Is this the BEST UPVOTE BOT ON STEEMIT? - Get started in 3 easy steps & Download the ZIP-File!

in upvote-bot •  8 years ago 

I use this fantastic easy bot every day, it run extremely smooth and gets the job done without any hassle. You will love it!

The 3 Simple Tasks You Must Do First!

Now You Are Ready To Use The Upvote-Bot!

Download The Steemit Upvote-Bot Here

Inside the ZIP-File you will find two files. The and the votelist.txt and for full transparency this is how they look like. If you need any help setting them up or fiddle with the settings, please come to SteemSpeak and we will help you as best we can.

from piston.steem import Steem
from piston.steem import BroadcastingError
import threading
import time
import random
import csv
# my favorite blogs on steemit
top_writers = []

# add my favorites
my_favorites = []
with open('votelist.txt', mode='r') as infile:
    reader = csv.reader(infile)
    for rows in reader:
        v = rows[0]
my_subscriptions = top_writers + my_favorites
account = ["your-account-name"]
posting_key = ["your-posting-key"]
active_key = []
vote_delay = random.randrange(500,1000)
upvote_history = []
def feed():
    print("Waiting for new posts by %s\n" % my_subscriptions)
    steem = Steem(wif=posting_key[0])
    for comment in steem.stream_comments():
        if in my_subscriptions:
            # Comments don't have titles. This is how we can know if we have a post or a comment.
            if len(comment.title) > 0:
                # check if we already upvoted this. Sometimes the feed will give duplicates.
                if comment.identifier in upvote_history:
                print("New post by @%s %s" % (, url_builder(comment)))
                workerThread = threading.Thread(name=comment.identifier, target=worker, args=(comment,))
# send $0.1 in SBD
def send_a_tip(author):
    steem = Steem(wif=active_key)
    steem.transfer(author, 0.001, "SBD", memo="I love your blog. Here is a small gift for you.", account=account)
def url_builder(comment):
    return "" % (comment.category, comment.identifier)
def worker(worker_comment):
       for (k,v) in enumerate(account):
         worker_steem = Steem(wif=posting_key[k])
         upvote_comment = worker_steem.get_content(worker_comment.identifier), v)
         print("====> Upvoted")
     except BroadcastingError as e:
       print("Upvoting failed...")
       print("We have probably reached the upvote rate limit.")
       if in my_favorites:
         print("====> Sent $0.01 SBD to @%s" %
if __name__ == "__main__":
    while True:
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception as e:
            print("### Exception Occurred: Restarting...")

So, the above python-script is the instructions for your bot, but you need to put in your own account-name (without the @) and the private posting-key for that account. If you have multiple accounts, you can comma-separate them on the same line, and the same with your private posting-keys if you run a curation-guild or something like that.



This is where you store the people you want to upvote, you can add as many as you want. The bot was originally created by @furion, upgraded and maintained by @contentjunkie, tested hard and brutally by @fyrstikken and @xeroc of course is the brilliant mind behind Piston.

This is how you run the Upvote-Bot

You can either doubleclick or open your upvote-bot with Python3, or you can use command-lines. I will show you two command-lines you can use to make the bot run:

  • The First Method

    Open a Terminal-Window and use the following command from the directory your bot-files are placed:

This command will run your bot, but if it crashes and refuse to restart in the middle of the night, that is a problem so a little hack around that problem by @inertia is to use this command instead from the terminal-window:

  • The Second Method

    Open a Terminal-Window and use the following command from the directory your bot-files are placed:

while :; do python3; sleep 5; done
This command will make your bot loop, so if it crashes - it will wait 5 seconds and start it up again.

Download The Steemit Upvote-Bot Here

To Bot or not to Bot - that is the question

over the past many months I have heard all kinds of arguments for use, abuse and do not use bots for voting, and I personally think that is pretty lame. Everybody should run upvote-bots and make sure their favorite writers, photographers, artists, promoters and whatever you subscribe/follow gets your upvote while there is time to upvote.

I personally cannot read all the articles people post immediately when they post, I have other obligations - but when I have the time, I sit down and I read and comment - even if the article is a week old. Every blogger on steemit that I upvote is someone I want to encourage to keep posting on steemit, and I am looking forward to read their stuff when I have the time.

Steemit is GREAT for content-creators, and we all have plenty of votes to go around, so let us all start using them!

To make me a Proxy for your witness-votes go to: and type in fyrstikken in the proxy-field

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
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Thanks soo much @fyrstikken
This will definitely help me in curations...
I will give this a look and try it out very soon

Awesome - If you need any help, you´ll find me on @steemspeak radio :)

It Works!!

Loaded with 120,000+ Steemit-account in Santa Claus mode :)

And it upvotes, no crash - very cool :)

Just out of curiosity, how did you manage to find all these accounts?

@fyrstikken, never thought that I would be thinking of using a bot. Thank you for sharing my friend.

Yeah, we need you to be the master of your own bot @runridefly :)

Thanks for this. Will be setting up in the near future. Also shared on twitter

Steem_Land Steem_Land tweeted @ 21 Dec 2016 - 18:39 UTC

Is this the BEST UPVOTE BOT ON STEEMIT? - Get started in 3 easy steps & Download the ZIP-File!… /


Steem_Land Steem_Land tweeted @ 21 Dec 2016 - 18:39 UTC

Is this the BEST UPVOTE BOT ON STEEMIT? - Get started in 3 easy steps & Download the ZIP-File!… /

@steemit @steemiobot

Steem_Land Steem_Land tweeted @ 21 Dec 2016 - 18:39 UTC

Is this the BEST UPVOTE BOT ON STEEMIT? - Get started in 3 easy steps & Download ZIP-File!… /

@SteemUps @SteemitPosts

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

please see my blogs , I have been working hard but I need some limelight :) .
Much appreciated .

Seems like an awful lot of work compared to which you just have to sign up for and set some very basic bot rules...or am I missing something else here...?

This is fantastic, thanks! Now I just need to take the time to set this up... 😄😇😄


Thanks @fyrstikken
The bots looks Cute

I have little experience programming I'm trying to make one of friends account auto upvote me. He essentially sold me his account. I was able to download both step 1 and 2 but the third piston link is broken. Do you have a updated link that I can use to follow this?

I cant seem to get it working. At first I was getting the piston error but then I read somewhere to make the follwing changes at the start of the code:
from steem.steem import Steem
#from piston.steem import BroadcastingError

I can start up the code then and it does pick up the accounts creating new posts but fails right after giving me this error:

self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)

File "", line 63, in worker
except BroadcastingError as e:
NameError: name 'BroadcastingError' is not defined

I can't seem to figure out how to fix this. Does anyone have any idea's?

Hi @fyrstikken
Thank you for sharing, currently I will stick with manual voting, but in future I might change.

I totally second your conclusion.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I tried installing piston on a fresh digitalocean droplet (Ubuntu 16.10). Couldn't get piston to compile no matter how many dependencies I pulled in. :-) Frustrating.

I kept getting errors relating to scrypt, openssl and aes. I pulled in everything I could find related to that hoping to get lucky, but ultimately, no luck.

Thanks, for the tutorial! Does this bot have any advantages over using steemvoter?

I completely agree about supporting the writer that I want to see flourish on steemit more. I later go back and comment when I have time too ^_^

I am not familiar with steemvoter, but this bot has everything you need for voting on posts, comments and even sending tips to people you really want to support.

I prefer to run my own software on my own hardware instead of sending my posting and/or active key to a third party website.

Once you got the bot running, you can leave it running 24/7 on a $5 WPS or your home-computer. Whatever suits you the best, and you and nobody else has full control over it.

Ahhh ok, well it is on This bot looks promising ! If it can vote on comments and send tip that is more than steemvoter can do. I will try it out for sure, thanks!

Agreed, Then you can be in full control and aware what is going on with your voting at all time!

Yeah that sounds good, but you have to leave your computer on, correct? What is a 5$ WPS?

Thank you for posting @fyrstikken. Appreciate this well thought out article. It is nice to know how you curate and receive more information on how bots work.

Wishing you a Happy Christ-mas and thanking you for your support.

Highly encourage people to use this script. Make Steemit a better place. @ironshield

This is very cool of you :-)
not sure if I can find the time to learn these now, I've bookmarked for a later date.
Thanks for sharing, I'll follow you from now on...
You can find me here...

My Signature Post ---> Fun & Has Great Misic ! feedback always welcome



Thank you very much. I'll use it. I was about to ask you back about it.

Is it possible to have different delays for all the different people.

Are the vote delay in seconds? Anyway, thank you. I'll begin to dabble with it and if I have have any issues I'll ask you on Steemspeak.

I have already python and piston install so hopefully it should go smooth.

Join Steemit Upvote Exchange Group

Haha there's a religion based on everything these days.

Pastafarianism is my personal favorite.

I know this post is a little old but is ranked number one on google for a lot of searches related to bots. I recently launched a tool that allows users to see all of the upvote bots data in one place on one page.

This allows users to see the upvote power and not waste money when bidding. Most upvote bots tell you to got to steemd which is nice but when using multiple bots this is tedious. Problem solved using this

I was really hoping this had taken off and was flourishing but it seems like an abvandoned project :( I hope to see some updates in the future. This looked promising.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The project is actually very alive and active. We just drastically changed direction. We were focused on helping only those that could afford to buy our promotion services and now we are a very successful growing community which has 7 curation accounts as part of a whale pool that helps members of the community grow. Abandoned No Way. Modified for the future to be more beneficial longterm is more like it. Take a look and see for yourself. and

The all bots stats live tool is obsoleted with the steembottracker now.

This is wonderful job...l love the styling...thanks for such a great content bro...


It says the page to download piston doesn't exist yet. Any advice?

Everybody is welcome to use our service @litasio.

Time delayed upvotes? Stop upvote at X remaining voting strength?

Failed to adapt it to GOLOS platform. Could you help me with it?