I am not sure if I was very lucky on Sunday or if it was meant to be, but I caught a bunch of shiny Squirtles on Community Day. I actually sat for lunch in the middle of it instead of walking the full 3 hours since I was a bit tired after Saturday’s raid event. I caught more then too so I just decided to go home. And guess what? I caught another on the way there too!
In addition, I completed several research tasks to get myself some Squirtles with sunglasses which were cool as well. One of the most interesting mechanics of the event was the fact that certain poke stops would provide research tasks that provided a shiny Squirtle with sunglasses. More interesting is that it would be shiny for everyone who got the task and completed it. Until now, shines were completely random for every trainer.
This impacted some of my play as I decided to head home with an hour left as the chat group I am in pointed out 2 poke stops that had shiny research tasks so I picked them up and completed them on the way back home. Therefore, this was the event in which I got the most shinies from, 11! But wait, there’s more! Of the 11 shinies, 4 had sunglasses and 6 were normal. The eleventh was another Roselia shiny.
With all the Squirtle candy I got I decided to evolve 3 Blastoises in order for them to have the special move, Hydro Cannon. It was definitely a day of great progress and potential as I now have some unique Pokemons that I can use for future trades.