Tutorial Intermediate - How To Create A 3-Dimensional Object (Cube)

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)

What Will I Learn?

  • You will learn how to create 3-dimensional objects
  • You will learn the basic object of 3 dimensions
  • You will learn C ++ programming language


  • You need high confidence
  • You need basic about C ++ programming language
  • You need the ability to create an object
  • You need a basic 3D object


  • Intermediate

Tutorial Contents

Well on this day I will give a tutorial how to make a 3-dimensional object using visual studio application Download Here Because this application facilitate in writing syntax which can be said long enough, as yng we know together that 3 dimensional object is an object of result of 2 dimension improvement and Object3 -D is a set of 3D dots (x, y, z) that make up the faces combined into a single unit. Face is a combination of dots that form a certain area or often called by side, if you want to create a 3-dimensional object you can follow the following steps:

  • You can write the syntax below on the screen that has been created on the microsoft visual page and every syntax is explained in this tutorial:

You have to create a function contained in syntax include Is a header that is declared as the standard input output operation used in C ++.

#include <stdio.h>

Is graphical programming using OpenGL-GLUT requires glut header. h in the c: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio \ VC98 \ bin \ GL folder

#include <GL/glut.h>

to perform mathematical calculations

#include <math.h>

The command to implement 3D transformation in the program is 3D Data Matrix structure.

typedef struct {
float m[4][4];
} matrix3D_t;

is a command to generate the program code to generate an image each time a userdraw is called.

void userdraw(void);

The command to implement the 3D transformation in the program is a Vector Data structure.

typedef struct {
float v[4];
} vector3D_t;

The command to implement the 3D transformation in the program is a Data Point structure

typedef struct{
float x,y,z;
} point3D_t;

Command as Color Data Structure to color the object

typedef struct {
float r,g,b;
} color_t;

command functions for matrix processing.

matrix3D_t createIdentity(void)
{ matrix3D_t u;
int i,j;
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
for(j=0; j<4; j++) u.m[i][j]=0.;
return u; }

The command serves to perform cross product (croos product).

matrix3D_t operator * (matrix3D_t a,matrix3D_t b)
matrix3D_t c;
int i,j,k;
for (i=0;i<4;i++) for (j=0;j<4;j++) {
for (k=0;k<4;k++) c.m[i][j]+=a.m[i][k]*b.m[k][j];
return c;

The command serves to create a rotational effect (rotating)

matrix3D_t rotationXMTX(float theta)
matrix3D_t rotate=createIdentity();
float cs=cos(theta);
float sn=sin(theta);
rotate.m[1][1]=cs; rotate.m[1][2]=-sn;
rotate.m[2][1]=sn; rotate.m[2][2]=cs;
return rotate;

The command works to create a scaling effect.

matrix3D_t scalingMTX(float factorx, float factory, float factorz)
matrix3D_t scale=createIdentity();
scale.m[0][0] =factorx;
scale.m[1][1] =factory;
scale.m[2][2] =factorz;
return scale;

The command serves to implement the 2D vector conversion into a 3D point

point3D_t Vector2Point3D(vector3D_t vec)
point3D_t pnt;
return pnt;

The command works for the implementation of 3D dot conversion into 3D vector.

vector3D_t Point2Vector(point3D_t pnt)
{ vector3D_t vec;
return vec; }

The command serves for croos product of the vertices a = (ax, ay, az) and b = (bx, by, bz) cross-product implementations.

float operator * (vector3D_t a, vector3D_t b)
float c;
int i;
for(i=0; i<3; i++){
return c; }
vector3D_t operator^(vector3D_t a, vector3D_t b)
vector3D_t c;
return c;

The command works to give color

void setColor(float red, float green, float blue)
{ glColor3f(red, green, blue);

Commands to create lines.

void drawLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
{ glBegin(GL_LINES);
glEnd(); }

Commands to create lines.

void drawLine (point2D_t p1, point2D_t p2)
{drawLine (p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y);

The command serves to draw a line.

void drawPolyline (point2D_t pnt [], int n)
{int i;
glBegin (GL_LINE_STRIP);
for (i = 0; i <n; i ++) {
glVertex2f (pnt [i] .x, pnt [i] .y);
glEnd (); }

The command works to draw lines with closed curves.

void drawPolygon (point2D_t pnt [], int n)
{int i;
glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
for (i = 0; i <n; i ++) {
glVertex2f (pnt [i] .x, pnt [i] .y); }
glEnd (); }

The command works to color the polygon area with one color.

void fillPolygon (point2D_t pnt [], int n, color_t color)
{int i;
setColor (color);
glBegin (GL_POLYGON);
for (i = 0; i <n; i ++) {
glVertex2f (pnt [i] .x, pnt [i] .y);
glEnd (); }

The command works to produce gradient effects when used to colorize polygons.

void gradatePolygon (point2D_t pnt [], color_t col [], int num)
{int i;
glBegin (GL_POLYGON);
for (i = 0; i <num; i ++) {
setColor (col [i]);
glVertex2f (pnt [i] .x, pnt [i] .y);
glEnd (); }

The command to make a line on the X axis.

void drawcharX (float x, float y)
{drawLine (x, y, x + 10, y + 12);
drawLine (x, y + 12, x + 10, y);

The command to make a line on the Y axis.

void drawcharY (float x, float y)
{drawLine (x + 5, y, x + 5, y + 7);
drawLine (x, y + 12, x + 5, y + 7);
drawLine (x + 10, y + 12, x + 5, y + 7); }

The command to make a line on the Z axis.

void drawcharZ (float x, float y)
{drawLine (x, y + 12, x + 10, y + 12);
drawLine (x + 10, y + 12, x, y);
drawLine (x, y, x + 10, y);

The command serves to create a line on the X, Y and Z axes.

void drawAxes (matrix3D_t view)
#define HALFAXIS 220
point3D_t axes [14] = {
{-HALFAXIS, 0,0}, {HALFAXIS, 0,0}, {HALFAXIS1,5,0},
{HALFAXIS1,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0, -HALFAXIS, 0},
{0, HALFAXIS, 0}, {0, HALFAXIS1,5}, {0, HALFAXIS1.0}, {0,0,0},
{0,0, -HALFAXIS}, {0,0, HALFAXIS}, {5.0, HALFAXIS1}, {0,0, HALFAXIS1}};
vector3D_t vec [14];
point2D_t buff [14];
int i;
for (i = 0; i <14; i ++) {
vec [i] = Point2Vector (axes [i]);
vec [i] = view * vec [i];
buff [i] = Vector2Point2D (vec [i]);
drawPolyline (buff, 14);
drawcharX (buff [1] .x, buff [1] .y);
drawcharY (buff [6] .x, buff [6] .y);
drawcharZ (buff [11] .x-14, buff [11] .y); }

The command serves to declare a point on a face, and declares the number of points used to create the face, with a maximum of 32 dots.

typedef struct {
int NumberofVertices;
short int pnt [32];
} face_t;

The command serves to map the number of dots that make up an object. states the points that make up the face, with a maximum of 100 dots. mapping the number of faces that make up the object and declaring the faces that make up the object.

typedef struct {
int NumberofVertices;
point3D_t pnt [100];
int NumberofFaces;
face_t fc [32];
} object3D_t;

  • And after you write all the syntax above you will get a 3-dimensional object like the picture below:

  • All Syntax In My Google Drive

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