This is what remains of a very important, integral business in Hamilton, Ontario. The Hamilton Pressed Brick Company, later renamed Century Brick, was built right into a clay shield in the Niagara Escarpment in 1906. Using the clay, the company pressed bricks with a HAMILTON stamp, also CANADIAN bricks were cooked here. Most of the inner city core and old suburbs of the downtown core are all build with Hamilton bricks. They have actually become quite the collector's item for Hamilton buffs. The company made bricks in high quantity, from 1906 all the way through to 1998 when production here came to a halt. Hamilton Pressed Brick saw 12 Million bricks made in 1998, followed by 0 the next year. A few historic "Bee-Hive" kilns have since been destroyed, but one does remain standing. As of now, all the clay is imported from nearby cities and production has halted to a specific few historic recreations, meaning if you had a heritage house that NEEDED HAMILTON bricks, they would be there to make those for you on hand. But, while they claim to do that, nothing actually seems to have been touched since the 1998 closure. As for the property now, its used but not the factory. And its a big popular backdrop for many movies and TV series.
Hope you enjoy the photo tour and a tit-bit of history.