The history of the nation's journey, a missing link of history books in schools and beginning to be forgotten, and forced to be forgotten. Aceh in the course of the history of this beloved Republic has given so great a sacrifice and has shown great loyalty, nationalism and patriotism towards the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
Therefore, the history of Aceh Hero is worth to be immortalized in order to be learned by future generations. With the development of 3D Animated film making, the history of Aceh Hero can be presented in the form of 3D animated video or movie which will certainly make people more interested to know it.
Therefore the author chose the title of 3D Animation Creation Teungku Daud Beureueh Story. This 3D animation will try to be created using the Blender application.
Formulation of the problem
Based on the above background then the problem can be formulated:
a. How to design and create 3D animation The Teungku Daud Bereueh Story?
b. How to make lip movements match the sound when the characters in the animated movie talk?
Scope of problem
To be more focused, the writing of this task is limited with the following points:
a) Design and create 3D animation The Teungku Daud Bereueh Story.
b) Presenting a dialogue between President Soekarno and Teungku Daud Bereueh.
c) The animation is ± 7 minutes long.
Research purposes
The purpose of this research is to learn more about how to model character / object, how to give textur, how to rigging characters, and also how to do rendering. Then the author's purpose took the title of Teungku Daud Bereueh's story to convey to the persistence community teungku Daud
Benefits of research
The benefit of this final project is 3D Animation "The Teungku story of Muhammad Daud Bereueh" is expected to be useful for the community to be more familiar with the figure of Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh and can take the example of his struggle.
Making 3D animation "Teungku Muhammad Daud Bereueh" can add writer's knowledge in the field of history and also animation, such as object modeling, textur on object, and so on.
Making 3D animation "The Teungku story of Muhammad Daud Bereueh" can provide information for other researchers / prospective researchers as reference materials that can be developed again the development of further concepts and materials and can complete references to academic literature.
Road Map Research
From several journals that become the author's reference to complete this task ahir. The author can summarize the essence of the journal entitled "Making 3D Animation Movie Three Dwarves Guard Forest" by Ahmad Muamar Saleh, Melwin Syafrizal. (2013), in his research the author tries to introduce software Blender 3D license free animation maker. To further support the presence of animation in Indonesia, the author tries to make a simple animated work titled "Tiga Dwarf" using Blender software.
In 2011 Yunita Syahfitri STMIK University student Triguna Dharma has completed the final project entitled "Animation Film Techniques In Computer World". in his research the authors explain the development of the multimedia world is very fast and generate a lot
inspiration for designers to develop themselves in order to face the tough competition in their world. One area that has media competition among designers is
animation production.
In 2014 Hayatun Fitri Lhokseumawe State Poly Engineering student completed the final project entitled "The Making of King Jeumpa Kingdom Animation Movie Using Linear Interpolation Method". In this final project the kingdom animation film King Jeumpa is one type of animation character in the form of 3D which aims to tell the story.
In 2013 Juntonchoniv and Yudi Windarto, students of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science of the Department of Informatics of Krida Wacana-Jakarta Christian University have completed the final project entitled, "The Making of 3D Animated The Folklore of The Legend Of Toba Like". In his research the author explains the moral and cultural values of the nation into something that can be incorporated into the animated film.
In 2015 Muhammad Z. Buchari, et al student of Ratulangi University University, has completed the final project entitled, "Design 3D 3D Video Design For Motor Vehicle Test Mechanism at Transportation Department. Culture, Tourism, Communication And Information "in his research the author explains in the making of 3D animation process begins by determining ideas and themes, interviews, collect data to design storyboard. After that do the process of modeling, texturing, rigging, animating camera operation to the rendering stage by using the application blender and makehuman to then become the scene pieces of 3 Dimensional animated video.
In the year 2016 Muhammad Ilham student State Islamic University, Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. has completed the Thesis entitled "The Role of Teungku Muhammad Daud Bereueh In the rebellion in Aceh in 1953-1962". The beginning of independence in Aceh in 1953-1962 was the beginning of a bloody outbreak led by Teungku Daud Brereueh in establishing the Shari'a of Islam in Aceh. The struggle that is considered a rebellion arises from the disappointment of the Acehnese people against the central government as a result of the false promises made by Sukarno who served as President at that time never materialized.
While in this final project the author make 3D animation "The story of Teungku Daud Bereueh", where the application will be used is Blender 2.7, research aims to convey to the community the story of Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh the hero as well as the charismatic ulama of Aceh who struggle to build Aceh with Islamic Sharia law .
Writing system
To facilitate the elaboration of problems encountered, the writing of this final project proposal is divided into several chapters, namely:
In this chapter discusses the background, problem formulation, objectives, problem limits, research benefits, and road map research.
Describe the theoretical basis used as the supporting theory of this final project.
Discuss the description of system design methods.
Discusses the results and implementation of the system designed in Chapter III and the results of application discussions.
Describe the conclusions of the results and analysis in chapter IV, as well as the suggestions needed for further refinement.
The Story of Teungku Muhammad Daud Bereueh
Teungku M. Daud Beureueh was born on 15 September 1899 in a village called "Beureueh", Keumangan area, Aceh Pidie district. Beureueh village is a hometown of Islamic heroics, just like Tiro's village. His father was an influential cleric in his village and got a title from the local community as "Imeuem (imam) Beureueh". Teungku Daud Beureueh grew and grew up in a very strict religious environment. He grew up in a formative age loaded with Islamic values in which almost every sundown of Hikayat Sabil War was echoed in every meunasah (kampung kampung). He also entered adulthood in the shadow of his father's keenamaan keulamaan inspired his later life steps.
His parents gave the name of Muhammad Daud (two names of the Prophet given by the book of the Qur'an and Zabur). From this naming is already visible, what his parents really want is when big then he can replace his position as a cleric and mujahid ready to defend Islam. Therefore, during his school years, his father did not include him to an official Dutch-made institution such as Volkschool, Goverment Indlandsche School, or HIS. But more entrust to educational institutions that have long been built when the Islamic kingdom once semodel dayah / zawiyah. Which animates his father is a very strong anti-Dutch / colonial spirit. Especially when it was still in a war situation where the echoes of Sabil War Hikayat still loud in the ears of the people of Aceh.
Although not getting Dutch education, but with the intelligence and speed of thinking, he was able to absorb all the knowledge given to him, including the Dutch language. His habit of consuming fish, which is a habit of the people of Aceh, has made it a quick-learner (able to learn fast).
This extraordinary ability, largely because he felt that studying is mandatory. So learning about everything, perceived almost the same as "establishing prayer". At a very young age, 15 years, he has mastered the sciences of Islam in depth and practiced it consistently. Soon he became the great orator, "the lion of the podium." He achieved widespread popularity as one of the scholars in Aceh. Therefore, he got the title of "Teungku in Beureueh" which then people do not often mention his real name, but the name of his village only. The fame of a figure in Aceh is always attached to his village charisma. Kampung is a political entity whose influence is characterized by resistance figures. From this fact, a person born of a resistant entity, will never stop fighting before the goal is reached. Although the opponent uses all the power and effort to silence the resistance. (source: M.nur El-Ibrahimy 1982)
Multimedia, viewed from the language, consists of 2 words, namely multi and media. Multi has many or more meaning than one. While the media is the plural of the medium, also interpreted as a suggestion, container, or tool. The term multimedia itself can be interpreted as the transmission of data and the manipulation of all forms of information, whether in the form of words, pictures, video, music, numbers, or handwriting where in the computer world, the form of information is processed from and in the form of digital data. (Source: Darma., Jarot S., Ananda S., 2009. Smart Book of Multimedia, Mediakita Jakarta).
Multimedia is a combination of computers and video, or multimedia in general is a combination of three elements, namely: sound, image, and text On the other hand, multimedia is a combination of at least two input media or output of data, where the media can be audio , animation, video, text, graphics, and images, or multimedia is a tool that creates dynamic, interactive presentations that translate text, graphics, animations, audio, and images, video.
Understanding 3D Animation
Understanding Animation According to Ibiz Fernandes in his book Macromedia Flash Animation & Cartooning: A creative Guide, the animation defines as follows: "Ibiz Fernandez McGraw- Hill / Osborn, California, 2002). The meaning is: "Animation is a process of recording and playing back a series of static images to get an illusion of movement." Based on the literal meaning, Animation is animate. That is the effort to move something that can not move alone
The most widely recognized type of animation is 2D and 3D visual animation. The difference between 2D and 3D visual animation is seen from the point of view. 2D animations use x and y coordinates, whereas visual 3D animations use x, y and z coordinates that allow us to see the object's viewpoint more clearly.
Animation character is a technique of drawing and processing of characters either in the form of 2 dimensions or 3 dimensions so that the role / character is made as if life and is like a living thing. To make the characters appear as if they are alive, some animations are required that match the nature and characteristics of the living creature. In order for the animated characters look more real then 3D modeling is required (Hamidah Nur Hidayati, 2014).
3D modeling process requires design that is divided by several stages for its formation, namely:
a. Motion Capture / 2D Models
b. Basic 3D Modeling Method
c. Rendering process
d. Texturing
e. Image and Display
Software Blender is a free multifunctional 3D software Modeling, Animation, Video Edit, Compositing even Game. Blender is used professional animator, graphic designer, architect, interior designer, product designer, video editor / effects, game programmer etc. Its popularity in Indonesia has already beaten its senior 3D Studio Max and Maya. (Source: Blender Army Indonesia).
In this research methodology, will be discussed in detail about what should be used to form 3D animation story Teungku Muhammad Daud Bereueh.
Method of collecting data
Data collection methods used in this study are as follows:
a. Collecting data by collecting journals, papers and readings relating to research titles and online resources on the Internet that can be trusted.
b. Observation Data collection with direct research and review of quadratic Spline methods in existing similar animations and reviews already performed.
System Requirement Analysis
In designing animation The Teungku Story Muhammad Daud Beureueh needs to consider the needs in terms of tools and research materials. Research tools include hardware (hardware) and software (Software).
a. Hardware (Hardware)
The hardware used for the process of making this animation is as follows:
ASUS Laptop
Intel i3-4030U Processor
500GB hard drive
2GB of RAM
b. Software (Software)
The software required for the creation of this animation is as follows:
Blender Application 2.7
The MakeHuman app
Data collection
In the research required supporting data obtained with a method of collecting relevant data. Data collection methods used for research are as follows: Literature Studies In this method, data collection is also done by studying supporting books, including about writing and about things that support the making of animation. Apart from books, the required data also comes from other sources, such as the internet.
Design Method
Selects 3D models for animation modeling Teungku Daud Bereueh. At this stage the selection of 3D models will be used as objects.
a. Block Diagram of Research
The general design for the animation "The Story of Teungku Daud Bereueh" can be seen in Figure 1 below:
Picture 2. General Draft for Making Animation "The Teungku Daud Bereueh Story".
b. Animation design
story idea
The story idea is an element of the story, The Teungku story of Muhammad Daud Beureueh and the characterization in this animated video The Teungku story of Muhammad Daud Beureueh will be included as part of the story. Based on the objectives to be achieved, the authors determine some aspects of the story as follows:
(1) Telling the main character as a Charismatic Hero of Aceh.
(2) Describe the struggle of the people of Aceh during the Dutch colonial period.
The author determines the number of characters in the story to four people, as for the characters to be made are:
(1) Teungku Daud Bereueh
Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh is the main character of the animated film, he is the Aceh Charismatic Hero who leads the Aceh forces fight against the dutch
(2) President Soekarno
First President of Indonesia who visited Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh directly to ask Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh to help fight against the Dutch.
(3) The Dutch Army
The author will also create some characters of the Dutch Army who colonized Indonesia.
(4) Community Leaders
The author will make some public figures who fought against the Dutch.
Synopsis / Manuscript
Synopsis is a picture of the whole rough story of the movie story. In this animation the author makes about the story of Teungku's struggle Muhammad Daud Beureueh in the fight against the Dutch.
The synopsis / script of the animation "The Story of Teungku Daud Bereueh" is as follows:
Scene 01: Opening animation.
Displaying Posts: Presenting 3D Animation "The Story of Teungku Daud Bereueh".
Scene 02: Showing Biography Teungku Daud Bereueh
Audio: Narration says "Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh originally named Muhammad Daud he was born on September 17, 1899 in a village called" Beureueh ", Bereunun area, Aceh Pidie district, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Teungku Muhammad Daud Bereueh is a popular controversial figure among the people of Aceh, in his struggle to establish and wage idlam banners in Aceh due to his sense of discontent against the Soekarno government.
Scene 03: Dutch entry into Indonesia
Audio: Narrative Says "In an attempt to colonize Indonesia, the Netherlands broadcast news through the newspaper, radio that his arrival is not to colonize Indonesia but to safeguard the security caused by World War II".
Scene 04: The Dutch begin to colonize Indonesia
Audio: Narrative Says "In addition through propaganda the Dutch also conducted armed military aggression that occurred in 1947-1948. As a result of the attack almost the entire territory of Indonesia can be conquered. The only area that the Dutch can not yet master is Aceh. Several times the Dutch attacked the area of Aceh but always failed, both by land, sea air mauput. Aceh managed to defend the sovereignty of independence of the Republic of Indonesia.
Scene 05: President Soekarno comes to Aceh to meet Teungku Daud Bereueh
Scene 06: President Soekarno Dialogue with Teungku Daud Bereueh
Scene 07: Teungku Muhammad Daud Bereueh invites the Acehnese to join the war against the Dutch.
Scene 08: Aceh troops led by Teungku Muhammad Daud Bereueh fought against the Dutch.
Scene 09:
Storyboard Is the storyline of an animation that comes from an idea / idea. Storyboard is a series of sketches, rectangular, drawing a sequence of proposed elements for multimedia applications.
Storyboard incorporates narrative and visual aids on a piece of paper so that the script and visuals become coordinated. storyboards can be interpreted as a planning tool that describes the sequence of events collected in a simple drawing drawings
The storyboard for animated story Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh can be seen in the following scenes:
No Scene Synopsis / Script
1 Opening: Displaying a picture of Teungku Daud Bereueh
2 Background: Displays the image of Sultan Iskandar Stani
3 Background: some scholars of wujudiah who disagree with the Queen become the leader
4 Ulama Nurudin al-Raniry mediated the chaos by rejecting the arguments of the wujudiah.
5 Background: Kingdom
Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh was sworn in as Sultanah
6 Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh invites the clergy to help him
7 The scholars are willing to help the Queen.
8 Showing schools
9 Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh studied with other women.
10 Displaying pictures of Teungku Daud Bereueh
The End
The modeling process is the stage for the creation of characters and objects to be created in the animation "The Teungku Daud Bereueh Story".
Texturing process is the stage of giving texture and color on the objects and characters contained in the animation "The Story of Teungku Daud Bereueh".
Rigging process is the stage of bone to control each object that will be moved later in the process of animation.
Animation is the stage of movement of each created object. The movement of the objects is adjusted to the synopsis and storyboard that has been made.
Rendering is the stage of creating an image of an object that has been created by calculating each property of the object.
The schedule of the proposed research activities for 7 (seven) months, starting from November 2016 until May 2017.
No Activities Nov
2016 Dec
2016 Jan
2017 Feb
2017 Mar
2017 Apr
2017 May
1 Preparation of Seminar Proposal
2 Infrastructure Preparation
3 Data Collection
4 System Design and Creation
5 Testing Equipment
6 Data Analysis
7 Preparation of Reports and Sessions
8 Revisions And Final Report Volume
Blender Army Indonesia, available at: http://www.blenderindonesia.org
(Retrieved 22 November 2016)
Buchari, Muhammad Z. 2015. Design of 3D Animated Video for Motor Vehicle Test Mechanism at the Department of Transportation, Culture, Tourism, Communication and Information. E-journal Informatics Engineering, volume 6, No.1. (Retrieved 20 November 2016 at 20.00 pm).
Darma. Jarot S, and Ananda S. 2009. Smart Books Mastering Multimedia. Jakarta: Mediakita.
Ibiz Fernandes. 2002. Definition of Animation "Macromedia Flash Animation & Cartooning: A creative Guide", McGraw-Hill / Osborn, California.
Ibrahimy, El M.nur. 1982. Tgk.M.Daud Bereueh. His role in the upheaval in Aceh. jakarta: PT Gunung Agung.
Jostonchoniv, and Windarto. Yudhi. 2013. The Making of 3D Animation Film Folk Story "The Legend Of Toba Like". Journal of Engineering Science And Computers Vol 02 no. 06. (Retrieved 20th of November 2016)
Nugraha, Aria. 2014. Procedures for Writing References from the True Journal. Indonesian Journal, 4 (3): 12-17. (Retrieved 22 December 2016 at 15.20 wib.)
Toar, Rio. V, and Brave A. Sugiarso. 2015. Planning Short Film Based 3d Animation On Legend Toar Lumimuut, e-Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. ISSN: 2301-8402 (accessed on 20 november 2016)
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