Error in uploading picture after snapping.

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)

Expected behavior

The expected output was to be able to upload my taken picture when replying to a post.

Actual behavior

After taking a picture, there isn't any way to upload it to the app. it gave an error message disallowing the image to be uploaded.

How to reproduce

1. Download TUSKY from google play store.

2. launch it and signup before loging in. The signup is below the sign in button.

3.After signing up, , verify your email in the used email Address .

4. If you verify through PC, make sure you log in through android phone and not TUSKY WEB.

5. Login with your details and when you get to where you are asked WHAT INSTANCE, Type ( don't include the brackets.Then press login with mastodon.

6. click on Authorised on the next page you are taken to

7. once access is gained to the home page of the app, click the reply icon in form of an arrow to the left on any post.

8. click the attachment icon by the extreme left

9. click on TAKE PICTURE from the two options given

10. choose a camera and take a picture

  • app version: 1.7.0
  • Operating system: Android 6.0 Techno phone

Recording Of The Bug

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The video you provided is unavailable, you could edit the post and add another video link to be eligible for a review.

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Thanks @fego.. its now available.

It is not available. I think your account maybe violating some YouTube rules.

@fego please i will check again....Thanks for your patience.

Thanks @fego... i placed the video on private initially thats why it wasnt available...sorry about that. ive edited it and its now on public.....its now available...Thanks for your time.

Unfortunately, this contribution cannot be approved.

The bug could not be reproduced, the attachment feature works as is expected. Opting to comment with a photo captured by the camera works perfectly. I believe the issue you are reporting originates from your camera app, you should try a different app.

We tested the bug using is android is versions 5.1 and 6.0, and it could not be reproduced.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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thanks @fego.