Unity - 2D Movement (Part 6a) - Animation - Wheels

in unity •  7 years ago 

Unity - 2D Movement (part 6a) - Animation : Wheels. With Joshua Mootoo. This video will show you how to rotate the wheels on the Tank with a C# script and then link that rotation to the Tanks movement. Using C# and Unity3D.

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Unity - 2D Movement (Part 5) - Building Tank Prefab -

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Special thanks to:

  • Kevin MacLeod for creating and allowing the use of "Marty Gots a Plan" for today’s video

Marty Gots a Plan & The Complex - by - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Insired - by - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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