In the past, technology was not as sophisticated as it is today. If we want to talk to someone remotely, we just send it via sms or phone, or in the days before the phone, we can send mail through postal middleman. But it is different again in the distant era before the freakish, there was no paper let alone the phone, so people in those days sent a letter using a stone.
This was proven by the discovery of a love letter from around 2200 BC in the Niffer valley 150 km from the city of Baghdad, Iraq, by Noah Kramer, a professor from Philadelphia University who explored the discovery around 1889. The love letter was an artifact resembling a stone plate.
After being translated from Sumerian, then into English, this is more or less the meaning of the love letter.
The groom, dear to my heart,
Kindness is your good looks, dear,
My lion, dear to my heart,
Goodness is your good looks, honey
You have captivated my heart,
Let me stand, until my heart vibrates beside you.
My bridegroom, I will get you to the meeting,
You have attracted me,
Let me stand trembling beside you.
My lion, I will get you to the meeting.
My bride, let me buy you,
My precious cradle is more valuable than honey,
Until the mixture is full of honey
Let me enjoy your beauty and kindness,
My lion, let me buy you,
My precious cradle is more valuable than honey,
My bridegroom, You have taken pleasure from me,
Tell my mother, and she will give you a meal,
Tell my father he will give the prize.
I know where to cheer your spirit
My bridegroom, stop by and sleep at home until dawn
My heart, I know how to delight your heart,
My lion, sleep and stop at home until dawn.
You exist, because you love me,
Let me pray with your caresses,
The god of my master, my protector,
Shu-Sin, the Enlil gladdens heart,
Give me to pray your caresses.
Sweet as honey, where we pray by putting your hands on it,
Raise your hands like a gishban
Put your hand on a gishban cloth ....
Currently letters in the form of artifacts have been stored in the Archeological Museum of Istanbul, Turkey.