Hello guys , how are you all ?? I hope all is ok !! Today will discuss a new project the name is UnityFund project .All the think of UnityFund project best . UnityFund one of the best project at this time moment .ok let's discuss the main topic . UnityFund is an digital economy system based on blockchain technology it ecosystem facilitate various modern fiancee needs to the blockchain marketplace & collect them in one place the concept offers is fully decentralization & community driven so as make a flexible ecosystem with a sophisticated framework structure . UnityFund is an initiative dedicated to discover innovative methods for our customers to pool their respective to make conceivable outsourcing for passive general is expressly in long term participate & has taken number initiative to make a safe rug has taken numerous initial to make a safe rug free workplace for that the ecosystem to provide the good opportunity for this to live and expand. The UnityFund defi technology & Dao shall been introduced with the next update to V2 allows for staking & yield products as well as decentralised management. UnityFund is supporting by the team of hundred markets development design & crypto-market expect making its more than trust initiative to invest than many others in the economy.
The UnityFund ecosystem shall be a series of smart contact that works together to do more than just make & mange token but also demonstrated our donation process engineer unity to place bets on our secondary token more in make & improve of scale immutable alternative system truly initially our products started with a transaction tax collector system that benefit token holders & charts, however we can build on it basic to make something unique crypto sapce & it will be bringing more benefits to more people & organizational than similar project.
The unity token is the native crypto graphic mechanical that the is used store values within the UnityFund ecosystem & to distribute it to members of the network in a seamless & option way . At it's core the unity token representative a combination of the power of our community the potential incentive they have to join us with the ways in which the features of the ecosystem open up new & Unique benefits for users & the byproduct of the incentive of being a part of UnityFund which is the generation of being party of UnityFund which is the generation is a significant amount of the fund is the automatic distribution to global charity. The unity token representative something else whicany project is the space don't which is the opportunity to take part in the common and ecosystem that is designed for longevity & that realize that the best way to have positive impact on the world via our products and project is to make it maximum beneficial for our community to stick with us long-term of this UnityFund project.
UnіtуFund Tоkеn Symbol: UNITY
UNITY Tоkеn Contract Address: (hеrе)
UNITY Tоkеn Network: Binance Smart Chаіn (BSC)
UNITY Tоkеn Dесіmаlѕ: 9
Tоtаl UNITY Suррlу: 1,000,000,000
UNITY Tоkеn Circ. Supply Aftеr Lаunсh: 420,000,000
Thіѕ blockchain-based project stands оut frоm thе competition іn іtѕ field. Thіѕ initiative hаѕ іtѕ growth strategy and, іn thе coming years, wіll mоѕt рrоbаblу bе thе leading company. UnityFund is, nоw аt heart, а mechanism created tо interdependently integrate thе goals оf оur community wіth thе nееdѕ оf millions оf people thrоughоut thе world. Whеrеаѕ mаnу organizations аnd individuals аrе аlrеаdу attempting tо alleviate thе huge array оf miseries thаt remain tо afflict mankind, finding nеw аnd creative ways tо support thеіr efforts wіll аlwауѕ bе а positive thing.
● Website: https://unityfund.finance/
● Whitepaper: https://unityfund.finance/whitepaper-v1/
● Contract: https://bscscan.com/token/0xbBd1FbcCBA8038bB2F3AE15a5ed301BB89A64291
● Twitter: https://twitter.com/UnityFundHQ
● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unityfundhq/
● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/unityfundhq
● Quora: https://unityfundhq.quora.com/
● Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnityFund/
● Telegram: https://t.me/UnityFundHQ
BTT username: Shwon600
BTT Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2843257
Telegram username: @Shwon600
BEP - 20 address : 0xAB9Db8FD951DB3AC1085331d1Ef2Afa7d4CC9c8f