Facebook's record-breaking $5,000,000,000 fine by FTC actually improved Zuckerberg's net worth..

in unregulated •  5 years ago  (edited)

Concluding its investigation launched in March 2018 into Facebook's Cambridge Analytica data privacy violations, The Federal Trade Commission has slapped the social media company with a record-breaking $5 Billion USD fine. A slap-on the wrist if you as most financial pundits.


While the number of $5 Billion certainly is a hefty sum, and much greater than the $22 million levied against Google in 2012, it's actually a mere drop-in-the-bucket when taken into perspective. Facebook's net worth is around $150 Billion dollars. In the first quarter of this year, Facebook made more than $15bn in revenue, meaning a fine of $5bn would equate to about one month's worth of income.

Considering, the tech giant made over $22bn in PROFIT last year alone.. this fine feels more like a parking ticket, than any serious punishment that may serve as a deterrent to future seedy business practices. Fines and punishments are only effective when they provide negative consequences for bad behavior. Facebook has acted and continues to act badly and no one is willing to take them down a peg.

Facebook actually anticipated this settlement, and forewarned investors, assuaging them that they had put money aside to buffer the financial blow. As a result, the company was rewarded on the market today, with Facebook shares rising 1.8% in response to the news.


Basically, the FTC spent the last 16 months investigation serious allegations of widespread privacy invasion, and the result is a lump sum that FB can recuperate in 14 weeks.. Zuckerberg with just tap into his $50bn that he has in his bank account, cut a check, and laugh it off as he continues to ride unchecked into his next misadventure at the sake of the public..

Many have come out and expressed their outrage and displeasure at the court decision today, including Senator Elizabeth Warren who's tirade included:

"The company is too big to oversee... The FTC should break Facebook up, plain and simple. Enough is enough!"

But words, are just words, and until concrete is action is taken that drives home to Zuckerberg that there are consequences to actions, Facebook will likely continue its reckless and irresponsible behavior.


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It just goes to show you that the rich get treated differently in this country than the rest. It really is kind of sickening to think about. We have an invisible caste system that is dictated by your economic upbringing.