The leadership of tomorrow looks very different than it does today

in ungrip •  6 years ago  (edited)

If you are not aware of the Ontario provincial election, Doug Ford and his party won the provincial election yesterday.  The feudal serfs of Ontario surrendered their power to their feudal lord and named the party that will represent them in the sovereigns court (legislature), tasked with fulfilling the administrative power of government.  The executive power still remains with the sovereigns representative (Lieutenant Governor) and the judicial power rests with the sovereigns courts.  The administrative power still has to ask for permission in order to pass any statutes, to dissolve the legislative assembly or even to call for an election.  But don't worry, they say it is only ceremonial and that the true power rests with the people.  Oh the lies they tell to maintain power and control.  

Nathan Denette / CP (

On top of that, the quality and integrity of today's leaders seem to be deteriorating into the realm of the absurd.  I get the impression that it is harder and harder to get people of integrity to run for politics and the reason is simple.  Modern politics, economics and business has become so corrupted that those with integrity would not take the risk as they would have to sell their souls just to get into a position of influence.  Not only that, but anybody with integrity will be drummed out of power and sent swirling around in frustration as the greed, lust for power and corruption continue to rot and fester in the halls of the assembly.  The puppet masters ensure only their 'guy' gets in now.  The take over is complete.

This level of corruption starts at the municipal level and gets worse on your way up through the provincial, federal and international levels.  The higher up the worse the stench gets.  So how are we to dismantle this corrupt pyramid of rot?  What does the leadership of tomorrow look like when the corruption makes modern politics impossible to penetrate?  

The future paradigm of leadership

We are confronted with changing the whole paradigm of what leadership looks like.  Gone are the days where we can focus on pyramidal command and control structures to govern people, resources and technology.  These old paradigms are too easily corrupted by the psychopaths of the world, no matter how diligent we may be.  When we grant our own individual power and authority to a representative, we consolidate that power and authority into the hands of a few people.  There is not many on this planet that could withstand that type of energy.  The vast majority end up corrupted.  Those that granted that power and authority are responsible for the violence that befell those individuals as well.

The modern leader is one who has the integrity and wisdom to not grant his / her power and authority to others, but instead decides to exercise it themselves.  This type of leadership recognizes that we cannot change other people, so engaging in violence or coercion in the attempt is yet another form of violence.  To avoid that trap, they will work hard to lead by example, learn how to govern themselves and influence others to do the same.  

By working together with other modern leaders, they can then start to form clans, tribes or new nations to replace the stench and rot of the old fictional constructs used by the current feudal masters.  As this new paradigm continues to unfold, a new form of governance will manifest that respects the individual, honours Mother Earth and protects the air, water, land & people.  

This new paradigm will also ensure that the psychopaths receive the help and guidance they need to heal from their insanity so that they can engage with the people in a healthy, respectful and meaningful way.  As the old paradigm crumbles before our eyes, it is imperative that we find ways to start working on this new paradigm.  It demands that we avoid the old forms of governance as it risks us repeating this same cycle.  This endless cycle of revolutions must end as it only replaces corruption with new leadership which ends up being corrupted.  

An Evolution of Revolution

By embracing a whole new paradigm and learning how to self-govern, we are confronted with a whole new way of interacting and living with one another.  The beautiful thing about self-governance is that each individual is responsible for themselves.  As we build our own independence we then start to reach out to others to build inter-independent relationships, leaving our old co-dependent relationships behind.  When we establish these new inter-independent relationships we find our traditional families are very important, so too are our clans, tribes and nations.  These smaller forms of governance is the way we are supposed to govern our relationships, rather than the large fictional constructs we see today.  

When we form our new forms of real community, we will find that each one is different, unique and gifted!  It is our own diversity that will free us from the sterile structures of modern feudal slavery.  It is our own unique gifts, insights, skills, vision, interests, language, culture, customs and ceremonies that bring beauty and diversity to our world.  We get to choose how we live our lives once we take full responsibility and accountability for that life.  

As long as we give others the power and authority to govern us, we will never know what life can be like otherwise.  If we put them up on a pedestal, they will fall.  We must take that leap of faith and learn how to let go of the old and embrace a new paradigm.  One that I know is filled with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.  Of that I have no doubt.  It is beautiful and inspired by Creator!  Nobody know what it will look like because it requires that we all step up into our own power and authority to express it in our lives.  What manifests will be something more grand than any of us can design or imagine!

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All these people coming together to bring in change for the province. They don't even realize the government won again. Will things really change? Probably not for the better.

I don't know what to say about a lot of things as I cannot pretend to understand all this government stuff and I don't think I want to. What I did understand is people think its ok to vote for the lesser of 2 people even if that person lies and give out fake promises. They are tricked into voting yet what for?

If I cannot see anyone that is ture, healthy, strong and mind healthy that is running for leadership, then I will not vote. I will not partake in dishonest events. Even if one is not as bad as the others.

Not vote is my vote. I will not encourage this malicious cycle.

I don't think you are alone in your views either. Millions upon millions of people did not vote in that election. Most people think it is due to apathy, but I think there is something much greater going on. It is a revolt against the system all together.

I did write a post about 8 months ago which talks about how voting is so violent. I share it to help you wrap your head around these issues. I'm working hard to break it down so that people can comprehend just how coercive and violent the slave management system really is. The more people that can see it, the more that will contemplate making the leap towards self-governance. I hope it helps.

I will check it out tomorrow as I am heading to bed. You are right that it is very violent. The choice has to be put back into our hands and see that just because these are the people stepping up to the plate doesn't meant that we have to vote for those people at all. Why would we agree to this chaos?

People get so excited about voting, even more when that person wins and then later on complains saying he was the worse. It's all been planned out. Its a big fat game.

But yes more on this tomorrow. My mind will be more clear and focused. Thank you for wanting to help me understand this more. I should be knowing what is still going on in our country.

I feel that the world has set a reset button. People don't like what the see and feel. Many don't know how to begin the change. You should see the expressions on people's faces when I tell them that changes we want to see have to be the changes inside of us, to heal ourselves first. Many people here are angry, hurt and in pain from years of abuse on all levels beginning in families and ending with bad, corrupt governments. There are many who want change but don't know where to start...

It will be a lot of work to help with the healing. Even more while the violence rages on. But it can be done!

We have started with the small group here. It is a lot of work but for now, we are a captive audience. We really can't travel too far out of the compound. We do work together, but things just are a bit overwhelming for them right now. They are in basic survival mode.

Hi @wwf, You have used the term modern feudal slavery couple of times in your posts. In my humble view, this term does not cover the corruption of the richest capitalists. Why is it like that? Aren't they more responsible for the corruption in the world in modern times? I mean they own the most capital and power than feudal lords.

The richest capitalists are the feudal lords.

Oh I see. Aren't Feudalism and Capitalism two different systems?

My dictionary defines capitalism as:

The condition of possessing capital or using it for production; a system of society based on this; dominance of private capitalists. - Oxford Unabridged Dictionary 1958

Capitalism can easily exist within a feudal system. As such, the rich end up being the lords. But the sovereign still sits on top to control and own it all. People still swear fealty to the sovereign and submit to the feudal lords.

The uber rich however have since usurped the sovereign and taken control of the forms of government while maintaining the figure heads to maintain control of the people, resources, etc. Everything has been capitalized as a result.

  1. to convert into capital - Oxford Unabridged Dictionary 1958

It is a @#$%#@#$ mess.

I think that is a fairly accurate assessment overall.

different people and man has different way to dominate or serve is simple..... however you looks are exceptional and good

Less government is better government!

you are doing a great job sir