I have been thinking for a million times,being a single mom,am I still going to find someone who will love me and my kids despite everything? Is that person going to accept me and my kids? Will that person bare to be with me of course he already has a competition when it comes to my attention? I am not going to give my 100% attention to that person because as a mom our priorities will always be our kids. So I therefore thought that I might stay as what I am today,because I am not that lucky when it comes to love. Well it isn't unfortunate to be a single mom,as a matter of fact it is worth all the worries and the effort and of course its worth all the tears. Well I can site a few reasons why we ( single moms ) are worth loving.
I have been asking my closest friends ( boy friends ) about this question,Is a single mom worth loving and why? Well I am not actually writing this because I am a single mom ( on second thought,yes,I might be writing it because I am a single mom and II'm proud of it hahaha, i dunno,I just like to write the topic ). Well some of my friends has given a helpful answer and I can site 4 or 5 reasons that they gave me ( my boy friends ). So here we go.
1.Single mom's are tested to be loving,seeing how we kept our kids despite the fact that it will be hard for us. The love for our kids is the sole reason why we strive hard. Single mom's are known to be gentle when it come's to their kids,we do everything to play the role of both father and mother so our kids won't feel that something is missing in the family. Although as they grow old and have their minds of their own they tend to ask where there father's are ( God Bless those fathers haha).
2.We can always work under pressure ( if you know what I mean ). Think about how we were able to work and at the same time take care of our kids. It might be easy for those who are just watching,thinking it is always mom who does the laundry while feeding their kids,clean the house,take care of a child that's having tantrum's,when a child is sick only mom take's care and not having enough sleep,we do multi tasking to save time hahahaha. I hear my cousins,my neighbors and friends complain as to how hard it is for them to take care of their kids and take note they have husbands. So how hard can it be for us women who don't have husband haha.
3.Single mom's are strong and brave enough to face everything on their own. So imagine we do everything on our own,from household chores to working at the office or at any establishment just to provide. We usually ask someone close to look for our children while working. But then after work we do everything at home and take note,there is a very little time for us to rest. Well if you have your family with you to help you,then your lucky enough. When we face some difficulties we tend to solve it on our own,as we are afraid to get side comments from our family. So yes we are strong ( but somehow we pray to have someone to help us as well,someone to lean on whenever we feel tired )
4.We fall in love seriously. Partly one of the reason why we became one though ( single mom ),I don't regret that I chose to be a single mom. We also care a lot,because we have taken care of our kids already,of course taking care of an adult wouldn't be that hard for us anymore ( not unless that person has a lot of demands,I hardly discourage you to choose that kind of man,if you are a single mom like me ). After being hurt and left behind we choose someone that can accept our past and when that happens,we would like to be with that man ( hopefully )for the rest of our lives. I mean seriously if the man would like to be a part of our lives too and accept all the shit,why not,right?
5.And lastly single mom's has one of the purest heart that can love unconditionally. So if you chose to fall inlove with a single mom you may consider yourself lucky because when we love we give our 100%.
I'm not encouraging every girl to be a single mom,you wouldn't one to become one. Its not easy because there will be times that giving up is an option but we chose to go on because of one reason,one reason alone,our KIDS. Beside's no matter how strong we became,we also dream that somehow someone will walk in our lives and say they're going to stay and protect us. We become tired,I become tired,most of the time but looking at the faces of our kids,their smile,we regain our strength. So to all the single mom's out there,cheer up we all have that special someone that will be destined for us,given by God. But if not its okay,because we have our kids to keep in our heart forever.
The photos are all mine. Thanks for your time and I hope you like it