The Martial Art called UCC (Uniform Commercial Code)

in ungrip •  7 years ago 

I study the Pacem Arts (Art of Peace) and the Martial Arts (Art of War) in order to learn the most about myself.  As a result of that journey I decided to declare peace and work hard to live a life of non-violence.  Through my studies I came across the Martial Art called UCC and found some people were using to fight the system.  It started in the US in 1952 and has since spread throughout the world.  

What is UCC?  It is a codified set of rules that government and corporations now use to make it easier to engage in commerce all over the world.  It sets a minimum standard upon which all commerce now engages.  In Alberta, UCC has been codified in the Personal Property Security Act (PPSA).  

You can use PPSA to register security interests in property.  Say you are a mechanic and you worked on somebodies car and did not get paid.  You can use PPSA to file a lien against the car so that when the individual goes to sell the car, you get paid first.  You can also use PPSA to register property that is not normally registered as a way to create a record of title.  For example, if you made a painting, you could register it through PPSA.

Many freedom fighters actually file PPSA / UCC filings to register a claim to their strawman, name and other documents.  The problem with this is that one needs to be the author or owner before those filings can be made.  To claim that which is not yours to begin with is fraud.  This process is a very dangerous game to place as the name, birth certificate and other documents are not ours but belong to Caesar instead.  

The other problem with doing PPSA / UCC filings is that when you register property, what you are doing is turning over legal title to the Queen in Right of Alberta and retaining equitable title for yourself.  Ever heard of the saying 'possession is 9 / 10 the law'?  1/10 is the legal title, 9/10 is the equitable title.  As long as the Queen has legal title, she can take it at her will and leisure.  Welcome to feudalism.  You have just turned over your property to your feudal lord and became her feudal serf.  

The reason I put UCC under the realm of Martial Arts is because it requires the Queens monopoly on force and coercion in order to make this system work.  What many freedom fighters have done is utilized this system to place liens on the homes and vehicles of judges, police officers, politicians, bureaucrats and others who are engaged in greed, violence or other actions.  They have even attempted to file their default judgements under the PPSA in order to gain the authority from the Crown to start seizing assets.  

This action felt wrong as it was using the coercive powers of the state against others which is an act of war.  

Even Default Judgements can be violent

Another approach used by people is to get default judgements against others.  Collection agencies use this technique all the time so some of you may already be familiar with it.  Anybody can use it.  Here is how it works:

  1. Make a Statement of Claim which is like an affidavit where you state your claims against another individual or corporation.  Send them your Statement of Claims via registered mail and give them 10 days to respond.  If they fail to respond in the 10 days, move to step 2. 
  2. Issue a Notice of Default, again via registered mail.  If the individual did not respond to your claim, then they have defaulted.  When we say nothing, it means we agree!  Another term is called 'silent acquiescence'.  Silence means yes!  That is why it is so important to say something when somebody makes a claim against us.  If we remain silent we agree and they can then act upon that with the full force of the state to back them up.  If they fail to respond to the 'Notice of Default', then we move to step 3.
  3. Issue a Default Judgement, again via registered mail.  If they failed to respond to the 'Notice of Default' we now have a Default Judgement against them.  The paperwork will stand in court, although we don't need a court to gain a default judgement.  But we do need the court to enforce it, especially if we want to start ceasing assets, etc.  I've been able to obtain default judgements against many government and corporate individuals.  But it holds no teeth until we take it to the Queens Court to have the default judgement recorded on the public record or we file it under the PPSA.  Only then can we engage in the courts coercive powers to enforce or record that judgement in the public.  

If people take their default judgement to court to have it enforced, they have turned a peaceful process into an act of war.  The dangerous thing about default judgements is that we must make claims against another to start the process.  As such, the burden is on the one making the claims to prove those claims.  At any time, the individual could write their own counter claims and escalate this whole scenario and create a dispute.  

If the individuals keep it private and govern themselves accordingly, they can keep it private and resolve the dispute themselves.  However, if at any time the dispute is brought before the court or registered, the courts will then claim jurisdiction and engage in coercion and force to settle the dispute.  

It is our job to not create a dispute! By engaging in PPSA / UCC  or court filings, we engage in the coercive power of the Queen in Right of Alberta.  

To maintain the peace, agree with thine adversary!

 Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him;  lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge  deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. - Matthew 5:25

To avoid war we must agree with our adversary quickly.  If we have somebody sending us a 'Claim of Right', 'Statement of Claim' or giving us orders, it is our job to agree with them.  We can disrupt the whole process without causing a dispute, which would avoid court, violence, coercion, liens, default judgements, etc.  

I have a friend who is working hard to keep the smart meters from being installed in her home.  There are people out there that teach how to prevent the smart meter installation by engaging in UCC filings.  It works, but it is also an act of war and very violent.  It also puts the burden on the individual to prove their case as well and the burden should always be on the ones making the claims.

We can place the burden on the corporations and governments by agreeing with them as Matthew 5:25 outlined.  How?  

Conditional Acceptance

If we respond to any of their claims with a Conditional Acceptance letter, we ensure that there is no dispute.  As long as we agree, no dispute = no court!  When we outline the conditions, we then establish the burden of proof that the individual, corporation or government must then meet in order to gain our acceptance.  

When I write these Conditional Acceptance letters, the burden of proof is very large and sometimes impossible to meet.  As such, the process stops dead in its tracks.  This is the process I've done in the past to deal with debt collectors, CPS, government and corporate claims.  This is the process that I suggested to my friend in dealing with the thugs that are using intimidation, force and coercion to put smart meters into everyone's homes.  

This is the same process that I used to help my friend in Ontario to protect her daughter from Child Protective Services - who have since gone silent!

If the other party tried to claim that a dispute exists and attempt to take the matter to court, they will lose.  The moment that the judge realizes that we agreed with them, their whole case would fall apart.  I suspect judges frown upon that greatly!  

I believe our whole goal is to avoid court and we can do that by being peaceful and not engaging in any Martial Arts, which includes UCC, PPSA, filing Default Judgements and creating disputes.  By agreeing with our adversary and outlining the burden of proof that must be met in order to gain our full acceptance, we put the burden where it belongs - on the one making the claims.  

And if we still lose?  

 And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also. - Matthew 5:40

For me, I would not make it easy for them to do that!  

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Another very insightful and educational post. I personally thank you for all the knowledge you share after looking into these topics.

The idea of a conditional acceptance is brilliant. What a way to operate. Agree and place the burden upon them. Then they cannot claim we did not agree.

Following your posts, I am starting to realize how truly violent our system is. Every layer operates in attack mode. While it might not be overt like the military or our political "leaders", it is still there. Even the laws are violent in nature.

The establishment isnt looking for a appears it exists to fight. There is nothing peaceful about government. Tyrannical behavior is never peaceful since it is not from love. It is out of fear, anger, and hatred.

Thank you for your continued efforts in these areas.

Governments exist solely to profit from their livestock - the citizens. Citizens have been brainwashed to believe that they require government and to obey government, i see a slow self realisation within the people as to what government is and disdain for the ever increasing censorship and control through violence that they instigate. i believe that the more people we can educate in the difference between legal and lawful and the peace and love that comes from truth and true anarchy, then we may see a change in the current hierarchy.

I found this very interesting. Would you be willing to give an example of burden of proof?

That would depend on whether you are dealing with legal or lawful. With law, there are three things required to prove a claim,
1) Guilty mind - did you want to cause harm,injury or loss?
2) Guilty act - did you actually do the thing you are accused of?
3)Body of proof - what evidence is there - broken window - dead body etc?
All three need to be proved for a guilty verdict in court of law. In a common law court, you are innocent until proven guilty,

In an administrative court, with acts and statutes, you are automatically guilty until you prove your innocence. Here the burdon of proof lies upon the defendant to prove their innocence. eg speeding fine..Not knowing the difference between the two courts and which jurisdiction you are in can be tricky as a judge or magistrate can run both courts at once and will automatically assume default to legal and not lawful. For the act or statute to be applied by the court, the court requires your consent. Hope this helps a little :)

Applying biblical wisdom to difficult problems is usually a good idea. It's amazing how different legal systems can be from country to country, here in Holland I've never heard of filing a Statement of Claim, continued by a Notice of Default which turns into a Default Judgement for existing without answer.

But wherever you are in the world, it's indeed always better to resolve matters before a court judge must decide things, that's for sure!

The Netherlands does not operate under common law, but civil law based on old roman law, similar to the french. The difference is that in common law, everything you want to do is lawful unless you cause harm injury or loss to another. In civil law everything you want to do is unlawful and the act can only be engaged in if permitted by law - The same as statute law in common law countries.

At first when i started reading the post i was not so sure where you were headed so i kept reading. Good writeup and analysis it is pertinent to know that when it comes to dispute it is our actions and inactions that escalates it.

this is something new to me, thanks for sharing.


Oh man. THats a brain squeeze! I'll have to revisit later today when I've got more time to digest! Looks fascinating though.

Good post. you are right art is war.. i like your pos.. your thinking is so good.. you are a hard working man.. l like it.. thanks for your post.. thank you so much..

Thank you for sharing, I didn't know that UCC exists.

A very wise article. Perhaps I'm not yet mature enough to fully understand it, or I'm just a conformist by nature. Good luck to you and kind regards.

Очень мудрая статья. Пожалуй я еще не дорос для того, что бы ее полностью осознать, или я просто конформист по натуре. Удачи Вам и Добра.

That is excellent advice brother, there has been a lot of people try and claim their so-called strawman, and a lot of bad information on the internet regarding UCC. i have tried using the conditional acceptance in the past and asked for evidence of claim or a bill or some way that i can settle, but they ignored all the paperwork and offers refused further correspondence and continued regardless with their threats of seizure. They refused to take me to court, and cancelled my drivers licence - threatened with the use of bailiffs etc - i had no choice to take the matter to court with several written affidavits showing that i was at work at the time of the driving offence - all to no avail, the crown solicitor lied in his affidavit and the magistrate refused to hear my claim. i had no choice but to pay the $300 finethat wasn't mine to make it go away. Lesson learned :)

Reading your post and then checking @taskmaster4450 input, I've started thinking about something.

We always operated in small tribes when we were living the way Creator intended. When big groups started to form, control was something needed, and so control mechanisms such as state authority and religion prosecution etc started to appear.

On the other hand, these mechanisms developed programmed minds and people who were overly dependant.

With people who were overly depended, wicked minds found a way to explore those dependent minds for personal gain.

They then discovered that bigger societies with more control on them would create even more controllable minds, hence all of these variables you've been talking about on your recent posts brother.

Finally, I have hope for the future.

The world is becoming tribalized again. Tokens and blockchains are spawning a new form of tribal economy, and so I hope that we get back to our tribal nature.

What do you think of this?

The idea of conditional acceptance is interesting. But I find it difficult to agree aloud with an opponent, especially when it comes not to a simple conflict, but to talk to the social service, after they have taken the children. I'm presenting. cases where this tactic can help, you really take responsibility for someone else. But maybe there are situations, where it will not help and even aggravate the situation, I'm not right?

I like conditional acceptance. Agreeing and then placing the burden of claim on them really grinds the wheels to a stop because you didn't disagree and escalate matters into a war. They like to put you on the spot and hope you will become an adversary since then you will be playing in their sand box.

Although you're talking about the Canadian system... but this is good for everyone because most governments in the world follow the same way to make people under their control... I'm not a Canadian, ... I'm always trying to read and then I conforming this with laws in my country, and that way, I learn useful things, and I might need this in the future on my way to freedom...
peace to you ... my brother @wwf