The Secret To The Universe

in universe •  8 years ago  (edited)

Here is one of my favourite blogs from my website which is essentially a library of gold nuggets and is just my personal diary. This blog is one I would share with my children as I believe information like this is integral to our greater understanding of life. It has numerous videos and snippets of information that shows the universe is in deed one big musical score. If you like Pythagoras, then you will like this. Hope you enjoy it. Have a great day. ~ Sebastian


The Secret of the Universe

This is a walk through blog article, start to finish, in an attempt to move you towards a greater understanding of our universe, sharing with you some great knowledge, research and asking questions of the society and reality we live in.

Hopefully you get something from this page and maybe you will start researching more into your own level of awareness and consciousness and seek genuine changes in your community.

These are the Seven Hermetic Principles as found in the Kybalion among other texts. They are naturally existing laws of the universe and shape our reality. With the understanding and appreciation of these laws, one can live more harmoniously with themselves and the natural world.

1) The Principle of Mentalism – This principle states that the universe and everything around us is a mental construct. We are all co-creating our perceptions of the world and everything around us.

2) The Principle of Correspondence – This principle informs us that the microcosm is a direct reflection of the macrocosm and vice versa. It is from this principle that we derive the saying “as above, so below.” This can be seen all throughout the universe. Microscopic organisms mimic the same shapes and forms of galaxies.

3) The Principle of Vibration -This principle shows us that everything in the universe is made up of vibratory energy. We are at our essence, vibratory light energy.

4) The Principle of Polarity -This principle exemplifies the natural duality that exists within nature. Hot and cold, light and dark, good and evil. Without an opposite, these expressions would lose their identity. All opposites are just varying degrees of the same thing.

5) The Principle of Rhythm – This principle says that all elements in the natural world move in a rhythm. This can be seen in the animal kingdom as well as the cosmos. Everything fluctuates.

6) The Principle of Cause and Effect – This principle demonstrates that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Everything we do has an effect on something. Once this concept is grasped, we see that what we do really does matter.

7) The Principle of Gender – This principle states that everything has masculine and feminine characteristics. We all have rationale (attributed to the masculine) and compassion (attributed to the feminine). A balance of these elements is essential to the completion of the individual. This is true in a physical sense as well in that when we are born, our gender is merely determined by a one chromosome differential.

These principles have been passed on since time-immemorial through various mystery schools and esoteric philosophies. With the ongoing awakening that is taking place all around us, the understanding of these priciples by the individual provides that person with a key to unlocking the doors of their understanding of the mysteries of life. These principles are coming to light again for a reason. Take head and let them guide you on your path.

What is the 8th Natural Law?

8) The Creation of Care - The 'container' in which all of the principles of natural law exist - What we care about on a daily basis acts as the driving force of our thoughts, manifestations, energy and actions.

Care+Knowledge+Action (Feeling, Mind, Being)

The Six Levels of Consciousness

Your life is a journey from unconsciousness to higher consciousness.

1. Life happens to you. 2. Life happens by you. 3. Life happens in you. 4. Life happens for you. 5. Life happens through you. 6. Life is you.

What is higher consciousness?

Higher consciousness is the consciousness of a higher Self, transcendental reality. Self awareness at the highest level.

It is "the part of the human being that is capable of transcending animal instincts".

Higher consciousness is spiritual/mystical awareness. There are many progressive, sublime levels of higher consciousness which you can experience as you learn how to daily transcend your normal mind — with its thoughts about past, present and future — to enter the infinite, unlimited part of your being.

Higher consciousness is ever-increasing awareness of your spiritual essence, the meaning of life and of the underlying spiritual nature in all things.

In elevating your awareness beyond your normal thought processes you can experience your true nature and potential.

In practicing the universal principles you can attune your awareness at will with unimaginable constructive peace and profound knowledge.

With awakened higher consciousness you live in wonder and delight as you create a finer life and a better world.

The more you can stand with Life, allowing it to move through you rather than reacting to it or controlling it, the more you begin to get glimpses of the sixth level of consciousness in which you see that Life is you.

You are no longer a separate being.

Instead, you merge completely back into the creative flow of Life, understanding that everything—every rock, person, cloud, molecule and ladybug—is you.

You are Life!

As Eckhart Tolle said, “You are not in the universe; you are the universe, an intrinsic part of it. Ultimately you are not a person, but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself.

What an amazing miracle.”


Is the answer to life the universe and everything 42...or is it 432Hz?

Humans are light beings, we are made of light and a vibrating mass of energy and matter.

We respond to specific frequencies and vibrations and we in fact held together by the vibrations of frequencies and an understanding of sacred geometry.

This is a concept we all need to comprehend.

We are not being taught what we need to know.

These are keys to the answer for everything and are foundation principles to the foundation of life.

So...why has western society forgotten about these principles?

Why are we not learning about the importance of this connection to nature in school?

Why have we been separated from the ancient understandings of these principles?

It seems we have a very limited education on our chakras, music, energy, vibrations, sacred geometry and how this all applies to nature itself and a higher state of conciseness?

Pythagoras Triangle

The 3, 6 and 9 and the SONIC PYTHAGOREAN TRIANGLE is a major part of this Quantum puzzle.

3, 4, and 5 are the first numbers that combine to form the first so called ‘Pythagorean Triple’, which obeys the rule ‘A squared plus B squared equals C squared’.

The numbers 3, 4 and 5 generate the geometric pattern we call the Flower of Life (See below for more).



The 3-D geometry of the universe is based on these perfect solids.

This knowledge was not invented, but discovered.

It’s inherent in all things.

This geometry is the armature or structure of the matrix that makes up our reality.


Based on my extensive research, life experience, passion for this subject, music, sound and the information discovered and very clearly explained by Jamie Buturff, the answer to the universe and everything could very well be 432Hz.

As Pythagoras discovered, the range and spectrum of frequencies that A=432Hz falls within is mathematically 100% correct and harmonious with everything in the universe.

The universe is one harmonious musical score and it has one ultimate universal tuning scale.

I am certain the Pythagoreans, Tibetans, Egyptians, Mayans, Atlanteans, Pleiades, Arcturians, Mayans and many others knew of these musical frequencies and possibly many others that will hopefully be revealed to us or rediscovered in time.

For thousands of years we have been controlled by what frequencies we have been allowed access.

Let us begin anew by revealing this new/ancient knowledge and by simply acknowledging this opportunity as a gift.

What does all this mean?

As Nikola Tesla said we need to understand the universe is made of energy, vibration and frequencies.

We literally need to understand this fact at a deeper level and it needs to be taught as I believe we can heal ourselves with frequencies and the future of medicine is here.

The secrets in this article make up the universal law of life and is the harmonic answer to everything we know.

My research shows that 432Hz and all other root octaves are CRUCIAL to our health and peace.

Look into the chakras, 432Hz numbers and start surrounding yourself with them.

Feel the vibration of healing and connection with everything that is.



So why is this not well known?

It seems we have been deceived by the greed and power of man and the empire for over 1000 years. Bad vibrations are a money making machine.

The world we live in has been DELIBERATELY tuned to a disharmonious 440HZ which has no scientific relationship to the physical laws that govern our universe.

Western society is a corporatised slave matrix revolving around money and profit.

We are being bombarded with frequencies that our biology does not align with.

Materialism and consumerism.

Gambling, sickness and darkness with a dependancy on the goverment, pharmaceuticals and perceived authority.

It is the energy of economics alone that holds us here. It has worked for the Roman Empire for over 1000 years and it continues today.

Welcome to Western Society - The Slave Matrix.

Ask yourself why our society has been designed this way and if you are interested to know more and seek better, please research it.

Once you awaken to it all, the deception, there is no going back and you will reach a higher state of consciousness.


What is 432 Hz?

For those who are willing to listen, the Cosmos is making music.

If we could tune-in to the “Cosmic Hum”, we would find bliss and well-being. A seemingly incredulous claim, this fact is evident from thousands of years of continuous use.

The ancient Indian Vedas (books of science), musical and scientific instruments recovered from ancient Egypt and Sumer (Iraq), Greek mathematician Pythagoras, opera legend Verdi, natural scientist Rudolf Steiner, and an increasing body of modern anecdotal evidence published by the ever expanding learning culture of the internet, are the endorsements of the legend that 432 Hz and 528 Hz are in fact healing sounds.

This is further supported by a surprising large and unsurprisingly secret body of neurological evidence that 432 Hz and 528 Hz are fundamental frequencies with which the human body naturally resonates.

The universe resonates at a specific key of music, frequency and vibration.

A=432Hz, known as Verdi's 'A' is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe.

Music based on 432Hz transmits beneficial healing energy, because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature.

The universal music of sacred geometry.

When you tune your car radio, you are “tuning-in” to a certain frequency. 8 Hz is the difference between the signal you want, and noise.

432Hz SHOULD BE used for the tuning of A for all music worldwide - It is NOT - In order to suppress the human race from true freedom, evolution and higher consciousness.


“All science is ultimately derived from vibration. Compound physics distils into math, and from there into geometry, but you can also create geometry from vibration" - Jamie Buturff

1. Direct Experience

Sound meditation using isochronic pure tones of the 432 Hz "A" tuning is the easiest way to understand what all this fuss is about. The Vedas tell us that Chakras are energy fields generated by the electro-chemical activity of the 6 major ganglia (dense networks of nerves) in the nervous system. Each Chakra has a different frequency, and emits light of a certain colour, too low to be perceived by the average human eye. (The light and colour of Chakras can be seen by those who have trained their perception, and by certain equipment, eg Chakra Photography.)

2. Music Theory


Despite their differences, eastern and western music are both based on the foundation of the “harmonic sequence”. This can easily be understood using any stringed instrument. Playing an open string will produce a note, for example G. Lightly pressing your finger on the string to divide the length in half, will produce a higher G, one octave up. Lightly pressing the string to divide it into thirds, quarters, fifths, or sixths, will produce the “harmonic sequence” of notes, also called “harmonics”.

Sympathetic Resonance

When a note is sounded, any resonant material or instrument in close proximity that is in tune with that that note, WILL ALSO SOUND. This could be a bell, a violin, a crystal glass, an iron railing or light fitting, or the sympathetic strings on a sitar. The note that is sounded is called the fundamental note, and the best results are achieved when the fundamental is a bass note. Any relative frequency will also sound, for example a 5th or an octave above the fundamental.


The harmonic range of a note can also be heard when a well tuned instrument is sounded in a supportive acoustic environment, and these are called overtones.

When we use the 432 Hz frequency, we are actually hearing the entire harmonic range of that fundamental note, of which 528 Hz is the major 3rd, C#, a natural harmonic generated by the division of the string into 5ths.

Tuning the A to 432 Hz also means that the entire scale is tuned relative to the A.


3. Mathematics

In the musical example, the open G – string was, lets say 384 Hz. The 1st harmonic, half the length of the string, is double the frequency of the note: 768 Hz.

In this field and at this very time I write this article, it appears, two rival mathematicians seem unwilling to hear the music of their own theories – Jamie Buturff promotes 432 Hz, Leonard Horowitz promotes 528 Hz, however all one has to do is play the music to hear that these 2 notes FORM A PERFECT MAJOR 3RD which is within the same universal key.

Considering 528Hz is a major 3rd on the 432Hz scale, although part of the 440Hz scale, it is very likely to be a universally harmonious frequency with the 432Hz on its own.

I will be compiling a full list of harmonic frequencies that align with the A=432Hz.

For mind boggling mathematical detail, both Buturff and Horowitz have well established websites filled with substantial mathematical understanding from the deep end of the classroom however I believe this simple table nutshells the concept:


Table showing numerology of 432 and 528 Hz

The notes (frequencies) are those used in the creation of Tibetan singing bowls, specifically tuned to the Chakras.

For the complete article please visit my website as I ran out of space here.

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I wish people would not centre all the text in a posting. It makes it really difficult to read all the way through.

ColdMonkey mines Gridcoin through generating BOINC computations for science...

Solid post. A lot of material here, will take me a while to get through it all.

I find all of this very interesting. Pythagorean scared scales and the 432 is what life is all about.

And it was good...

Thank you. It is worth understanding as it answers many of our questions as well as understanding the basis for occult knowledge. We are just living within one big musical score.

I regularly mix the frequencies you mention with binaural beats. When meditating to 528Hz it feels like my skin is being tickled on every surface at once. Good explanation of sound. You should check out Walter Russell as I think you might like his work. Excellent article... now if I can just find your website now. Upvoted.

528Hz is a major third of the A=432 Sacred Pythagorean scales and part of the Solfeggio frequencies which make up the universal frequency range that aligns with our biology. The only frequencies you should surround yourself with. All others, including electromagnetic fields, outside of this spectrum are potentially harmful and can disrupt our cellular health. My favourite subject!

I teach meditation and enjoyed your article. I seem to have gravitated towards "The Miracles Tone" but that could simply be clever marketing as I have not tried every tone for meditations. --- I really enjoyed this article and wish I could vote for it twice. I am a well respected Hermetic author and teacher (not a fan of Mark Passio in your video link). --- Would you meditate to any other tones than 528Hz? Example: Many meditate to the 432Hz tones. Are these okay based on your knowledge? You explained how 528Hz is a major third of the A=432 Sacred Pythagorean scales, but save an old witch from learning math and tell me if you think 432Hz is safe also and any other tones I could practice with. --- I understand much of Egyptian tech is based on sounds and would love to research it further (I suggested Walter Russell for you as I think you might enjoy - On YouTube). I enjoyed what you said but a lot of the math went over my head and I'm no slouch. You obviously love math more than some. Thanks Namaste

Yes the 432Hz and all subsequent tones/frequencies are safe. They are natural sounds. All Tibetan bowls and Egyptian instruments were tuned to the 432. Even Mozart played in the 432 and had all his instruments specifically tuned to the 432. It is a well understood secret in the music industry as it has been deliberately hidden (re-tuned since 1926 to A-440 and A-448). I like Passio as he is truther and his information if very accurate in my opinion. Try to listen anything on the Pythagorean sacred scales and anything natural (whales, birds etc). Egyptian tech was based on energy, electricity , our biosphere (chakras) and yes...frequencies. Pyramids were energy machines that create negative ions, scalar energy and ensure high quality water and biospoherical alignment for those exposed to the geometrical perfection of the Golden Ratio and pyramids. Closets thing we haver to magic and it has everything to do with the force and universal energy and connection.

Excellent! Even though I cannot explain what a "major third" is in music or math I have heard of the frequency tuning from 432Hz to the 440Hz as you mentioned above. Sometime around World war II and I heard nazi's or something had to do with it.. Unsure the history of that.. But I have heard of it.

I have a "Negative Ion" Generator at home which I sometimes use to calm a space.

I would not say it is the closest thing we have to magik as anyone can walk outside and dissolve a cloud with their minds... and THAT IS SIMPLE AND REAL MAGIK MIRACLES. I am a teacher of magik and that is novice stuff. There is a rule that the person doing the cloudbusting be "silent" ("to be silent"). This mean that telling someone of your intent before OR AFTER (to do with time not being actual - Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser type thing) can pollute and even cancel your intent the same way sound waves can cancel peak vs valley.. thoughts do same.

Anyways.. that last paragraph should prove to yourself at least that you can do very real magik.

However; I came here to thank you again for answering my questions. I did think 432Hz was also okay but your first reply saying "The only frequencies you should surround yourself with" which I thought you may have excluded 432Hz from.. You did not and corrected me.

I am following you. Everything is thought and thought is frequency/waves.

As I said I am following you and you are my first person I am following here.

I also voted your comments and post up. I hope many find it.

Thanks and good luck

Wayne Hilborn

(Please do not vote for this comment as I do not want to detract from posting here)

Can you link me to this negative ion generator please? That sounds amazing. Look at majors thirds as being the black keys on a piano that accompany the white keys. Easy way to visualise how they connect and are part of the big musical score of life and the universe. We are just a sequence in the end and the source is the conductor. All votes on my page get voted up if they are a genuine contribution. That is just how I do things as I have voting power and like giving in return. It is healthy. :)