Unite The Right - White Supremacists Cause Chaos in Charlottesville

in unite •  8 years ago 

A white supremacist group had their rally today August twelve two thousand seventeen in Charlottesville Virginia. One person died and nineteen people were injured. This group received an injunction yesterday by a federal judge, that allowed them to rally.

Instead of having a peaceful assembly, these white savages caused major chaos and even death. Jason Kessler, obviously a white man, created this klan rally. A federal judge over turned a local ruling, giving these white klan members the right to hold their rally.

Now they want to deflect and blame everyone except themselves, for at least one person dying and around nineteen injuries. Some reports claim that three people died directly related to this Unite The White, I mean Unite The Right rally. A Unite The Right free speech rally facebook event has since been removed.

I was able to view it via google cache. Originally, this klan rally pun intended, was scheduled to occur at Lee Park. I think this park is a tribute to Robert E. Lee another white supremacist. This rally was moved to all places Emancipation Park.

Police reported that hundreds of real klu klux klan members were planning on attending this affair. Although, most police in America are white and many of them are actual Klu Klux Klan members themselves. Other reporst claim that possibly four thousand to six thousand people would attend, making this one of the largest white supremacist rallies in over a decade in America.

As is proverbial in the system of white terrorism, some white people are claiming that any violence that occurred at this klan rally was fake or a hoax. I will be further investigating Jason Kessler and his Unite The Right group. Here is an exact quote verbatime of this event from the Facebook event page that has since been removed.

"In response to the Alt-Right's peaceful demonstration in support of the Lee Monument on May 13th, the City of Charlottesville and roving mobs of Antifa have cracked down on the First Amendment rights of conservatives and right wing activists. They have threatened our families, harassed our employers and tried to drive us from public spaces with threats of intimidation. We are not afraid.

You will not divide us. This is an event which seeks to unify the right-wing against a totalitarian Communist crackdown, to speak out against displacement level immigration policies in the United States and Europe and to affirm the right of Southerners and white people to organize for their interests just like any other group is able to do, free of persecution."

These white supremacists claim that their free speech has been under attack, which is laughable to me since almost everytime a racist white person wants to hold a rally or speech, a federal judge will step in and defend their free speech. Seven hundred forty one possible white terrorists marked that they were going to attend this event.

Another possible one thousand three hundred white terrorists claimed they were interested in this event.

SOURCE: http://www.realityunknown.com/unite-the-right-white-supremacists-cause-chaos-in-charlottesville/

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propaganda. this is a deep state psy-op as all the others are. divide and conquer. They win when you buy this horse shit.