Unveiling spiritual mysteries: It is the LORD who has made all things; to those who fear him he gives wisdom

in unveiling •  3 years ago 

The wisdom teacher Ben Sira explains to us that God is perfect, eternal, and almighty, with his word he is the creator of all things, to God correspond the perfections of all things and in particular the gift of glory, the perfect fame, only he and not power or money, deserves to be glorified by man. It is true that many do not believe in the Lord, but the unveiling of God is a grace that is manifested in the heart of man. God with his love and mercy provides man and those who trust in him do not see their hope disappointed.
Praise God says Ben Sira, because there is nothing more important and sensible than this:
"More than this we need not add;
let the last word be, he is the all!
Let us praise him the more, since we cannot fathom him,
for greater is he than all his works.
Awesome indeed is the LORD,
and wonderful his power.
Lift up your voices to glorify the LORD
as much as you can, for there is still more.
Extol him with renewed strength,
do not grow weary, for you cannot fathom him." Ben Sira 43:27-30
The teacher Ben Sira also explains that we cannot understand the perfection of God with the human reason, the understanding of the spiritual mysteries corresponds to the wise man, to the man who is similar to the creator, God is the wisdom itself explains the theologian Thomas Aquinas. The work of God in essence for the most part imperceptible to the natural senses of man and only those who fear him with a well-predisposed heart can reveal what is invisible to human intelligence.
Knowing God and receiving his wisdom is the greatest good for man, Ben Sira tells us:
"For who has seen him and can describe him?
Wo can praise him as he is?
Beyond these, many things lie hidden:
only a few of his works have I seen.
It is the LORD who has made all things;
to those who fear him he gives wisdom" Ben Sira 43:31-33.
Unveiling spiritual mysteries. It is the LORD who has made all things; to those who fear him he gives wisdom.jpg
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