Non-Node Computers Should Run on External Drives

in usb •  8 years ago 

I'm just going to make this short and sweet, and as a disclaimer, while I do have some expertise on this subject, these opinions have no cited research.

Unless needed to uphold a Blockchain, computers should not have internal hard disks, because if they crash, the hard disk crashes too, and transferring data from one hard disk to another can be a bit of a pain in the @$$.

My solution? If we all ran our operating systems and files onto a flash drive that we can plug into any computer, we'd all be much more responsible. And I'll tell you why:

  1.  Better migration from one computer to another.
  2. We'd keep all our data to ourselves and not in the cloud.
  3. If we needed to use a guest computer, and it required you to have your own flash drive to run the OS, then you can do whatever you want without the need for restrictions on that computer to keep their OS safe.
  4. Users can choose between Linux and Windows, instead of just being exposed to Windows.

This has been done before, mind you, when the first MS-DOS computers only had floppy disks that you were required to carry and so did Macintosh computers, back in the 80s. So if we switched back to that era with a modern day twist on technology, then we would, again, be more responsible.

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