BUG: "Error getting version!401 unauthorized"

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)

Expected behavior

Try using the Map feature to get the transmitter displayed on the map, with a simulated coverage area. And get the problem in it, which is "Error getting version! 401 unauthorized"

Actual behavior

Information about "Error getting version! 401 unauthorized" continues to appear, even though I have uninstalled the app, then reinstalled it. Then I accessed the Map feature again, and the same problem still happens, that is information about "Error getting version! 401 unauthorized".

How to reproduce

Install the latest version of DAPNET apps, then open and run this app. Then click on the shortcut option, then you will find some menu options, then click and open the Folder feature. Then you will find the problem as I have explained, the information "Error getting version! 401 unauthorized".

  • Browser: Samsung Galaxy S6 edge
  • Operating system: Nougat 7.0
  • App version: 1.0.16

Recording Of The Bug


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This contribution cannot be accepted as I believe this feature is for signed in users only, I have formed this opinion from researching on their website and basis of the error. The map should show transmitters and because you don't have an account I don't believe this can be shown. I don't believe an issue has occurred and the feature would work as expected if a user was to sign in.

Due to the reasons mentioned above I don't believe an issue has occured and this particular contribution cannot be accepted.

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