New Logo Desain For GPSTest - Open Source App

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)

GpsTest Preview.jpg


I exploring google playstore , and i found good open source app , its app is GPSTest, GPSTest displays real-time information for satellites in view of your device. A vital open-source test tool for platform engineers, developers, and power users, GPS Test can also assist users in understanding why their GPS/GNSS is or isn't working.

Bio Source

many people who commented well for gps test therefore I chose to try to make a better logo from the original logo, original logo on GPSTest is still low resolution, I try to design high resolution logo so as not to blurry when seen by user.

It supports the following satellite systems

GPS (USA Navstar)

GLONASS (Russia)

QZSS (Japan)

BeiDou/COMPASS (China)

Galileo (European Union)

Original Logo

logo Asli.jpg

Proposal Logo

Logo Proposal.jpg

Color Variations


Color Code

  1. #d50000
  2. #0d47a1
  3. #6ec817
  4. #29b6f6
  5. #8e24aa

In this design i chooce red color , why ? Because by using color red, this logo looks elegant and very nice too see.


512 px


215 px


144 px


Font Used

In this Post i used font Source Sans Pro Black font , you can download Here

Benefits / Improvements

Hello Everyone, in this contribution I designed the GPSTest logoby using Ellipse Tool and Rectangle Tool, Gear in logo original use for fix something , and i added a pointer to make it easier for users to see where the next direction.

I hope deloveloper of GPSTest App, Consider the logo I designed to replace the old logo.


I design use Adobe Photoshop CC 2015

B/W Version


Proof of Work





Google Drive



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  • Dont use informal language "Hello Brother"... what about the sisters?
  • Please remove the smallest part of the logo as it doesnt work in small size.

im sorry mod :D , the next i not use hello Brother :D ,
wait , i will fix it

ok @andrejcibik you can check it now in my google drive, I've removed the smallest part of the logo, thanks :)
( GPStest Repair ).

Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.

  • update the logo in your presentation and all source files

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ok brather , thank you :)

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