Stay'n' Ub. Eating duh grubs. I'm eating bugs!!

in uplate •  7 years ago 

I'm staying up late, slay'n' up late, until I laugh or flatulate . My infatuation with fate will not get me late with my date with SATAN. The Horror-Scope told me I need not be sarcastic or pessimistic. Today I agree with that.

Sometimes I go against the Horror-Scope and it brings me good luck. Sometimes when I go with the Horror-Scope it brings me bad luck. Sometimes......Sometimes....The Horror is not enough. My fear is it has nothing to do with good or bad luck. I'm not afraid of that fear! I know my superstitions SAT ON are merely metaphorical for my own experience and only fitting If I discover them for myself otherwise may fall to the lemming fate notion of 'ragged individualism'.

cOVered in BlooD I reject the mutilation they would have me surrendered to. Fragmented, distorted, distracted, perverted. Who would dare maul before one could start mulling on how to Kill Kill Culture itself. They slice and dice children in their fetish cult. They perverted the ceremony of becoming a human. They will pay for this!! They augment hazed innocents, immobilzed sentient beings. My RABIES is not afraid of the dark! Or Dork for that matter. Bite through that black hole that is your head.

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