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in up-steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

Technological developments in the last few decades have made an enormous contribution to the advancement of human life. The ability of internet surfing makes information very accessible and the dissemination of science is unlimited. However, technology also has a share that is no less great in the formation of instrumental culture, where people prefer to do things in an instant way in various joints of life, not least in the case of scientific publications. Copy - paste is one of the instant cultural products in the world of publication. A form of modern plagiarism is increasingly prevalent, especially in the world of academics. For that, let us together spend a little thought to review how to avoid plagiarism trap. Powerful Ways to Avoid Plagiarism's Strap - Contentia Powerful Ways to Avoid Plagiarism's Strap - Contentia It is important that the authors should be aware that every paper, especially in relation to research and education, must be free from the various elements of plagiarism. It is concerned not only with ethical and moral affairs, but also with the future of science itself. Plagiarism can be regarded as an act of copying or cheating other people's ideas or ideas. In the Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), plagiarism is defined as the making of articles (opinions and so on) itself, such as publishing rich write others on their own behalf. Here are some things that can be categorized as plagiarism: Taking and acknowledging the writings or works of others and acknowledging them as works of their own, including downloading the paper from the internet.
Cara-Ampuh-Menghindari-Jeratan-Plagiarisme-Kontenesia-Marketplace-Penulis-Indonesia.jpgTaking or using the thoughts of others in your writing without including the source. Manipulate ideas or works of others so that it looks like your own work. Pay the services of others to write something on your behalf.
Powerful Ways to Avoid Plagiarism - Content Marketplace The largest and the fi rst author in Indonesia Powerful Ways to Avoid Plagiarism's Strap - Contentia The act of plagiarism can be divided into two types based on the intent of the perpetrator. There are so-called inadventent plagiarism, which is accidental plagiarism that is done due to the writer's ignorance of applicable scientific writing standards. There is also deliberate plagiarism, which is plagiarized by deliberate to be published as a work of its own. One of the most effective ways to avoid plagiarism is by extending knowledge of writing techniques. In some cases, a person may not intend to be a plagiarist, but ignorance can trap you inadvendant plagiarism. For that first learn the basic rules of writing that have been generally standardized, or that have been specifically used as a reference by the institution or institution where your writing will be published.
[wdca_ad id = "1160"] Avoid plagiarism can be done by performing several techniques, namely by using a scientifically arranged reference system and paraphrase techniques. these two techniques are important to know as preventive measures in avoiding plagiarism. While the testing step can be done by utilizing software technology plagiarism hacker.
The following is a description of the techniques summarized from various sources: Quote reference technique The citation reference technique is a direct quotation technique by making exact copies of the source without any addition in any form. In Indonesia, the commonly used system is the system of records and direct systems. Powerful Ways to Avoid Plagiarism - Content Writing Services SEO Articles Powerful Ways to Avoid Plagiarism - Content Writing Articles Notes system On the record system, the reference identity, author name, year and page are not displayed directly, but rather using a small numbered superscript placed at the top right corner at the end of the quotation sentence. The number will refer to the footnotes placed at the bottom of the page. Direct system In the direct system, the reference identity, author name, year and page are displayed directly at the end of the quotation sentence. The general rules as follows: Quotations that are 4 lines long should be written as is and integrated into the exposure text using quotation marks ("...") with two spaced line spacing. While the quotation is longer than 4 lines, the line spacing quotation is one space. Include a reference source at the beginning or end of the quotation, ie by including the author's name, the year of publication,

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