The sick adgenda to make lines apear blury

in unisex •  6 years ago 

The Boy Scouts are en route to holding that there is nothing to being a boy, and nothing to the boy’s becoming a man; they might as well be the Unisex Scouts, as they are in Canada, where the scouting movement has collapsed.

Just because some girls claim to be guys or guys claim to be girls, does not make the behavior acceptable. I am not saying that a person ight not ever be confused about every part of his or her gender...but I am saying that it takes a pretty sick puppy to tell all of the people that are not confused 'help this person live in a fantasie world...I know what should be done lets let the person suffer silently meanwhile the rest of us will modify our behavior and pretend to act confused ourselves.'

Thats called psychological abuse and it is an idea that a psychopath would suggest. There might be some sickos that will bow down to every confused thought, but I will tell people might be able to have surgery or take some classes to make you apear more like the oppsite sex but you will still have questions in your mind. And then after a few years when you do work through the questions you will find out that the surgry that was done is somewhat irreversable, and you will get to spend the rest of your life in a botched body that does not fit in with the boys or the girls. 'Thanks progressive adgenda'

Though we would like to think males and females are fairly similar (except for the obvious physical or reproductive differences), we know that there are fundamental psychological differences. These differences do not mean that one sex is better than the other, but it does mean that your partner may gain a unique perspective, hold a unique view, or have distinct abilities in the world which are rooted in their gender.

Here are some interesting and, perhaps, fun facts on these differences based on neuro-scientific research.

Men are better at orientating objects

There is a marked brain difference in females which may explain why males (versus females) generally excel in certain areas and struggle in others. Because of the larger parietal cortex and amygdala, men generally tend to perform better at reading maps, spatially related tasks and mathematics.

Women are better at communicating

The frontal lobe (which is responsible for problem solving) and the limbic cortex of the female brain tend to be larger than in male counterparts, which appears to provide women with an advantage (over men) in problem solving and emotionality.

Men and women process information at different rates

The male brain contains more grey matter whereas the female brain contains more white matter. White matter basically increases the speed of transmission of all nerve signals which ultimately allows women to process thoughts more rapidly than their male counterparts.

Boys in blue

From the moment males are born, the gender role separation begins. It usually starts with something small, such as a simple blue blanket or various other masculine-type color schemes and themes (i.e. dinosaurs & trucks etc). The socialization of males to not only favour a certain colour but to also act a certain way stays with them throughout their lives. This is the origin for the concepts of masculinity and femininity which are social constructs and not biologically determined.

Pretty in pink

Like males beginning their socialization in blue, females are traditionally gender socialized in pink. Little girls start their lives off with this concept of femininity and what that actually means. These messages are continuously reiterated to them over the course of their lives through various media outlets, parenting tactics and many other contributing factors in their daily environment.

Men and sex

There is an age-old idea that the male libido is much stronger than the female libido. Although this is not always the case, research has shown that it is not necessarily the libido itself which is stronger in males but rather the ease with which it is expressed. This can be traced back to the basic reproductive nature of males versus females. The simple fact that the male sperm to female egg ratio is extremely disproportionate in favour of males; females are naturally more selective in expressing their sexual desires.

Females and sex

Women tend to place more value on the emotional connection involved with sexual activity. Though the debate is still out as to whether this is due to socialization or biology, the reality is most women like to connect emotionally before succumbing to their sexual needs.

Men speak logic

Men often use logic when engaging in conversation. There is a lot of discussion on how much of this is nature and how much is nurture, but males generally have been taught (since childhood) not to openly express emotion, as this shows their vulnerability and can be interpreted as a sign of weakness.

Women speak emotion

Females speak from more of an emotional perspective. This is partially due to brain chemistry but also social learning. There is a stereotypical idea of females within the general public that has made it easier for women to openly cry, sympathize, laugh etc. without feeling judged or vulnerable like their male counterpart might feel in a similar situation.

Reaction to stress

Men have been known to take a 'fight or flight' approach to dealing with stress. Women, however, have been shown in studies to 'tend-and-befriend,' namely, creating and joining social groups for support and resources. Women generally tend to have larger social support networks which seem to help with relieving stress and aid in the confrontation of the stress source. It seems that the 'tend-and-befriend' behavior is likely is maintained by physiological factors and by social and cultural roles. Women are generally more open to expressing their emotions and communicating with others to resolve various stressful situations whereas men seem to prefer to deal with things on their own.

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Be careful when donating time, money, or lending any support to groups that advocate 'gender equality' (equality is not another word for identical!)

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