Adding Some recent tracks

in update •  4 years ago 

I'm adding a fair few tracks one by one, I've been posting elsewhere as well, sorry I have not been on here for a while, I currently have a lot of hard to finish songs in the works numbering around 10 so in time those should be filtering through bit by bit to, had a lot of difficulty aquiring the samples to finish these.

But I hope you enjoy them, some are rough around the edges but they are unique as always and i plan to complete those 10 tracks given a period of time it's obviously not going to be an overnight thing at all, one extremely hard to make one is a bond style song which i cannot find the ending to it looks as though i may have to some how make the ending using a midi keyboard which i am not the best at using but i plan to give that one a try as it sounds pretty cool so far.

Any way enjoy.


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