A raged woman got aboard the Delta airline flight Feb 6 , all ready mad due to the fact she had to sit in the back of the plane, cursing and slamming luggage around. The passenger by the name of Marissa Rendell a mother of a 8 month old baby, crossed pay Yes with the raged volital woman screaming her head off telling Marissa to shove it, when she found out she had to sit next to the baby.
She came to the back and slammed her bags down. She said 'this is f---ing ridiculous. It's bulls--- having to sit in the back of the plane,'” said Rundell.
Rundell claims she then asked the woman to watch her language — twice — and was told to "shut the f--- up and shove it."
Next, the woman began complaining about being seated close to a "crying baby" on the plane, although Mason was not crying at the time, says Rundell.
But the baby was not even crying,
The woman was then removed.
There been other instances though where a mother and her infant child was kicked off of Delta airlines due to overbooked flights and a family kicked off for no reason.
And was threatened to have their kids token away if they don't give up their seat what bull sh@#
Watch the caught on tape video
A WELL KNOWN utuber Adam sulla was also kicked off a delta airline for speaking Arabic. Leaving outta London going to New York.
He stuffed him self into a suitcase which was later checked onto another flight going to JFK airport.
Wow these poor people. Too much greed in life. Money is money. Just put the other people on a nother flight.