in usdd •  3 years ago 

I'm sure by now we all know what USDD is. What we all may want to know though, is whether it can be integrated into our daily blog life here on steemit.
For those who might be new to our cryptosphere, Decentralised United States Dollars (USDD) is an algorithmic stablecoin launched about 3 months ago by TronDao, the parent company of steemit.

#USDD chart courtesy of Coingecko

And why do i want it on Steemit? Don't we have our own #SBD?
To answer the why, lets take a look at the #STEEM chart below

#STEEM chart courtesy of Coingecko.

No, this price action the last 24 hour is not peculiar to #STEEM. #STEEM is simply reflecting the volatile behaviour of the entire crypto market, having dropped a mind boggling $500B the last 25 hrs. And this has been the lit of everyone in this space since the beginning, we've all surrendered helplessly to this Topsy-Turvy of a ride like its some necessary evil. Moreso on this platform where withdrawals take 7 days. But I think we have a huge opportunity here to buck the ugly trend with #USDD. Let's take it.

I don't know about you, but I'd be glad if my steemwallet can feature an algo that automatically trades #STEEM and based on my preset price points. And I like to think too that, not a few of our users here will cherish the protection against value draw downs that this smart feature will bring to our overall blogging experience.
I do hope, therefore, that we all get behind this idea, pushing it till it gets implemented.

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