Is it just propaganda or did "Boris & Natasha" permanently, mentally scar members of the United States Congress.

in unitethefight •  7 years ago 

Admittedly, a Tongue-In-Cheek concern, but this entire Russia did it narrative has lasted now since before the 2016 Presidential Election, November 8, 2016.

My earliest solid memory (based on the LAST years this was broadcast, I was 3yo) is of a group of odd ball Super Heroes-The Mighty Heroes-featuring DiaperMan, RopeMan & CuckooMan- but I digress. iu-1.jpeg

Boris and Natasha were the spies at constant odds with Rocky The Flying Squirrel and Bullwinkle Moose (circa 1959-1964)- most recently adopted as a feature film- The Adventures Of Rocky and Bullwinkle (2000), brought to a new generation NOT exposed to the "Russians got nukes and can blow us up at any minute" propaganda myth that tapered off gradually as I entered Middle School- 1973-ish.

IF you are not aware, the "Russian Collusion" accusation against {cringe} duly elected President Donald Trump (#FactsMatter) was concocted by the Clinton campaign machine. As early as 2015, a DNC operative, Alexandra Chalupa (yes that seems her real name) began planting the seeds during meetings with people in the Ukraine. (#Truth)

As exposed in the Podesta Emails, release by Wikileaks, John Podesta & Robbie Mook, in the wee hours of Nov 9, 2016, polished the Chalupa Turd. With their bought and paid for #SockPuppets of the Mainstream media, Podesta & Mook infused the crazy "Russia Collusion" myth against Trump, in to mass media Hive-mind.

After all, how else can the people who had, by all factual accounts, rigged first the Democratic Primary & again #FactsMatter- working with George Soros (he owns voting machines spread across the United States) had guaranteed a win by Hillary Clinton, cover their asses after burning (at minimum) $1.2 Billion on the HRC campaign, in the 2016 Presidential Election.

NOW It is January 2018. The "Russia Collution" has morphed, "Interference" "Dis-Information" and the latest "Russian Influence" and "Russian Bots". #IAmNotaBot

Approaching 3 years now since the seeds were planted by Chalupa.

And The Russians are EVERYWHERE- 😱😱😱😱
Get ready for "Duck and cover" to be rolled out again any day now. 😂😂😂 #WOKEaf🌩

As The World Turns, The Russia Hysteria reaches new heights..... <Cue the dramatic "Fear Them" music>

Chairmen of The House Permanent Committee On Intelligence (HPSCI), Devin Nunes' (pronounced Noonyez-which I still don't see how) made announcement of a 4 page memo, Jan 18th, 2018.

Devin Nunes' memo, summarizes some 1.2K pages of US Intel-covering FBI/Obama Admin misuse of governmental surveillance to spy on Trump's team during the campaign (and up until Inauguration it appears).

Almost immediately, a rally cry uniting Citizens from across the political spectrum erupted 'Hashtag Release The Memo' #ReleaseTheMemo, was launched.

Less than 12 hours later, the Hashtag 'Release The Memo' (#ReleaseTheMemo) was trending. Reported on Friday Jan 19, 2018, a 286,700% increase in use, and used 100X more than the next trending topic- Ref-Ali Breland, The Hill- the article claiming a "Russia bot" Attack, but of course they have NO Evidence of any links to Russian accounts.

On Jan. 23, 2018 Sen Diane Feinstein (CA) and Rep Adam Schiff (CA-28) wrote a letter addressed to Mark Zuckerberg, Chairman/CEO of Facebook and Mr. Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter. < Side note > Why did they use 'Mr' when addressing Dorsey but not Zuckerberg- Is it deference to the growing power Feinstein/Schiff see from twitter compared to FB>

Obvious traumatized as children by Boris & Natasha, Sen Feinstein(CA) & Rep Schiff (CA-28) request Zuckerberg & Dorsey launch a rapid search to identify users with "Russian" connections. (The "identified" as Russian Facebook influence was $150K spend over 2 years-I have not seen stats of Twitter-Russia use)

Where Devin Nunes' specifically references "surveillance abuses" by government agencies, Feinstein/Schiff redirect the info in the memo as a "plot to discredit Mueller's Investigation."

This full spectrum political ideology launch, Of US Citizens just wanting to know the truth, reminds me of Caitlin Johnstone's, now infamously maligned, MSM mischaracterized article, one point in the article calls for uniting on issues, regardless of "Party"/ideology, where people agree. #UniteTheFight-

To save ourselves, we the 99%, have a difficult fight ahead of us. We can say #EnoughIsEnough and rally millions of us to take on the corrupted crony capitalist system, that has locked us in a fight amongst ourselves; or hide in the closet because Boris & Natasha have been sent by Putin to destroy "Our democracy".

I am #WOKEaf🌩, I'll not stop fighting. It IS->We, The People, against the Globalists Agenda, of the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama/Hillary Cabal. <even if you don't believe yet>iu.jpeg

Special Shout Outs (on twitter) To @RealTimBlack @Caitoz for inspiring me to find my voice and speak my #Truth

Eternal Thanks To @Tracybeanz for living & breathing #FactsMatter

Additional Thanks to

@SemaForTexas (I don't know the origin but) Sema Hernandez, Running for US Senate, for Texas using Hashtag 'Unite The Fight' (#UniteTheFight) which is the only way voters, in this insanely run democratic Constitutional Republic, can bring in a Brand New Congress in 2018

@Tim_Canova & @Ronan4Progress @OurVoiceUSA

#UniteTheFight Support & Elect #PeopleFunded Candidates, With Policies that WILL Help Working People, regardless of Party-(Like Real Progressive, Sam Ronan, running for Congress in Ohio, as a "Republican")

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LOL. Although, not funny.

Thanks Andy,
If I don't laugh at the insanity, I'd need rubber walls.

Yeah, I know what you mean, and every day seems to ad a new joke to the list.

Ok...I'm resteeming. Got to read this later...just browsing. You got my upvote.