Each one of these currencies has a particular function, with some developed for use as a substitute for money and others for personal, direct transactions. I am presenting a project which is 100% beneficial for everyone. You can invest in this project and can earn a huge amount of money simply by performing some special and specific piece of work. UnityFund is an initiative devoted to finding new ways for customers to combine their energy and gain new opportunities for passive money production and unity.UnityFund is an initiative dedicated to discovering innovative methods for our customers to pool their resources to create conceivable outcomes for passive generating income and togetherness. UnityFund's program is experienced in long-term participation and has taken numerous initiatives to create a safe, rug-pull-free workplace for the ecosystem to provide the best opportunities for it to live and expand. The UnityFund DeFi technology and DAO will be introduced with the next upgrade to V2, allowing for staking and increased yield production, as well as decentralized management. UnityFund is supported by a team of over 100 marketers, developers, designers, and cryptocurrency experts making it a more trustworthy initiative to invest in than many others in the economy.
The UNITY token is the UnityFund ecosystem's unique cryptographic mechanism for storing value and distributing it to users on the network smoothly and efficiently.The UNITY token consists of a combination of community's power generation, the prospective incentive schemes they have to join the project, how the ecosystem's characteristics open up fresh and novel opportunities and advantages, and the byproduct of UnityFund's allocative efficiency, which is the independent distribution of a substantial sum of money to international charitable organizations. The UnityFund ecosystem will evolve into a gathering of blockchain technology that operates around each other to do more than just deploy and share a token, allowing for the democratization of our payment process, the capacity to stake UNITY in a desire to afford secondary tokens, and the creation and growth of a completely decentralized large-scale system of constant donation. The concept of the project starts with a tax on transactions to reward token holders and charity, but UNITY can already see many other possibilities to expand upon this base to create something distinctive in the cryptocurrency world.
UNITY has a total supply of 1,000,000,000 tokens that are minted upon the launch of the contract, with there being no possible way for devs or anyone else to mint more UNITY tokens. Upon the only mint that will ever occur, the distribution will take place as follows:
30% Locked Pancakeswap Liquidity
40% Presale
4% Team
2% Growth
2% Future Team
2% Dev and Admin
20% Locked V2 Allocation
This blockchain-based project stands out from the competition in its field. This initiative has its growth strategy and, in the coming years, will most probably be the leading company. UnityFund is, now at heart, a mechanism created to interdependently integrate the goals of our community with the needs of millions of people throughout the world. Whereas many organizations and individuals are already attempting to alleviate the huge array of miseries that remain to afflict mankind, finding new and creative ways to support their efforts will always be a positive thing. The idea is fantastic since it is a global network that has been designed by the Greatest squad to act as a digital currency. A big shout out to the entire squad. As they have a potent and beneficial team, I hope this strategy will become the highest level initiative in the cryptocurrency industry. This project is extremely popular now, and it is a fantastic initiative. I think it's true.
Main Address:
Website: https://unityfund.finance/
Whitepaper: https://unityfund.finance/whitepaper-v1/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UnityFundHQ
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unityfundhq/
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/unityfundhq?...
Telegram: https://t.me/UnityFundHQ
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnityFund
BTT username: Shwon600
BTT Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2843257
Telegram username: @Shwon600
Bep-20 address: 0xAB9Db8FD951DB3AC1085331d1Ef2Afa7d4CC9c8f