Hello, come back with me today I will share a little about some things that are about the easy way of Utilizing Technology in Everyday Life.
As time passes and human activity increases, new equipment is created. These tools are an innovation from the results of experience and research conducted continuously.to facilitate us in the move.
Here are some innovations using this super gokil technology :
1. While waiting for the food to come at the dinner table, there is no harm in using bananas to watch in the smartphone.
2. Ouch, pity too ya see the cat was told like so, what is not tired?
3. Instead of listening to lessons instead watch the baseball. If caught must be wiped out.
4. For us who remotely at home often lost, wearing tennis balls like this will not disappear again.
5. The trick of cleaning home appliances cheap and efficient. Just use an electric drill and a bathroom brush. But the brush is clean yes.
6. No mixer dough, alternatively make use of electric drill with scissors. But be careful do not let the scissors drift.
7. Wash large carrots emang make tired, especially if the manual. Handling it can by using a washing machine like this.
Wash large carrots emang make tired, especially if the manual. Handling it can by using a washing machine like this.
Innovative is the invention ?. Anyone interested in trying it at home ?. You better be careful deh think twice. Can-can be damaged even complicated goods at home.
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