What is 'THE GRID'?

in ungrip •  7 years ago  (edited)

Most people associate off grid living with solar panels and gardens.  If we really wanted to dig much deeper in the question of what off grid living is all about, we may find that the answer is much larger and more problematic than we thought.  We may find that living off of that grid requires much more than just installing a few solar panels and growing gardens.  

Before we can get off the grid, we first need to know what the grid actually is.  Before I can do that, I must also describe our basic relationship in this physical realm.  The medicine wheel ends up being the perfect tool for describing this relationship.  

Without getting into too much detail, we can at least explore that we should have a balanced relationship between us and the sun, earth, air, water, plants and animals.  The goal is to find a balanced, centered harmony within ourselves and our environment through good health and knowledge.  If we expand this premise further, we are confronted with building a relationships with all these aspects of our existence here to meet the basic necessities of life here on this planet.  I've outlined this relationship in the following graphic.

By showing the relationships with the green lines I can also present each item as a spiritual being in of itself to ensure we work on recognizing their own sovereignty and working on building a respectful relationship with them.  As an adult, represented by the central medicine wheel, it is our responsibility to ensure that all our basic needs are being met and we can do that by exploring each segment of the medicine wheel in great detail and all the dependencies we have with them all.

When we have off spring, they are completely dependent upon the parent to ensure all their needs are being met.  If the parent fails to meet those needs then great trauma occurs up to and including death.  So there is a great responsibility on the parent to ensure all the needs are met.  But this duty does not last forever as it is also the parents responsibility to teach the off spring how to meet their own needs and slowly ween them off of being dependent on the parent and be independent on their own.

Because the parent is already independent themselves, they have access to the knowledge, wisdom and resources needed to raise their baby to become a fully independent adult.  However, that requires physical, emotional, mental and spiritual maturity and with all the trauma and systems in our world, many of us fail to reach that level of independence.  As such, when we move away from home, we look for another parent. What we find is The STATE!

We go to the state as we either refuse or are unwilling to provide for ourselves.  We are the only mammal on this planet that fails to raise our off spring to be independent, so we created a system to look after them despite our own failure.  As a result, we place more and more demands on the state to look after us.  That is why the state continues to grow and why it views us as vulnerable children who need to be governed and protected.  All the benefits and privileges provided for by the state are a way to look after the children, just as an adult would do.  Except the state is a fictional construct.  It does not have a spirit, emotional body, physical body or even an intellect.  But because it resides within our own intellect, I choose to depict the state as being black & white, no substance but pure intellect.  A mask worn by those who choose to fulfill this function, whether it be out of duty, greed, lust, power, etc.  Because of this, it requires people to ware masks and surrender themselves to pretend to be the state and provide for all these services.  It is all done through corporations.  


As a result, we end up being dependent upon the state for our very survival.  Any disruption in that infrastructure puts our lives in jeopardy as we have lost the skills, knowledge, experience and even access to the resources to look after ourselves.  

THIS IS 'THE GRID' THAT I SPEAK ABOUT!  Solar panels and gardens just scratch the surface!

All those black lines represent a dependency that we have to the whole infrastructure that the state and its corporations provide for us on a daily basis.  It is our duty to be independent and as such we must find ways to remove those dependencies and return to having a direct one-to-one relationship with Mother Earth, Creator and our environment so that we can be independent, self-governing adults.  The amount of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual work required to accomplish this goal is immense.  However, it is possible and necessary that we explore these relationships if we are going to learn the lessons we are here to learn.  

For me, it is not enough to buy a few solar panels and put in a garden.  This is about being completely independent, which requires that I remove ALL those lines so that I can stand on my own and look after myself!  This takes a great deal of time as there is not many real adults out there exploring true independence.  As such, the skills required to live at this level are hard to find.  Most times we just have to wing it and do our best.  Learning along the way is often required.  Just like our children did when they were learning to eat, walk, run or ride a bike, we too fall down, get hurt and must find a way to get back up.  It is through our struggles and failures that we have learned the most and for that I AM grateful.  

So as we explore real off grid living, we find our strength and faith in ourselves, each other and Creator builds stronger and stronger with each passing day.  It is not an easy path, but it is one that we are willing to walk so that we can experience and learn as much as possible while we are here and ensure that we are not dependent on others for our own needs.  To live in peace makes this step absolutely mandatory as the state can only function with coercion and force.  The violence of the state makes it even more important now than ever before as I refuse to have other people be confronted by violence and force just so that I can have my needs met.  I cannot live with myself knowing that others suffer so that I can have my needs met.  It is covert violence at its worst!  

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Real good stuff! Thank-you for sharing.

Welcome to Steemit @yogajill!! I'm so glad to see you here, and got to upvote your first comment! Love you Sis!! xoxoxoxoxoxxo

Couldn't have done it without your inspiration girl!! Thank-you 💖

Seeing your diagram of all the many, many things that tie us to the grid made me realise. All those ties are like ropes pulling us down, and stopping us fulfulling our full potential.

One by one if we cut those ropes of burden and control we can eventually rise up like a balloon above all the mess and chaos of 'society'. Then, and perhaps only then, can we clearly see the surest path to follow.

I agree completely! I'm still not done myself, but I do feel a lot lighter and more free as I cut each one. It takes time and a lot of work, but that is what freedom is all about! <3 Well said @pennsif!

Well said @pennsif!

Very interesting article. I have a very similar view to you when it comes to dependencies, adult children and the role of the state. I have never seen or tried to diagram it out the way you did in this article and it brings a new perspective to this topic. Thanks.

Thank you so much for lighting the path for others to see...

I see relationships very differently than most as I was confronted on my own dependencies when I was going through depression and suicide attempts. Now I see everything as a relationship and to ensure it is healthy, I end up asking a lot of questions. My relationship with the state was no different! So now I see it as my own duty and responsibility to remove those dependencies if I really want to stand as a fully independent, 100% responsible and accountable adult!

Thank you for explaining off grid so well. I am working on cutting all the ties, but as you said it takes time, and patience too. Everything is related in some way and we need to question those relationships that keep us dependant.

Indeed it does and it may take a life time to accomplish as all those relationships are complex, rich and dynamic. Even in my own life, things change as I get older and my roles change too. Bravo to you for working through those relationships and cutting off those that are unhealthy and building the ones you need for balance, peace and love.

Thank you.

In our culture, we are taught that being dependent on these things is "independence" - such a contradiction. I know I am dependent on many things, but free of others; however in my family I am not considered successful or independent because I DON'T have such trappings as a mortgage, a car, credit cards, etc. Those are seen as markers of adulthood, and my failure to conform to those things, by happenstance or choice or both, is seen as "failure of adulthood."
Side note, I find it interesting that the medicine wheel directional associations are different than European Paganism directional associations. In our tradition, it's: south- fire; west- water; north- Earth, east- air. Thinking on it, I'm sure this is locale-dependent. In northern Europe (I'm a Druid, so I'm speaking of Druidic tradition here, not, say, Hellenistic Greek or Roman, which I am not really versed in), the sun would be hitting you from the south, especially in the dark half of the year (Samhain-Beltaine; 31Oct-1 May); to the west was the Atlantic; the north was their lands; I wonder if winds often blew in from the east? Seeing a different orientation makes me contemplate how the orientations came to be...

I found in my own life that many people judge my success based on their own standards and I refuse to do that any more. As a result I've found myself without much biological family and I've even lost friends. But I've gained new friends and I find those relationships much more enriching, supportive and encouraging. They consider success to be healthy relationships rather than materialistic wealth. I'm happier for the shift!

As for the medicine wheel, I find it very interesting that it depends on where you are as to how the relationships are interpreted. I don't see any write or wrong in it, just that they are all different. Around here, I can see why they put air at the north as the winter winds almost always blow from the north. The north is where the elders sit in the circle as well. Old Man winter? Either way, thank you so much for describing the medicine wheel from your part of the world. I find it very interesting. Thank you!

You are so right about the grid. It is a lot ginger than we think it is. We have so many ties to other things that keep us tied to a larger grid. Great post. 🐓🐓

I really enjoyed this read and totally agree. I'm just starting out on this journey myself and have a long way to and you're right, it does take a lot of work, but it is worth it to get rid of those ties.

It's amazing and very well written. What a great stuff of knowledge! So informative post. It's eye opener. I didn't know much about it but your diagrams are saying everything. You teached grid very intelligently. It's really a interesting post. Thank you for sharing. Golden post to this community.

Thank you @coolbuddy. I appreciate the feedback and I am grateful that people are following what I am saying. Peace to you.

Thanks to you for your wonderful post. I am really really saying that it's a golden post.

I hear you. I'm really, really appreciative of your comments and support!

Thank you man you deserve it...<3

Hello, I love this... "The violence of the state makes it even more important now than ever before as I refuse to have other people be confronted by violence and force just so that I can have my needs met."

I have shared a lot of information here... Not sure if you covered this stuff.. https://steemit.com/life/@elevatedthinking/a-wandering-mind-on-history-s-timeline-no-6-are-you-for-change-do-you-know-anything-about-what-is-truly-going-on-this-is-what-s

I'm going to resteem it. You can thank @lyndsaybowes and her article.. although I just looked and I seen you resteemed it. haha...

Anyways, good work and like the perspective. If you think anything I share fits in with yours or can bring understanding to your following I would be grateful.

Well that stinks.. Can't resteem if more than a week old. Learning curves.. didn't know that.

man you are the best!! this article means much to me, many thanks for opening eyes to the world.
we have to leave the system and anyone and become independence.