Mail in voting = cheating
No ID required = cheating
Counting non-citizens in census = cheating
States with collapsing populations trying to attract illegals with pre-paid debit cards and free hotels = cheating
US intelligence agencies have repeatedly interfered with elections = cheating
Using Dominion machines from China and having Dominion sue elected officials seeking billions is something China itself would not be stupid enough to permit.
Yet the state-sponsored media fraudulently asserts over and over that there’s no cheating. The claims of no cheating are themselves a very obvious and pervasive form of cheating.
The Electoral College itself is a form of cheating from the perspective of the Big Lie that the US is a democracy. Multiple times the man who received the most votes did not take office.
It’s obvious that California and New York have more electoral votes and thus voting members of Congress than their proportions of legal voters. Cheating is at their core of their existence. Far worse than Enron level cheating.
Calling the USA a democracy when it is not is not only cheating, it’s a psychological operation or PsyOp.