When values collide

in ungrip •  7 years ago 

In all my years, one inescapable truth continues to be presented;  we are all not going to agree.  The values that each individual holds will always be different than all the others.  We see it here on this blockchain and in every other relationship we have.  

The war that rages in this world and within our hearts is due to the collision of values.

But what do I do when your values collide with mine?  Most people declare war and fight those that hold a different value than their own.  They will seek out others that hold similar values in specific areas so that they can find the support and band together.  They build armies of like minded individuals so that they can fight side by side.  This has been the most popular method for thousands upon thousands of years.  

The alternatives are less common.

If I declare peace, my job is to acknowledge and accept that the values of others are different than mine and not to engage in the use of force, violence or coercion to convince them otherwise.  To impose my values on others through the use of force, violence or coercion is immoral and unethical.  But what if the values of others results in the desecration of that which I value as being sacred or holy?  Am I justified in declaring war against them to protect that which is sacred?  Most would argue yes, but I question that line of thinking.  The use of force would violate the foundational principles of what being sacred is all about.  

The problem rests in seeing ALL life, ALL people and ALL beings as sacred.  To engage in violence against anybody would violate the very sanctity of who they are.  

So what am I to do?

Just because I cannot engage in violence, force or coercion against others does not mean that I cannot influence their values.  I can do that through leadership by example, standing as a witness and testifying to the actions and behaviours that violate the foundational principles that I believe we all should live by and forgive them.  My intent is to reach the spiritual being in command of the vessel and help him / her find the courage to rise up and heal so that they too can walk the path of love, compassion, freedom, prosperity and joy.  The choice always rests with the spirit in command, not the vessel itself.  The problem we all face is something that we have zero control over in others but are 100% responsible and accountable for within ourselves;  free will.  The double edge sword that we all carry.

So while we all argue and fight over issues that are all based on the values we carry with us, the most noble exercise is to look at those values and constructively evaluate whether they serve us and others here in the physical realm but also in the spiritual realm.  

For me, my values continue to mature and change as I gain more experience and work hard to evaluate why I do what I do.  I work hard to confront my own values and beliefs.  How many of us have the courage to do that kind of work?  How many of us hold onto the values that are taught to us as children and never really revisit or evaluate them when we get older?  How many of us view our values as sacred and are willing to go to war as a result?  How many are willing to give peace a chance instead?  How many will find the courage to stand up for what they think is right and confront the wrongs they witness in their lives?  How many are willing to live?

Collision indeed!

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@wwf you okay? Haven't seen any article in a while

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

No, I'm not okay. Struggling with major fatigue and significant memory issues. These issues started a few years ago and is why I started this blog. This blog is my attempt to dump what I've learned in my life time before I lose it all. My wife has me on an aggressive protocol to try and turn it around. I have good days and some not so good. Today is not so good.

Thank you for checking in. So far you are the only one and my heart weeps.

Your blog is the only thing that brings any hope to me at all. I hope you can keep writing. Slavery has kept me away for awhile but the whole time I was looking forward to catching up which I am doing now. I will pray for your vessel. If you are able to write more, it will be a big blessing to me at least.

Thank you my friend. I will continue to write and share for as long as my vessel breaths air!

Wow am so sorry to hear that.

My wife has me on an aggressive protocol to try and turn it around.

I'll be praying and hoping for the best, while you must never stop believing

Hope you feel better soonest dear. I'll keep checking in from time to time till the good/better days resume

I can do that through leadership by example, standing as a witness and testifying to the actions and behaviours that violate the foundational principles that I believe we all should live by

We get nothing from back and forth arguments over whose belief systems are best, but like you say - the best way to convince anyone of the validity of our values is simply to be the example with our lives

How many times have we changed the mind of somebody else when we argue over values? It does not work. So why put so much effort into the process then? I agree with you. We get nothing from the attempt. <3

I challenge my own beliefs and morals more often than not. I have travelled a long way from what I was brought up believing. Everyone has their own sets of values and beliefs. Because they may be different than mine does not mean I need to fight them to change their way of thinking to mine. I can agree to disagree and then lead by my example. During my lifetime, I may have influenced more people by what I do and the way I live than by whatever words I may use. The same goes for people I have learned from. I see them walk the path and how it reflects in their daily lives. The spirit speaks to me more now than when I was much younger and maybe not so willing to listen.

Hello @wwf it's always a pleasure to read your blog because you try to share a moral lesson for your readers. Collision of values is the biggest problem of the modern world. One can deal it simply by spiritual realm, as you mentioned above:

The most noble exercise is to look at those values and constructively evaluate whether they serve us and others here in the physical realm but also in the spiritual realm

Force and coercion is not a solution of any issue/problem. Force and wars kills the peace of humans in a very destructive way. Being a Social scientist I try my level best to understand the value differences of other humans with me to build an awesome relation with them.

I am really thankful to you @wwf for showing me the path of love and peace :)

Most people declare war and fight those that hold a different value than their own.

I have experienced this too, in fact I was almost in a physical brawl some years back for a religious related conversation

You are absolutely correct. I learnt my lesson the hard way, these days I try to talk less and show more

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Agree to disagree, right? Lol. I too believe that no one has a right to force another or to hold them under duress, to promote any belief or idea they may have. Only a choice made under the exercising of free will ever have true power in my opinion. If we force people to like us then what have we really achieved? We have wasted our time and caused a whole lot of spiritual harm to anyone we coerce. I stand with you 100% here 😊🤗. Makes me think of the way life is in North Korea. In order to pass an illusion of democracy and approval I have heard of elections in which only Mr Kim's name is present on the ballot. Also I believe it may be a punishable offense to not cast a vote...interesting. There is a perversion of free will. Mr Kim truly must know how terrible his approval rating really is. Is it a coincidence that starvation and fear is rampant in his country? There lies an example of the conditions which will eventually manifest in a society that allows totalitarianism insecurites to prevail. Let us awash in good rightouess spirit and not ever stop influencing those who may need to hear of the beauty of uninhibited choice and the natural things that should accompany it 😊