SSOT Health – storage platform for patients

in upvote •  6 years ago 


Social insurance framework these days has two ways – the cost decrease or customized watch over each patient. On account of the utilization of Blockchain innovation, synchronous arrangement of these two issues is conceivable.

SSOT Health is the task acknowledging such an opportunity. It permits setting up connection between patients, treating specialists, and in addition pharmaceutical research centers and guarantors.

Venture objective

The primary objective of the SSOT Health is making a typical database for social event and keeping data about patient's maladies and methods for treating them. A choice like this permits to give better and more affordable treatment for each customer and will lessen the quantity of restorative mistakes.

Utilizing this database, a specialist can have data about past instances of comparative sicknesses happening in different patients, conceivable entanglements, treatment strategies, and also the medications utilized.

Envision that five years prior you have been inspected and treated by a specialist, yet now there has been a backslide. Also, you can't make a difference to the previous specialist for specific reasons. You are hunting down another expert who can debilitate you. The new specialist will see every one of the strategies and treatment exercises that you completed 5 years prior, and based on this data will have the capacity to give you qualified help by utilizing database SSOT Health.

Fundamental standard

For this stage engineers chose to make three distinctive applications concentrated on each customer. These include:




The primary application in the rundown is Secured PHR. It enables a patient to oversee data from your own particular medicinal card inside a safe framework. It likewise can be utilized by therapeutic organizations for including new information about a patient.

**This application has recorded highlights: **

/refresh of restorative data about the patient;

/entering restorative data into the arrangement of any medicinal establishment that uses the blockchain;

/client approval (discretionary);

/the likelihood of self-administration of access to individual restorative information;

/information security by utilizing SSOT-ID key;

/information send out in CCR arrange.

The SecuredPharma is an application made for producers of prescriptions, drug stores, and purchasers. The work process is enhanced by utilizing an incorporated calculation in view of computerized reasoning.

SecuredPharma has following highlights:

/Reduces cost of the medications and expanding the adequacy of their request by utilizing savvy contracts with pre-verification;

/Optimizing the dispersion of medications by drug stores, barring the excess of medications in drug stores;

/Reduces time of dispersion of medications by 90 percent;

/improves the medicine of medications.

The SecuredClaims is application expected for use by protection and pharmaceutical organizations keeping in mind the end goal to diminish the rate of extortion. This product has the accompanying highlights:

/Online thought of utilizations;

/avoidance of go-betweens;

/utilization of AI to avoid explanations with intentionally inaccurate data;

/lessens the cost and enhances the nature of protection administrations, barring extortion cases which are considered in court.

You can utilize your telephone, tablet or your PC to get to all the applications.

SSOT Health venture points of interest:

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Bountihive username : tharuna

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its finally here l, the SSOT Health's Smart Contract this is a great innovation on blockchain tech

This is great,with this lots of health sectors will be improved.