Not Gone! Updates!

in update •  7 years ago 

Hello All!

Just thought I'd stop by to let you know I'm still here, and while I don't intent on stopping blogging, just taking a bit of a break to get some other things lined up in life.

Quick updates include:

  • Putting together better birth 360 acupressure workshops
  • Crocheting goods for upcoming birth fairs
  • Putting together pamphlets for acupressure and doula stuff
  • Putting on my own birth fair locally
  • Radio show - you can tune into every wednesday evening 4:30pst/7:30est to Against The Grain
  • Marketing for my business(es)
  • And of course taking care of my kids and house

Unfortunately I only have 24 hours in a day and need to sleep sometimes - although my kids keep me up most of the night.

I will be back to keep blogging when things slow down as I have about 5 or 6 posts started but haven't had time to finish.

Just thought I'd let the few of you who follow me that there's more yet to come in the future!

With Love,


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Thanks for the update. I totally understand having way to much on my plate at once.

I do it to myself. :(

Thanks for sticking it out with me!