Why i'm not voting this year.

in us •  5 years ago 


No, I'm not going to vote. Yes, I'll complain about government. The whole mantra of "If you don't vote, you can't complain." is born from establishment mentality.

I voted for Clinton in 2016. That was the first time that I voted for a major party candidate. I regret that vote. I don't regret it because I think that Trump is awesome. I do think that Trump turned out to be better than I expected; but, my expectations were fifty miles of crap below rock-bottom.

I've met Gary Johnson and I could vote for him if he were to run again. I've met Ron Paul and, despite some issues, I could vote for him. I could even hold my nose and vote for Bob Barr just because he's willing to admit when he's wrong. Only, none of those guys will ever get elected.

This time around, any vote would be a moral compromise that I'm not willing to make. I believe in liberty and not even the Libertarian candidate believes in free speech.

All you're saying when you say, "If you don't vote, you can't complain." is that there's some moral virtue in compromising your morals.

I compromised my morals in 2016. I won't do it again.

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Sometimes it is not good to hide your emotions. Voting is the power of democracy and if everyone thinks like you there will be no election. America has sacrificed a lot to get independence and voting is our right. I would still ask you to rethink about not voting. I would suggest you to vote and listen to your heart and brain. God bless America!

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