is America the most Dangerous Failed State in History ?steemCreated with Sketch.

in us •  8 years ago 

This is a serious question for serious times, is America the most dangerous failed state in History ?
So everyone knows i'm not American, and my point of view is that of a foreigner.
Everyday i'm bombarded with news of the up coming American election, i say election but the term should really be "selection" most of its negative toward Trump. clearly the powers that be don't want this fellow getting into the white house along with most sane people .. Right ?
Why is it then even tho this guy says things like Quote" i will use torture because torture works" end Quote, hes probably going to end up President ? and the scary thing is if i were an American i would vote for him too!

The reason ? its long and complex but boils down to the fact that his opposition is so bad Hilary Clinton he could be a sexist, racist, bigot and still get elected ....
Why is this ? how did a country with so many great people and real leaders end up throwing up these two nightmare candidates?
the reason is simple America has failed its a failed state, its no longer run buy the people for the people, its been taken hostage bye big business and there lobby interests. and as a reflection of the greed and self interests shown bye the people who run these massive corporations , the candidates that they have selected to champion there self interests are the worst kind of people on the planet.
Hilary Clinton representing the Democrats is without a doubt a criminal, yet this women is running for the most powerful position in the world, and simply cant be allowed to take the presidency.
She represents far more danger than Trump bye the share fact that she will say and do anything for money and power she is completely with out morals.
But that's not even the scary part the scary part is the aggressive attacking of Russia both politically and more dangerously military . Obama the last selected candidate is possibly the worst president in American history worst even than Bush take 2.
He has allowed the worst violations against Russia to happen under his watch without constraint, there are now missile batteries supposed to defend America from nuclear attack bye the Russians parked all along there borders ... sounds ok if your an American right ?
Wrong these defensive missile batteries can also be armed with nuclear war heads, hence giving America a clear first strike capability right on Russia's door step , in direct violation of to many treaties signed bye the USA and Russia,
This situation can not be allowed to continue Europe needs to act and start thinking for its self and stop dancing to the strings which are being pulled back in America.
This is another reason why Clinton is so dangerous she and who ever controls her are clearly still living the cold war and seem intent on demonizing the Russians for everything .
i think i even saw a story saying Putin has been poisoning Clinton and that's why shes been so sick.
this is so ridiculous it beggars belief,
So in short at least Trump with his many failings and there are many of those lets be honest here i could do a whole blog just on Trumps flip flopping.
He isn't against Russia he doesn't have his finger posed on the button and he is says things like i can work with Russia.
believe me this is a good thing war with Russia would be short and would leave most of the planet uninhabitable for say at least a couple of million years, don't fool yourself no one wins a nuclear war even if you take out Russia without any nukes landing on America... all those nuclear power stations that have all those spent rods in them that the Europeans and Russians are currently running would melt down ... think japans latest melt down x 10,000 that alone would wide out life on earth let alone the nukes Russia would launch around they have a dead mans switch which launches all there nukes at once in case all there leaders are taken out its automatic eh ?
in Short
Americans you need to take back your country your being run buy a few people who seem, by and large insane .
this is madness, to vote Hilary is madness to vote Trump is madness ... but Trump you must only if it byes us all some time to sort this out.
good luck America the world is watching some what in horror, how can we not there is so much at stake and hardly anyone is aware.
Good luck

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Where are you from?

Format your posts better: They're pretty good.