
in update •  6 years ago 

I've just been really tired recently and day job stuff's been taking up a lot of my attention, so a lot of work that should be getting done is taking a lot more time than usual.

I'm still feeling good about the new systems overhauls in Segira and, more generally, Hammercalled, but hunting down every last little bit and piece is driving me crazy; perhaps more literally due to the fact that many of the things are used across places and not. I was putting off the full graph and Rules Reference 2.0 until after Segira, but that may have been a mistake.

Fortunately, we have a nice holiday weekend coming up, so that should give me a little more time to get stuff sorted out and get back on track.

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A holiday break sounds wonderful right about now! I feel like taking a couple days off on a weekend and heading to a beach.