Okay I haven't been posting and I feel terrible about that, but (oh boy, here come the excuses.) my computer has been a complete brat. First of all, my power source cut out, real fun having a black out isolated just to your computer tower. However, lucky me, my dads a tech geek and we had a spare in the shed, if a little rusty. Worked fine enough and everything seemed all right at first!
Then the blue screen of death showed up.
I thought it was a one time thing, just getting used to the power source! Nope. It happened again... and again... and again. Dad I pinpointed it to the memory, so we put them in tighter, swapped them around, dusted them out, anything and everything, sometimes it worked for a bit, sometimes it didn't work out, we even swapped them out with my sisters memory because she never uses her pc and for awhile that worked.... then it didn't.
What was worse, was my cintiq, midway through that, decided it wouldn't work anymore. The power is working, and the screen lights up (to say no input signal), and my pc recognises it. But the cord leading to the video card seems like its warped.
Sadly, in the end, we had to reinstall windows completely, and now I'm starting the slow process of setting up all my programs again and downloading all that I couldn't save... including my video editing software.
I'm so sorry for my absence, but it's not much further from now, just till I get my tablet sorted.