America, the land which whorships it's billionaires who want to destroy it.

in usa •  7 years ago 

epstein, weinstein... anyway... enough said about this putrid fallen land. nothing good can come from it, and only burning the swamp to hash can save it, but as the swamp is filled with billionaires, they are rather than be seen for what they are aka domestic enemies, are elevated to godlike status...

then don't tell me that america is christian... just lol. they use your naivity to make you gullible, rape, exploit, send your to arms ways, rape you and then kill you.

deny deny deny... you live there, you know better than I do... just change the roads from your gps... and see for yourself...

and if you seek stats... they are all available... and the market knows... and his move... beyond your perception manipulations attempts.

ps. your united nations under your rule will not happen. Isreal, China, Russia, Islam are opposing you, and will for a long time to come.

and when a strategy fails, doubling down as never worked, until lead to exhaustion and ez victory for the otherside...

the ground will have to burned to remove the gmos.

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