RE: Reconciling my relationships in a world that struggles with the depth I'm prepared to go!

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Reconciling my relationships in a world that struggles with the depth I'm prepared to go!

in ungrip •  6 years ago 

That is what confused me so much with what people are saying to me. I love life and I'm learning a LOT through this journey. While it is challenging and the ugliness I witness draws a strong desire to go home, I'm committed to being here to continue that learning. Otherwise I disrespect myself, Creator and Mother Earth for the wonder gift of life that was given me. Thank you for 'seeing' that!

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You are welcome ❤ i came face to face with death again last saturday. Moose was standing on hwy in dark. I thought it was my time to exit. But, it was not. I tell ya, i was ready for it. And, was just praying it would be gentle. Such intense moments. I hope you feel well enough to enjoy your moments. And, that all of yours and Carry's needs are met now and always.

Wow. I'm happy that the two of you survived the encounter. May your reflections bring peace to your heart knowing that you won't go until Creator says it is time.