Philosophy of the world UniDAG

in unidag •  6 years ago  (edited)

I'm glad to welcome everyone in the series of articles devoted to the UniDAG project! At once I will say that the project isn't about the cryptocurrency, but about technology. We love and appreciate the contribution of bitcoin and blockchain, but we need to look to the future. We create something different, combining two, today fundamental (albeit radically different) technologies in the cryptoworld: blockchain and graphs. We look forward to your opinion on the project!

UniDAG is not just a program for performing certain tasks using a variety of digital devices. This is a world of people, united by similar ideas, visions and aspirations. This is a world that follows the three postulates — freedom, publicity and officiality. We believe that, thanks to them, it is really possible to change the world for the better. 


Each person understands this word in his own way. For some, freedom means no limits to morality and laws; for someone freedom — the opportunity to become rich and famous; someone freedom — a world without bosses and directions, and someone — it’s life on an uninhabited island. Everyone is right in his own way, but for us freedom is a choice. This is the existence of an alternative and the possibility of choice, whatever it is. Never a man can become truly free, if he has the right to choose. Therefore, we set one of the main goals to give an alternative where it didn’t exist before, and give the right of choice to those who could only dream about it. 

In the modern world of developing technologies, much of what in the recent past was only a fantasy, has become commonplace and everyday. Over the past 25–30 years, humanity has made a huge leap in the technosphere. 

One of the greatest inventions of the 20th century — the Internet — made it possible for anyone with a device and a connection to the network to receive an infinite amount of information and choose the necessary. Social networks made it possible to communicate not only within the framework of a physical location. Webinars, recorded lectures, online services made it possible to learn and develop regardless of the degree of preparation, time, place and age. Many areas of knowledge from the real life of man were adapted for digital space, which took away the monopoly of most companies, providing a real alternative. However, in parallel with the destruction of empires in the real world, the same centralized counterparts were created in the digital one. The power passed from one source to another, and leaving the system the same. 

 In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto published his famous work, which made it possible to realize two dreams of humanity: the invariable preservation of information and the global decentralized system. Blockchain technology has become the first implementation, and a huge number of projects, based on p2p peer-to-peer networks, have become the second implementation. Satoshi Nakamoto provided the world with alternatives that can give freedom in those areas of life, where it was not at all, or was just an illusion: financial, social, economic, governance and law. By the example of the oldest and the first project — the Bitcoin blockchain-network, one can already see how much it affects the modern financial system. Thanks to Vitalik Buterin and his project Ethereum, mankind has been able to use huge distributed computing power and a system of smart contracts that have already initiated the redistribution of global resources. Decentralized applications for a variety of tasks began to appear in the market of monopolies and give an alternative to users. In addition, the long tradition of patents and property rights has been violated thanks to altruism and the desire for freedom of most developers of these projects in the form of open access to the source code of programs. 

All participants of the UniDAG project fully support any person who goes this way to freedom, together with us or in parallel. In our work, we strive to give humanity what we call freedom, thanks to the enormous work of its predecessors and its own development. 


The second of the main goals of the UniDAG world is the realization of the idea of

publicity and transparency of human life insofar as the moral and legal norms of society allow it. The world where the society itself is the main auditor has the freedom to which we aspire. We want to make sure that public registers become a common practice, and that they are accessible to everyone. We want to give an alternative to the closed existing system, where the guarantor is people, not the state. We want to show that morality and law is easier to observe in a world where everything is clear and understandable. We want to make it so that the observance of human rights has become beneficial a priori, and has not been imposed from the outside. 

Publicity makes it possible to make a democratic consensus, the threads of which permeate the entire philosophy of the world of UniDAG, really effective. Thanks to modern technologies, it became realistic to reach a consensus vote regardless of the type (closed or open voting). Now it is possible to implement the principle of public management of everyone in opposition to the currently existing principle of individual management of society. 

The world of UniDAG is a world of publicity and transparency. This is a world where every person has the right to influence the vector of the movement of the society in which he is located and the right to receive information as the movement proceeds. At the same time, the duties of observing these rights are imposed on other people. We strive to make sure that the freedom of one person becomes the quintessence of freedom for the whole society as a whole. 


The modern world is a symbiosis of established traditions and technological progress in all spheres of life. For centuries, a certain balance was maintained between inventions and their acceptance by the community, the introduction and reception of results. However, the “technological explosion” of recent decades has violated this balance of diversity and quality; many innovations do not have time to be accepted by individuals at the physiological level. The established traditional centralized social model simply does not have time to process that huge stream of information that is needed for effective management and internal interaction of mankind. Negative consequences of this can be observed in a huge number of problems of our time, related to the denial of this fact. 

The world of UniDAG is a free, democratic and decentralized world. We believe that the consensus of the majority of equitable independent entities will provide an opportunity to restore the disturbed balance. We are confident that with the help of modern technologies, society has the opportunity to meet new challenges. We want to show that there is an effective alternative, and you decide whether to accept it or not. 

At the heart of our social philosophy is consensus. Methods of its achievement are based solely on the observance of the rights and duties of a person, which are prescribed in state laws. We believe that the gradual integration of modern technologies into existing institutions will lead to progress and mutate the system for the better. 


Respect for everyone’s freedom is our rule. The definition of the motion vector for achieving the set goals we ask together, but each person chooses the trajectory of this movement.We see a way to implement all of the above, and it starts with UniDAG. 

For more information, please visit

And our social media:

vk: @unidag

telegram: @World_UniDAG

Medium: @yevheniikonstantinovichdoshyn 

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