyone out here can take over at any time.  I think we do a great disservice to others by doing things for them.  It detracts from their capacity to maintain their independence.  Husbands have done this to their wives for years and I even now of some wives that do this to their husbands.  A loving relationship will demand that we don't jeopardize the independence of our spouse.  

Now it is my job to prepare the domain so that even when I'm gone, my wife and family can maintain their independence.  This domain is not mine to sell and profit from.  It belongs to Creator and my family has dedicated their lives to being proper stewards of this land. I pray that leading by example rubs off on my sons and when they have families they will return here to raise them and steward this land for their families with the idea of keeping this place viable for at least 7 generations!  

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I have just discovered you @wwf, I should say I am really impressed about work you have done at yourself, you are a very strong person and your words "I'm no longer afraid of the pain of loss" prove it. As for me, I am much weaker, I am afraid to lose my parents one day because they are not young anymore. I understand that I should be happy with each day as they are with me right now but still can`t get rid off this fear. What about your independence from the state...I think you reached a lot for 11 years. I agree with you that freedom is very important for every person. The state just enslaves and supresses the personality in everybody. We are just machines for work for it and for taking money from us. I live in Ukraine, we have a war here, people die every day and nobody cares about it. I grow my own food too but still is very dependent, especially in everything connected with papers, banks. Let me express my respect for you, you are a great person and God bless you! I am sorry for my mistakes, English is not my native language.

I am grateful that you found my blog. One of the things that really helped me is realizing that I AM a spiritual being in command of this physical vessel. When I realized that, I also recognized that the same goes for all those that I love. That means that when their vessel dies, they move on. They don't actually die but instead spirit takes all the experiences, knowledge and wisdom and moves onto their next adventure. So I mourn the loss of the relationship but find joy in knowing that they have been freed from their physical bonds and have moved on. A great celebration and ceremony is in order with such a momentous milestone. Death is not the end but merely a transition. If you are really interested in my work, then my first book will be of interest to you. I have it here on steemit as well.

I'm in the process of writing two other books which is also here on steemit. But this is a good place to start. It may answer a lot of questions that you are asking. I pray it helps. Thank you for writing and I pray that Creator blesses you and all those around you with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.

This post of yours just motivated to finally go and look for your book. Good that it is free! I was expecting to pay for it. I'll pay with an upvote. Cheers!

Thank you so much for your answer, this view of death really helps to accept the death of close people easier, if we believe in God, we should believe that our existense does not cease with the death of the physical body. I will begin reading your book with pleasure, it is always nice to meet people you can learn wisom from, I also follow you now and will be waiting for your next posts.

A man does not die of love or his liver or even of old age; he dies of being a man. It is an admitted fact that life is mortal. Everyone has to back whatever they situation may be. In QURAN God says

Every soul shall taste death...

My Father died in 2001 and it took me almost 9 years to admit this fact. That was the most depressed part of my life but yes everyone has to go back :(

Life is to short to hate, life is too short for anger, life is really short for war but life is enough to spread Peace and Humanity.

A very famous Urdu Poet Jaun Elia says

You are worthy, you are Beautiful
But the fact is we shall die all !!!

One more thing My Best Friend @wwf you stay or not, but remember; your Teachings , Your Efforts, Your Values, Your Morality will definitely remain alive for more than 7 generations. You are going to live forever in the hearts of Steemians and the People around you for sure.

Very beautifully stated my friend. To be clear, the majority of what I share is not my teachings but rather the teachings of those who have come before me. Their morality and ethics have lived on over many generations and I have found within myself to live a life based on those teachings. I've been influenced by the likes of Christ, Gandhi and even many indigenous leaders within Treaty 6. I believe that I am unique in that my wife and I are one of the first to put it all together in a life style that has been noticed by people all around the world. I share openly in the hopes that the energy and spirit of what we are doing spreads and that it survives for more than 7 generations. We plant seeds and I have no doubt that what grows will look very different than even what we have done. I look forward to being a witness to what manifests as a result. Thank you for your kind and generous words. I pray that we influence many to contemplate a path of peace, freedom, prosperity, joy, love and proper stewardship!

I feel blessed and I look forward to my return home after this journey is completed.

It is also the matter of respect that you are always very shy if someone praise your work, you are such a down & humble Person seriously. You really don't want fame rather you just want a Peaceful Society for which I am supporting you and i will support you till my last breath My Friend.

No doubt work of Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and many other greats is Really Really beyond the limit of standards. I share openly in the hopes that the energy and spirit of what we are doing spreads and that it survives for more than 7 generations.

Man has effort in is his hands only, It is God Who blesses His creatures. You learnt from your and i elders and i am learning these myths of life from you. I promise you i shall pass it to other human beings too for sure.

I feel blessed too that God blessed me an Author like you. Whose aims are really high to make this Globe a Welfare Society as whole <3

Stay Strong My Friend :)

Indeed, in the end this is God's work through our hands and it is up to each individual to accept the duty and responsibility for doing that work. It is not easy work and for the most part people advocate their responsibility in exchange to having an 'easier' life being looked after by the state. But it is not actually easier, but an illusion and a lie. By picking up the duty to self-govern and be a proper steward of Mother Earth, we embrace the duty to ensure all life prospers on this planet and that includes ALL LIFE. I am excited that this idea is starting to take hold in the hearts and minds of people all over this planet. I am truly excited to see what unfolds as we witness a paradigm shift of global proportions. I am blessed that you have accepted that duty and are working on the same goals in your corner of the planet. It matters not which book we study as the root messages are all the same. <3 Peace to you brother.

Indeed My Friend,

By picking up the duty to self-govern and be a proper steward of Mother Earth, we embrace the duty to ensure all life prospers on this planet and that includes ALL LIFE

I am really hoping for the best that one day the scenario will be changed and whole world become a Welfare Society for everyone without the difference of Cast, Creed or Color.

100% agreed upon this as well

It matters not which book we study as the root messages are all the same

This is so well said, I am quite amazed!! I think it's a lovely to idea to assist others in a way that allows them to be independent. To be able to completely run something of the sort on their own. I have not yet figured out my path to living off grid... but I've had this intention in my heart for ages. My son lives with his grandparents currently, and I do not think my priority lies in taking off to go there, until he can either be with me there, or they all can... Perhaps I will work on presenting the idea to the family :O

You may be interested in my post a few months ago regarding rebuilding the multi-generational family.

My blog really is three books laying out the whole process we took. If you start at the beginning you may find some ideas to help you with the process.

Thank you for sharing, I will definitely check it out ^_^

Please share how you are working on the title and land patents dissolved so no bank can take it away. I am very interested in knowing how. Thank you!

Working on it. When I figure it out I will share. It involves removing the land from the demesne of the crown.

Thank you for sharing this story from your own life @wwf. I am sure that such stories help a lot when people have some problems in life and difficult periods. It is useful to read that people went through many difficulties but still did not give up and achieved their goal at the end. My mom used to say that the path to the stars is always through thorns. It is sad I sometimes forget about it but such stories as yours motivates me and makes move forward. I think that it is impossible to be a personality without inner freedom but unfortunately the state tries to kill this personality in us. It is more comfortable for the state when all people are like a herd living by rules imposed by others, when all people have the same thoughts. We live like in cages but we deserve to create our own life because only we are the masters of it. It is great that you could leave this cage, only a strong person is able to do it. I am not surprised that many people tried to do it too but failed. It is easier for people to go with the stream and complain than to take everything into their own hands and to change their life. To my shame I act like this very often too but I am not an ideal and i will continue working at myself. I am really grateful for this story, it made me think about many things in my own life, I follow you and will continue reading your posts and get life knowledge from them.

My dear friend, my life has been full of many thorns as your mom so accurately suggested. It is easier to look back and reflect than it is to look forward and persevere. I still have lots of lessons to learn myself, but I pray that as we all share our stories, insights and experiences, the journey won't be so lonely as we all recognize that we have similar challenges and life lessons along the way. Forgive yourself and move forward one step at a time and you will venture far along your journey! May Creator bless you along the way with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.

Every post that you write inspires me! You speak of legacy, but without the ego. I love this concept! I have often said to my husband that it would be so much better if we didn't grow apart as our children leave home, but continue to work as a family unit. I try to teach my son that family is more important than 'things' and 'money', but he will have to learn his own lessons in life. I will always have my arms and doors open to him, no matter what. My love is unconditional and he is a good person. Both myself and my husband always reinforce that a 'job' is not the be all and end all in life. School for our son is about teaching, but mainly about the social aspects of life. If is hard for him socially with his additional needs, but he enjoys being with other children his age, which is why he went back to school instead of me homeschooling him, which I did before secondary school. Unfortunately, school teaches that exams and results lead to jobs and this is the most important thing in life. So, although we try to help him see that this is not the case, he spends many hours at school and they obviously have a huge influence over his thoughts. All we can do for our children is protect them from harm, give them the tools to be good people and teach them how to survive this crazy roller coaster called life! It is tough being a parent, but a privilege just the same :)

I agree with you my friend. It is a duty and privilege to raise children, one granted to us by Creator, not the state. However, the state loves to mold the minds of the children and for that reason we pulled our two sons out of school. We had people visiting us all the time so they were around people constantly. The trauma they experienced when in elementary was enough to convince them to learn in a different way. Our oldest still struggles due to vaccine harm when he was two years old. But I am proud and grateful we took the path we did. Bravo to you and your husband. I work hard to keep ego in check as it was a huge problem for me early in my life. I am grateful that you notice that. Thank you. <3

You are an inspiration to me. I am only 23 right now and am taking small steps towards my exit strategy. Right now I am working on building a sustainable online income to payoff my student loan debt that I took out before I realized the bondage it would put me in. I'll be moving into a work trade in a few months that is a lot more off grid than my current apartment, but it still has a few steps to get completely off grid.

Sounds like you are farther ahead than I was when I was 23! Bravo to you. I did not realize these issues until I was in my late 30's. Keep up the great work. I hope you are able to find a mentor to help you through the maze. Thank you for writing and sharing! If my journey helps you out, then it has been worth while doing all the work to document it all here on steemit! <3 May Creator bless you with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love along your journey.

This is a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I really feel what you are saying about being in servitude to the Government and the debt system. What you and your wife have created for your sons is an amazing gift. If only we all had such a heart and wisdom.

Thank you. It has been a long journey and we learned a lot along the way. I hope to share more in the coming weeks as I explore our relationship with the state in more detail.


I love how you put this: "This utopian vision that the government sold us all is nothing more than a nightmare of slavery and servitude." EXACTLY. To reach the mountain we live on we drive through what I refer to as the "Valley of Debt" where the city's fanciest houses are. I'm much happier living in my trailer.

"working on having the title and land patents dissolved so that the land returns to Creator so that we can be proper stewards of this land." - This is SOOO COOOL! Mad respect for what you are doing for the land, your family and people all over the world. True leaders create more leaders and you my friend are a true leader!

Well, I'm doing what I can. Not sure how this will all work out, but if Creator means for me to accomplish this, then that is what I will do. The more leaders that are out there the better! Lead by example my friend. Lead on!!!

This is a beautiful goal to achieve. I have two of my sons on board with this life change. My husband and I shared responsibility equally for everything. We were prepared for me to take over when he joined the Creator. My sons are prepared to take over my responsibilities when I join him. My hope and dream is that they will keep stewardship of this land for eternity.

Bravo!!!! My heart warms hearing this and in a way it does not surprise me at all that you are walking a similar path as we are. <3 Beautiful indeed!

Thank you.

I love this so much! I am very excited and so full of questions. How did you turn in paperwork. How did you change your property. How does the government not claim your property? I can see becoming a man, an individual, but stepping away from the structure, how can you continue to interact? Like, buying, selling, driving, things like this. Now that you have stepped away from it, do you now find that you are limited in things you are capable of doing? Can someone do this if they have not yet bought property and set up infrastructure? Sorry for all of the is so exciting!

I don't have all the answers. What I am doing is sharing what I have found so far. My journey is far from finished and I have a lot more posts to write to answer some of the questions you posed. However, if you start at the beginning, I have addressed many of them. You are in luck as I just finished a post to help you get started.

Thank you! I would love to learn all about how to undo what has been done!

Hey @wwf
Its really wonderful story of love and your living life. Appreciation and all the best wishes towards you forever.
Death due to medically is reason that you become treatment of your beloved with caring and also give better time.
But we can't change the deceian of Almighty God, the day is final.
Well All the steemian remember and people around you.

Indeed, Creator has the final say an that in itself gives me comfort in knowing that when it is my time, I am done. Until then, I will do all I can to learn, experience, grow, share and fulfill my duty to bring prosperity to this planet and to love my neighbours as myself. I feel a level of protection knowing this which allows me to take risks that I would not normally have done in my life. It has been liberating and freeing! Thank you for writing and sharing how my work has impacted you. Peace to you.

Its wonderful reply to me. also thanks for appreciation and boost up.
You are really good writer and shared awesome

Highly rEsteemed!

I apologize in advance if you've explained and I just haven't read them yet, but how do you pay for things like your internet or phone? I assume you have something since we need a cell phone number to sign up for Steemit? My boyfriend Joey asked when I read an excerpt from this when you said you sent back your birth certificate, etc.
Any chance you could elaborate here? You truly are inspirational & I'm so glad to have found you. Your insight is expansive ✌️.

I don't have a phone, bank account or anything like that. However, my wife still has one. So the internet service is through her person. But if the shit hits the fan, her accounts will be closed and we will be completely disconnected and we will disappear. We are working hard to keep that one last link open to maintain our connection so that our views and story can be shared to influence others along the path.

Living in a private country with some neighbors will be wonderful because it gives us absolute freedom and the elimination of slavery... do not need to read daily newspapers or television news, or listen to some idiots from politicians... not waiting for a decision from the government ...
This is the difference between living as a human (a creature that has a Spirit and mind )
and living as a human ( A biological creature only )
But, brother @wwf, do not forget that you live in a large country and this makes you find a place to live. But there is another country where there is not enough space to live ...

I hear you @yagoub. There are some parts of the world that are very crowded. However, I also firmly believe that this planet can easily support the needs of 50 billion people. The current model is failing to support the wants of 7 billion. So there is a lot of work to do in order to make that shift within the hearts and minds of men and women all around the world. Most people could easily grow their own food within a short walk from their front door. But that requires a huge shift in how we interact with the world. We need a relationship shift based on peace and freedom, not coercion and force. This paradigm shift is a real tough one to grasp, but this platform may actually help in that regard. So while there are major problems to over come, I am confident that we can do it!

love it....thnx share this post