MechWarrior Online Solaris 7 | PC Gameplay - MechWarrior Online now has a new game mode that lets you play in 1v1 or 2v2, gaining sponsors and unique loot to make your ‘mech look like the biggest badass this side of Terra. It’s a great way to learn how to pilot your ‘mechs. That being said, I haven’t played MWO in months and the ‘mechs you see aren’t… the best possible creations.
Radical Heights | PC Gameplay - Here comes a brand new Battle Royale game. This time it’s filled with ‘80’s references, BMX bikes, good music, deadly fists, invisible guns and the feeling that maybe it shouldn’t have been released before animations were working.
Skins - Ever felt like you wanted to be in someone else’s skin for a day? Well, in the video game world you can, because skins are just something you can slap on at a moment’s notice, altering the appearance of a character completely. At least that’s what skins were a long time ago, things have changed. Step into the Gaming Codex to find out how.
Top Greatest improvements Made to Video Games - Games have sure evolved a lot over the past five decades. And they’ve gotten some really nifty little upgrades since then that have made our lives a little bit easier… well, easier in terms of being able to play them with less hassle.
Whatever happened to Firefall - Almost a decade ago, Firefall promised to be the next big thing. A free MMO that would redefine both free games and MMOs, with an evolving player drive storyline about a world spanning fight against a restless enemy. What we got was… not really that. And then it was shut down. So let’s go back in time and see what the game was about, what it could have been about, and how it failed to live up to expectations.
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 - Well, it’s that time of the year again, when I sink into a Heroes of Might and Magic game and come out only when I’ve had my fill. This time it’s Heroes of Might and Magic 3, the one that everyone loves, that one that is arguably the best in the series, and yet still manages to tick me off in a few ways.
Sit around the fire with us for a spell, and let’s have a chat about Heroes of Might and Magic. With special guest StefaNonsense of Complete Nonsense (, we cover our shared love for a series that has brought us so much joy, and analyze how it has evolved over the years, how it could still evolve, and how there was that one time when we didn’t go to school for a month because the teachers were on strike.