Additional Boring Stuff To Read
I'm building an Android application to do something eventually. Right now I'm just playing with APIs and other libraries to see what tools I have at my disposal. I'm not too sure what I want to go with the application right now, but I have defined different specific tasks and goals I want to accomplish in the next few days.
These posts will not be long in terms of written content. People don't really like reading stuff that is attached to videos. Listening and watching seems to be the predominant form of communication nowadays as it is easier to digest. However, I will continue to write those long-form think pieces outside of these videos from time to time. But I really only want to write when I have a quality idea to share. In the pieces that I don't have clear thoughts, they tend to devolve into rambling.
I also want to thank my followers. Without you, what other metric would I measure my ego with? All jokes aside, I appreciate the support of my content and the support that so many so towards the platform. I truly believe that the effort we are putting into the ecosystem will pay dividends in the future (Yes, that is a metaphor).