DO NOT buy into the barrage of propaganda being put out here in the US

in us •  3 years ago 


What's a synonym for conspire? Plan? Strategize? If I said I have a theory about the agenda of the strategic planning activities of the Council on Foreign Relations in cooperation with the World Economic Forum, the EU, the CIA and the United Nations would you consider me a conspiracy theorist, which has in our culture been developed as an extremely negative label? So negative in fact that anyone labelled a conspiracy theorist is dismissed as not credible enough to have his views considered.

So I'm not going to ask you to believe me. I'm simply going to ask you to start with the history of the CFR, the CIA and the WEF in Davos and see for yourself that they are organizations not devoted to the furtherance of free market trading within a global network of sovereign nations under a philosophy of unalienable rights granted to the masses by a Creator. What do they promote then? They promote a network of globalist ultra billion dollar corporations in the weapons, pharmaceutical, energy, shipping, manufacturing, food and distribution industries in furtherance of gross wealth among the devoted within their ranks. They DO NOT care about the welfare of you, the clerk or carpenter or factory worker.

They also control the flow of information globally as the media is one of the industries aligned with their agenda. The Times, Google, AP, the Guardian, Fox and so on.

If you're interested in how the information battle taking place over the Ukraine invasion is being fought, consider the reports about biolabs in the Ukraine. Generally these reports are dismissed as conspiracy theories. Snopes does so in a long winded article that ridicules the idea. It claims the report on biolabs in Ukraine is an offshoot of the conspiracy theory that the lab in Wuhan developed Covid 19 and released it. But even vast misinformation campaigns such as the denial that such a thing could happen aren't bullet proof. We all know the "gain of function" research in Wuhan funded by the US through middlemen like the WHO and CDC is suspect. For the greater good we're told. Lol.

But the following quote was taken from the article in Snopes.

"While the U.S. Defense Department’s Biological Threat Reduction Program provided some funding to upgrade biolabs in the Ukraine, these facilities are operated by the Ukrainian government under guidelines set under Ukrainian law."

Do they think we are stupid enough to believe that our DOD funds something through foreign aid and doesn't influence how the funds are spent? Yes they do think we're that stupid. Within the Ukrainian oil industry this aid was funnelled right back to the vice president of the United States family through his son. Good grief!

Putin as the aggressor is automatically branded as the bad guy. But the people who control the strategy of the global oligarchs, the ones I mentioned above, have a long history of cornering an enemy and forcing his hand. It's been going on since Japan in the 30s.

Here is my point. DO NOT buy into the barrage of propaganda being put out here in the US. There is far more going on than meets the eye. We have a president now, an active member in the coalition mentioned above, who killed our source of energy independence two days into office, started importing oil from Russia, weaselled his way out of being investigated for corrupt ties to corrupt bureaucrats in Ukraine, is still importing oil from Russia, is hurting the citizens of America badly, and would have you believe he is protecting our lives by standing against the evil oppressor. One last thing. Putin is a nationalist committed to Russian sovereignty and was second in standing as a major thorn in the side of the global agenda. He may have fallen into a trap. My personal hope is that this takeover ends quickly with a minimum loss of civilian life, and soldiers, and that Putin obtains and releases the records of the Biden family's entanglement in Ukraine.

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