UnityFund is a project based on finding innovative ways to enable our users to combine their strengths together to open up new opportunities for passive income generation and collectivism. We’ve gone the extra mile to ensure that our community knows we’re here for the long term and that making our token carpet pull proof has been a priority in V1, AND the Unity Fund has been designed to continue to generate 4% returns for token holders from taxes imposed. on all transactions. In comparison, the long-term appeal of being part of the ecosystem is boosted by automatic lp 4.5% of all transactions. Apart from being a very interesting community to be a member of, UNITY users are also directly repairing the broken state of the world in 2021 little by little by donating 1% of all transactions to global charities.
The UnityFund ecosystem will be a series of smart contracts that work together to do more than just create and manage tokens, but also democratize our donation process, enabling UNITY to place bets on our secondary tokens (more in V2!) creation and development of a perpetual altruism system that scalable truly decentralized. Initially, our project started with a transaction tax collection system that benefits token holders and charities, however, we have seen many different ways that we can build on this basis to create something unique in the cryptocurrency space, and this will bring more benefits to more people. people and organizations than similar projects. We are working hard to design and implement a much larger system than the one we started with, and it will leverage the strong early foundations of our model and our community to do what we, and hopefully all of you, consider.
UNITY token is the native cryptocurrency of the UnityFund ecosystem, with it allowing for the creation of an ongoing,outonomous, mutually beneficial situation between UNITY token holders and global charitable causes.Unity Fund has been designed to perpetually generate a yield of 4% for token holders from a tax levied on all transactions. In comparison, the long-term attractiveness of being a part of the ecosystem is boosted with an auto lp of 4.5% of all transactions. As well as this being a tokenomically-attractive community to be a member of, UNITY users also directly improve the broken state of the world in 2021 a little bit at a time by donating 1% of all transactions to global charities.By taking part in what will bicome largest decentralized crypto-based altruesm network in the work ( which in itself is a reward), the members of the UNITY community that vote each week will be further rewarded with a part of a designated UNITY reward for voters ( voting upcoming in V2).
Decentralized finance, also known as DeFi, is a fast-growing sector of the cryptocurrency industry. DeFi creates decentralized financial instruments separate from traditional centralized institutions and in the more recent explosion in the popularity of art tokenization as non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
The transformation of the current charity system to incorporate decentralization and algorithmic incentivization mechanisms is a less all explored area of the market, yet one which we accept has a high potential for the making of huge cooperative positive results and of a self-governing, commonly gainful framework that sustains the formation of significant worth and its viable reallocation to all individuals from the framework.
TELEGRAM GROUP:https://t.me/UnityFundHQ
Forum Username: Alamin9884
Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1219607
Telegram username : @alamin988
BSC address : 0x660c37A41998F153AF40c0BEbeF8A0473A449fD5