You think you 'own' land? Think again!steemCreated with Sketch.

in ungrip •  7 years ago 

I cannot speak for other jurisdictions on this planet, but for those countries that were part of the British Empire at one point or another, land is dealt with in the same way; "The Queen in Right of Alberta" holds allodial title to the land and rents out the land to her tenants, rent due and payable each year.  You don't pay the rent, you get forcibly removed at gun point and your tenure is sold to somebody else.  

That seems to be an outrageous statement, so let's work through it and explain how it works.

Allodium:  Entire property.  An estate held, not of a superior, but in absolute ownership.  opposite to feudum or feud. - Oxford Unabridged dictionary 1958
Feudal:  Of or pertaining to, or of the nature of, a feud or fief.  Of or pertaining to the holding of land in feud.  the conversion of allodial into feudal estates (Kemp).  The feudal polity Blackstone. - Oxford Unabridged dictionary 1958

In modern English terminology, allodial / allodium means owning land with nobody between you and Creator.  You are the highest authority and nobody can tell you what to do or how to do it.  People used to own land with allodial title but when the British came along, they claimed allodial title to all the land and issued a feudal tenure to their new subjects to possess the land as tenants.  For the land that we are stewarding, the land was held by the  nêhiyawin (cree) of Turtle Island for thousands of years, until the British came and took it all through fraud, coercion, genocide and violence and converted it into a feudal domain. 

Tenure:  The condition of service, etc, under which a tenement (fact of holding as a possession) is held of the superior; the title by which the property is held; the relations, rights, and duties of the tenant to the landlord. - Oxford Unabridged dictionary 1958
Tenant: One who holds or possesses lands or tenements by any kind of title. - Oxford Unabridged dictionary 1958

Anybody that purchases 'real estate' in Alberta is not purchasing land but instead is purchasing a tenure, swearing fealty to their new lord and master, while agreeing to provide service with specific duties attached to that tenure.  It is nothing but a grant from the Queen in Right of Alberta to possess the land.  She retains full ownership and in turn the tenant has very specific duties that he / she must fulfill in order to retain that tenure.

Title:  Legal right to the possession of property; the evidence of such right; title-deeds - Oxford Unabridged Dictionary 1958
Fee-simple:  Law.  an estate in land, etc. belonging to the owner and his heirs for ever, without limitation to any class of heirs.  In fee-simple: in absolute possession.  - Oxford Unabridged Dictionary 1958

When people purchase 'land' what they are really doing is entering into a landlord / tenant agreement with The Queen in Right of Alberta and leasing the right to possess the land, not own it outright.  I've purchased land for years and nobody EVER explained this process to me or what the relationship actually looks like.  

How does this make you feel when in technical terms, all the energy, capital and investment that we put into our homes and property actually is not owned by us but instead the title is turned over to the Queen the moment it becomes a part of the land or fixed buildings?  Then she has the nerve to increase the rent because we improved the property for her.  She did not pay a dime to do any of the development as most land lords do in a normal landlord / tenant relationship.

This issue gets even worse when we look into the Supreme Court of Canada ruling Tsilhqot'in Nation v British Columbia 2014 SCC 44 which established a new tenure called 'Aboriginal land title'.  In short, the Queen in Right of British Columbia still holds allodial title, but the Supreme Court created a new feudal tenure to appease the Tsilhqot'in Nation into thinking that they won their land back.  They did not.  They still do not have allodial title to that land despite what most people think.  

Reserve: Something reserved or set apart for some reason or purpose.  A district or place set apart for some particular use, or assigned to certain persons. - Oxford Unabridged dictionary 1958

Even Indian Reservations do not belong to the 'Indians'.  The land is held by the Queen in Right of Canada.

"tract of land, the legal title to which is  vested in Her Majesty, that has been set apart by Her Majesty for the  use and benefit of a band."  - Indian Act of Canada

The reality is, people don't own the land, which has turned us all into slaves.  The Queen / The Crown or what ever corporate name that holds the title to the land, has been done through fraud as none of these technical details were explained to people to the point where they could comprehend what it all really means.  

We are the land and by using fictional constructs to remove us from the land, we end up being perpetual serfs to a lord that is not Creator.  We end up being slaves to these fictional constructs which means that they also violate the UN Charter of Human Rights as slavery shall be outlawed in all its forms.  

I also suggest that this is a root cause for the poverty that we experience on this planet as everyone now must work in order to live.  If we were to return to the land with allodial title, we would owe nobody anything.  We could live off the land and be free as we could provide for all our needs without having to pay a feudal lord of one kind or another.  

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As I read your post my jaw dropped. Why? I already knew all of this so it wasn't that. It was because I have told my friends and family in Canada the exact same thing and watched their eyes glaze over. I find that amazing! This is because even though we have our own constitution, the Queen owns our land and we just get title to it like you say so well.

Obviously from a philosophical point of view we own nothing, but having this almost master/slave relationship to the defunct crown makes no sense to me.

Thank you for being a sage kindred spirit!

Yup. I get the same reaction with my family and some friends too. Most of my friends that I have now know what I am talking about, so most of this is no longer a surprise to them. But all the friends that have drifted off have a hard time comprehending this information. One day it will sink in ... I pray! Thank you for commenting and sharing. I hope you were able to pick your jaw up off the floor! lol

You just made me laugh! I did pick it off the floor!

I fear that we are going to have a 2008 style housing crisis in Canada with the urban price boom and the governments artificially keeping the interest rates low without an adjustment period. It will only serve to move more wealth to the corporations and one percent. A different subject but imminent!

i too looked into this issue for when we make the jump. i looked into "adverse possession" and it does not apply to the crown, only between two people claiming ownership. Lots of miss-information and dead-ends. The only way iv'e not fully investigated is convening a common law court de jour excluding the crown courts due to conflict of interest with a jury of freemen not citizens and place a summons upon the Queen/Crown as she/they are holding the land until an heir from God comes forth. Also do mining companies have full allodial title - allowing them access to the minerals etc?

I believe mining companies hold a lease from the crown, much like forestry and other companies or even trappers. I've looked into holding a de jour court. I even attempted once. The challenge was getting people to even agree at that level. I gave up as I knew people were not ready for that. Almost everyone wants to force their view and I made a declaration of peace. So I've been looking for non-violent ways to fix this issue. Holding a de jure court requires a lot of training, awareness and peace. People are just not ready for that yet.

The 'heir of God' as you so beautifully stated, is us. The question is how to stand in that authority and power. That is what I am exploring without the de jure court.

It is fact that everyone has to die sooner or later. Nothing is permanent or long lasting except the kinds thoughts and kind acts. Lands and the whole Earth Belongs to the Creator of this Universe. It is the God who made the Tribes so that we can get identity. But later on we Greed and Jealousy took the place of Harmony and Peace. Wars and Suppression looted the Peace of the countries. Wars did a huge damaged to the innocence of Mankind. India and Pakistan came into being on 14 of August 1947 after getting freedom from U.K
Still there is a huge control of UK authorities on Land and Land Mafia is taking a very huge tax from the mass. As the land actually belong to the Mass but Feudal Lords always put there nose to get something out of nothing.

It has been the custom of the universe Powerful are not judged or criticized for their wrong dongs.
You just nailed it by arising the point here,

until the British came and took it all through fraud, coercion, genocide and violence and converted it into a feudal domain.

To me the need of hour to make them aware of their rights both at Micro & Macro Level.

Great Efforts and very worth reading Blog @wwf

Stay Blessed My Best Friend :) :)

Well said! Thank you for confirming what I wrote about. <3 In the end it does all belong to Creator and we are to be stewards of the land, not owners. Ownership involves slavery and we have no right to own others, even if they want to be owned. It is our duty to ensure everyone has access to land without land lords so that we can all prosper. Peace and prosperity will prevail when we figure that out.

Ownership always brings discomfort and intolerance among Society. Yes i do 100% agreed that it our duty to ensure everyone has access to the land Equally, No discrimination !

Harmony and Affection come this way :)

I always knew this in my heart. Always appreciating your confirmation of my intuitions. Very grateful for your feed <3 Thank you~

You are welcome!

It's so strange how anyone actually believes they OWN land, especially when they still have to pay property taxes... That's just messed up, in my mind...

Yup. As spiritual beings here just for a short time, it is also messed up that people think they can own anything here in this three dimensional realm too. We cannot take anything with us other than our experiences and memories. So why work so hard to accumulate 'stuff'?

To be honest with you, I don't even believe we OWN the bodies we live in. I feel that we have simply borrowed them from Creator... <3 We really don't own anything!! Nice to talk to someone who understands that!


I could agree with this point. Body could be part of Mother Earth, an expression also of Creator. I understand you too ❤

Beautiful, I am glad~

When I lived in Liverpool in the UK. We lived "under" Lord Sefton. My parents bought the house, which as you said about was really purchasing a 999 year tenure. Every year you had to pay 1 pound to renew your tenure. I have heard recently that it has increased to 5 pound. I am not sure how many people had to pay him but there are 1.4million people living in the area.

Yup. That is cheep rent, but it is still rent to a land lord. Thank you for confirming what I wrote about.

In the US, there is an old saw. If you think you own your land, just wait until you fail to pay your real-estate taxes . . .

Yup. The US is another jurisdiction that functions the exact same way. Blackstone Commentaries is a good read if you really want to learn how it all works.

Thank you for this. Most people don't speak the language that ends up enslaving.

Working on getting it all posted my friend. :) Thank you for the support and encouragement. It gets overwhelming at times, but I will get through it all! <3

Is there a way to actually own land anymore?

I'm working to remove the land from the demesne of the Crown so that it is no longer 'owned' by anybody but instead stewarded by people. I've yet to accomplish this, but it is my goal to do so before my vessel dies.

Praying for you to accomplish this quicker and easier than you ever thought it could be ❤ this is my wonder also, what do we do to navigate this predicament? I have to choose to live somewhere and create my legacy. The rebel in me just can't do it, 'their' way....

I'm praying too. Working with some indigenous peoples as well, but it is tough as there is a lot of crap to filter through. One day. One day my friend and it will happen. It has to happen, otherwise we are slaves for ever. The land is the kingpin of their whole system.

Yes!! It is happening ❤ wondering too how the hutterites manage their land, i am pretty sure they don't have Driver's Licences and not real sure what else. Did you say you work with an Elder named Standing Bear? I know you mentioned the name in one post but can't recall the name with confidence just now.

Hutterites have been slowly sucked in just as everyone else has. They now have DL too. I think the Amish are probably the last group to fall pray to the state. My friend's name is Sweetgrass Sitting Bear. He is not an elder but rather a leader within the community. I have spoken to his elder many times and he supports what I am doing. He feels that we are on the right track.

One step at a time! I had the name partially recalled. Thanks for clairfying ❤ Wishing you joyful successful freedom forging!

They only have power over you when you consent to their rules. Don't enter into any contracts with government, nor involve them with any aspect of your life and they cant do much.

It is possible in the USA, if you know what you're doing. Learning how to do it is the trick. Land was granted to people back in the day, and the land grants/patents read "forever" to the heirs and assigns. We have land grants from Mexico, France, the US and possibly others sources, I don't recall, but it takes work to find the land patent and then to claim it.

Also, I recently read something written by Judge Anna Von Reitz about changing the property description in the deed. Having it surveyed and the language be in meets and bounds and re-recorded. I don't know enough about it, but it could be a place to look.

I don't think anything works though if you are a subject. In the US that is a US Citizen under the 14th amendment.

No, I don't know how to do it, yet

So well put in easy to understand terms! Thank you!
Exciting times! Things are coming into fruition!

Thank you @earthmother. One day we will figure it out.

We have a global government parasite infestation problem. The question is how do you get rid of the infestation without killing the host?

I've been working on ideas for technical disintermediation that leverages the internet's borderless properties which interfere's with these parasites "sovereignty". They are addicted to technology, so the Nakamoto solution to the Byzantine Generals problem might create some leverage to break free. Hope it works...

There was some talk about blockchain being a technology that would free the land from the grips of the feudal masters. But we need to be careful as it can also enslave the land to a feudal master as well. Either way, the land has to be freed and who knows. Perhaps open source blockchain technology will do it for us. I'll keep my options open.

That's the "digital panopticon" that we're already heading toward. Andreas Antonopoulos seems to think that this can't last...

I guess the question is how long? Might we be in for a generation or so of pain because biometrics continue to be used directly? The only control I have is refusal to accept the conditions. But mass acceptance by others can create a situation that is much more difficult for the rest of us who want to be free.

I agree. I've said the same thing about cryptocurrency as well. In the end, what we need is a relationship with Mother Earth, to grow our own food, build our own shelter, collect clean water and breath clean air. Technology cannot do that for us. So despite my success here, I will never 'depend' on it as my needs will only come from the Earth.

The challenge is being peaceful in a world that is at war.

My favorite part of every day in life is the opportunity to learn something new. Today was your day to be the teacher. Thanks!

You are welcome. I am grateful that I was able to shed some light on a topic that most people don't dig into very much. Peace to you.

It is our birthright to be freemen as is enshrined in common law. They can only enact these crimes by dint of sleight of hand and tricking us into contracting with them. It's exactly the same as the income tax system. Government has no "right" to confiscate our wealth. To me I'm not hot on the whole property thing as it seems like a moat to keep the poor from self determination. The land is "owned" by whoever is using it and that ownership is ceded when you're no longer using it. 99% of the land in the UK is either unused or explicitly government owned, while the populous are herded into urban areas and forced to sweat our whole lives to earn back something which is a birthright. Good post by the way.

If you have to pay money every year to someone in order to avoid them taking away your land, then you don't own your land.

Gleason's azuimuthal equidistant. Accurate map you think?

The equidistant part in its name should be enough. It's the only map that shows the true distance from any two points of land. Compare the distances from the southernmost parts of South America to Australia on this map to a popular map. Then ask which one makes sense in real life.

Its definitely the best we have in the public domain. Its a sad situation that in this day and age there are so many real questions left about where we live.

I think it can never be justice and at that time the zamindars used to torture many different types of people.

I used to take your story for a long time, this land is now running, I will be free at the time of a new chain, hopefully,

yes we should all see what happens when you do not pay "property tax"