What is packlist?
This application will help you create a packing list (a list of items to bring to your trip), so you won't forget anything.
This application is open-source Apache 2 (sources are available on github), no add, no tracking. All data is saved on your device and never uploaded.
Github page: LINK
Crowdin page: LINK
There is two files and translated is (0%)
File playstore_description.md (56 words)
short description
deskripsi singkat
Context: This text should not be translated.
Text XPath: /p/strong .
Manage a list of items to bring with your for your incoming trip.
Buat daftar barang untuk dimasukkan ke dalam koper Anda secara semi-otomatis.
Context: Paragraph text
XPath: /p[2]
long description
deskripsi lengkap
Context: Text
XPath: /p[3]/strong
This application will help you create a packing list (a list of items to bring to your trip).
Sebuah aplikasi untuk membuat daftar barang yang tidak boleh lupa dimasukkan ke dalam koper Anda.
ontext: Paragraph text
XPath: /p[4]
This application is open-source Apache 2 (sources are available on github)., no add, no tracking. Aplikasi ini bersifat sumber-terbuka (pada github), tidak ada iklan, tidak ada pelacakan.
Context: Paragraph text
text XPath: /p[5]
our suggestions and help is welcome. Kami menerima saran dan bantuan Anda. Context: Paragraph text
2. File strings.xml (521 words)
Context: app_name
Non-translatable strings Common strings
change log
Ubah log
Context: demo_changelog_title_standarddialog
Context: about_ok
Context: title_activity_about
Screenshot: https://crowdin.com/s/wrap/73h343c3k4f3v6g3k5n5k425q4o445a5p405a506837373c3m4j4k423i443t4l4c303433345j6a6?t=37
Update failed, this is probably due to an incompatibility between an old trip and current format, try deleting and recreating this item or this trip. Pembaruan gagal, mungkin terjadi karena perbedaan versi. Coba hapus kemudian buat ulang barang atau perjalanan ini.
Context: toast_update_failed_incompatible_format
What's new
Apa yang baru
Context: action__whatsnew Menu items
Context: action__settings
Send a report
Kirim laporan
Context: action__send_logs
Context: action__about
Sort Jenis Context: action_trip__sort
Import text file Impor berkas teks Context: action_trip__import
unpack all items
bongkar semua barang
Context: action_trip__unpack_all
Sounds like a bad idea…
Ide ini tidak telalu bagus…
Context: trip_deletion_confirm__title
Old trips are used as a base of knowdlege for suggesting you items and categories, you should keep them if possible.\n\nReally delete?
Perjalanan masa lalu berfungsi sebagai basis pengetahuan untuk menyarankan barang atau kategori, Anda harus menyimpannya jika memungkinkan.\n\nYakin menghapus?
Context: trip_deletion_confirm__body
trip name
Context: new_trip__name
New trip fragment
etc. .....
Translated (100%)