Pagination with PHP OOP system #2 Create the previous page, Create the next page, Active class in PHP

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)


What Will I Learn?

  • Create the previous page function
  • Create the next page function
  • Create active class in PHP


  • Basic HTML
  • Basic OOP
  • Localhost (xampp, wampp, or etc)
  • PHP >= 5.6
  • Follow the previous tutorial


  • Intermediate

Tutorial Contents

This tutorial will be easier than the previous tutorial . in this tutorial we will make the user experience better and will set the pagination number more interactive.

Create function prev_page ()

We will create a <a> << </a> tag which when clicked will call the prev_page () function we will create in the pagination class{} in the pagination.php file. in the prev_page () function we will create a ternary operator.

public function prev_page(){
            return ($this->current_page() > 1) ? $this->current_page() : 1;
  • The idea is we will test whether $this-> current_page () is greater(>) than 1.
  • If result is true then we will return value from $this-> current_page ().
  • If result false then we will return 1. because we do not want to return a value of 0.Because the minimum page is 1. and then we return the result.
  • $this->current_page() is the value we get from the function we have created in the previous tutorial . the following is a function of current_page ()
public function current_page(){
            return isset($_GET['page']) ? (int)$_GET['page'] :1;
  • This function gets its value from query paramater ?page =pageNumber

  • Use function
    Now we can use the function in the <a> tag.


<a href="?page=<? echo $pagination->prev_page()?>"> << </a>
        <? for($=i; $i<=$pages; $i++): ?>
            <a href="?page=<? echo $i;?>"><? echo $i;</a>
        <? endfor; ?>
<a href="?page=<? echo $pagination->next_page()?>"> >> </a>
  • We can use the prev_page () function by accessing$pagination-> prev_page (). Because prev_page() is a function that belongs to the pagination class {}.

  • The Result


Create function next_page ()

We will create a <a> >> </a> tag which when clicked will call the next_page () function we will create in the pagination class{} in the pagination.php file. in the next_page () function we will create a ternary operator.


public function next_page(){
    return ($this->current_page() < $this->get_pagination_number()) ? $this >current_page()+1 : $this->get_pagination_number();
  • The idea is we will compare whether the current_page $this->current_page()is smaller(<) than $this->get_pagination_number() the total number of existing pages.
  • If result is true then we will return value from $this-> current_page () + 1.
  • if result false then we will return the value of $this->get_pagination_number(). Because the maximum value of the page is in the $this->get_pagination_number() function.
  • $this->get_pagination_number() is the value we get from the function we have created in the previous tutorial . the following is a function of get_pagination_number()
public function get_pagination_number(){
    return ceil($this->total_records / $this->limit);
  • Use function
    Now we can use the function in the <a> tag.


<a href="?page=<? echo $pagination->prev_page()?>"> << </a>
        <? for($=i; $i<=$pages; $i++): ?>
            <a href="?page=<? echo $i;?>"><? echo $i;</a>
        <? endfor; ?>
<a href="?page=<? echo $pagination->next_page()?>"> >> </a>
  • We can use the next_page() function by accessing$pagination-> next_page(). Because next_page() is a function that belongs to the pagination class {}.

  • The Result

Create active class is_active_page()

Before creating the active class function with PHP. We need to pass the parameters to get the page being clicked.

<a href="?page=<? echo $pagination->prev_page()?>"> << </a>
        <? for($=i; $i<=$pages; $i++): ?>
            <a class="<? echo $pagination->is_active_class($i) ?>" href="?page=<? echo $i;?>"><? echo $i;</a>
        <? endfor; ?>
    <a href="?page=<? echo $pagination->next_page()?>"> >> </a>
  • We can get the page number through $i, the loop result from $pages = $pagination->get_pagination_numbers ();.

  • is_active_class()
    We have used the is_active_class () function and passed a parameter as a reference page that is being clicked. Now we can make the function in pagination.php. in the is_active_class() function we will create a ternary operator.


public function is_active_class($page){
            return ($page == $this->current_page()) ? 'active' : '';
  • The idea is that we will compare whether the current parameter $pageand current page $this->current_page()values ​ have the same(==) value.
  • If result is true then we will return value 'active'. 'active' is the class name that we will create in CSS.
  • If result is false then we will return value ' '. it's mean empty class in CSS.
  • Then we can add the .active class in the CSS section with the following simple style:
<style type="text/css">
            background: rgb(23, 169, 201);
            color: white;

  • The Result

We've managed to create a better user interface than ever before users can also interact with page numbers. in the next section we will create a search system on pagination. thank you for following. hopefully useful for you.


Basic OOP, Fetch Data with PDO database

Proof of Work Done

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  • There are several tutorials on the internet with this subject. Such as this one Link.
  • Try to come up with new and more innovative/useful ways to utilize PHP OOP system.

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