Russia threatens no one but western oil companies and banks. The US has done all it can to provoke Russia into a war that might get the US out of its depression. John McCain has demanded attacks on Russia, China and Belarus since 2000. Hillary Clinton said the same during the last presidential campaign.
The US has no stake in Syria. The US has no stake in Ukraine. The USA has no business being anywhere but the US. Oil companies are forcing the issue. The US economy is failing and its getting worse. This is the last gamble of a dying American empire. Big Oil dominates policy-making in these essential areas, and Russia remains their primary competitor.
The US cannot win a war against Russia even alone. However, any war with Russia will involve China. The US has not faced regular soldiers since WW II (the jury is still out on Korea). The US is broke, militarily overstretched and has a military manpower crisis. A newly commissioned USAF officer can reach Colonel by 40. There is also no political will for a fight. There is no political unity that would back a war of attrition against Russia-China. Further, the American fighting man in 2017 is a shadow of his former self. Worshiped by women and brainwashed by video-games, he's unlikely to be used to any enemy that knows how to fight back. If the American will sue Budweiser because it does not guarantee picking up women (cf Overton v. Anheuser-Busch (205 Mich. App. 259 (1994)), what will they do with 400,000 body-bags?
Worst of all, the desertion crisis in the US military has not been seen since the Civil War. Its up to about 60,000 cases of desertion from 2006-2014. Like a cornered, wounded animal, the US is now dangerous and irrational. FDR realized that war was the only way out the Depression. The Regime has come to the same conclusion today. Like in Ukraine, it will have to hire foreign mercenaries to do the actual fighting.
The USA is a dying nation. Its debt is the most glaring example. When future entitlements are figured in, the federal debt is over $200 trillion. The private sector is in debt by about $14 trillion. The unemployment rate according to the Census Bureau's U6 measure, is 27% and climbing. 45 million Americans are considered poor. Several million preschoolers are on anti-depressants. Pizzagate exposed a massive pedophile underground running America. What are these grunts dying for?
By bringing in millions of unassailable third worlders for cheap labor, the Regime has destroyed the nation's unity and sense of purpose. Police are refusing to make arrests due to their fear of being called "racist." More than half of US citizens depend on some kind of government handouts. With less money coming in and a war to fight, how could this continue? It would come in handy though.
Russia developed outside of western channels. She used her own resources and maintained a strong state, religious tradition and conservative outlook at the same time. Putin took a third world country and made it into the sixth most powerful world economy in a few years. This is why Russia is a threat. The prosperity of nations is found in nationalism, not dependence on Washington.